Monday, 25 August 2014

9 Top Natural Treatments For Kidney

One of the most dreaded diseases is kidney failure. Nothing much can be done, even when it is imminent.Transplant or dialysis is usually part of the mainstream treatment. However, they are very taxing and expensive for the patient. The kidneys are detoxified through the process of kidney cleansing.
Stones that exist in the kidney can be dissolved in this manner and it also flushes out the toxic waste. However, people should remember that some serious health complications can arise if kidney cleansing is done before cleansing of the digestive system and liver. There are some other problems of the kidney that may occur too and here are some remedies for the same-

Natural Treatments For Kidney


Watermelon cleanse can be tried out by people. Cut several pieces of some big watermelons. Now sit in the bathtub after filling it with water. While sitting in the bathtub, eat your watermelon.
The urine should be passed out into the water. The kidney stones can be dissolved in this way. This method should not be followed by people suffering from diabetes.


Take one a half quarts of distilled water and add a cup of parsley and celery seeds to it. For fifteen minutes, allow this mixture to boil and let it simmer for a further 10 minutes.
Strain this mixture after it has cooled down. When people are fasting, they should drink this mixture about four to five times every day.

Carrot Seeds 

The kidney can be cleansed with another method that’s called the carrot kidney cleansing. Boil one cup of water. The boiling water should be added with one tablespoon of carrot seeds and allowed to steep overnight.
This mixture should be boiled again for three minutes the next morning and then left to cool. Then the solution should be filtered. Two tablespoons of this solution should be taken thrice a day.


The kidneys can also be effectively cleaned with onion cleansing. Some onions should be cut and half of a bottle should be filled with them. Use vodka for filling the remaining space that’s left in the bottle.
For ten days, this solution should be kept in a warm place after which it has to be filtered. One or two tablespoons of this solution should be taken twice every day before taking any meals.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil 

Various kidney diseases that include the problem of kidney stone can be treated with the help of extra virgin olive oil as it’s very effective.
Take 2 to 3 ounces of water and mix it with lemon juice and one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. Combined with lemon juice, the soothing ability of extra virgin olive oil will work wonders. Take this solution every day.

Herbal Teas 

Kidney infection can be cured with a wide variety of herbal teas. A kidney infection can be effectively treated with different herbal teas including centaury tea, gravel root tea, green tea, parsley root and leaf tea, marshmallow tea, corn silk tea, blueberry tea, goldenrod tea, stinging nettle tea and dandelion tea.For getting the desired result in regard to kidney infection, any of these teas can be taken twice daily.

Citrus Juices 

It is also useful to prevent kidney infection by drinking citrus soda. Bladder infections are often associated with kidney infection.
It is also useful to opt for pure cranberry juice or cranberry extract. However, in certain cases, the condition can be aggravated by cranberry. Another good preventative measure includes drinking apple cider vinegar.


Drink water as much as possible. Kidney stones can be eliminated and avoided by increasing the fluid intake. Six to eight ounces of water should be taken on a daily basis.
Nonalcoholic and caffeine free beverages can also be used along with water. However, a high concentration of oxalates can occur in the urine by drinking too much decaffeinated tea.


Blood flow to the kidney can be stimulated with Asanas such as Uttanpadasana. Possibility of kidney infection can be reduced and function of kidney can be improved by Yogasana. This involves various ways of contracting, twisting and stretching the spine that massages the kidneys naturally.
Perfect balance can also be achieved between the Parasympathetic nervous system and Sympathetic nervous system with the help of meditation and ancient breathing technique called Pranayama. This can eliminate stress completely by increasing the anti-stress hormone and includes exercises like Bhramari, Nadi Suddhi Pranayama (Anuloma- Viloma) and meditation.
A lot of toxic elements can also be expelled via breathing with different Suddhi Kriyas such as Kapalbhati. This purifies the cells and also the blood and can thus lessen the workload of the kidneys and help them in performing.

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