Monday, 25 August 2014

6 Home Remedies For Kidney Infection

Kidney infection, medically known as pyelonephritis is one of the common infections affecting females of all ages. Women are more prone to kidney infection because the urethra (a tube that connects urinary bladderto the genitals for passing fluids) is much shorter in females than men. The infection causing bacteria enter through the urethra, cross the bladder and travel up to the kidneys..
As the symptoms of kidney infection starts showing up very quickly, you need to find a solution at the earliest because an untreated kidney infection can be dangerous and may lead to severe complexities. However, the good thing is that there are several natural home remedies which can help you in treating and preventing the infection before it worsens.

Effective Home Remedies To Cure Kidney Infection


Nothing can replace water when it comes to treating kidney related infections. Best way is to drink gallons of water when you start noticing the symptoms. Lack of water may result in painful and burning sensation during urination. Intake of large amounts of fluids and water stimulates frequent urination thereby flushing out bacteria and toxins off the kidneys. Drinking water not only helps in maintaining the normal functioning of kidneys but also prevents further kidney disorders.


One of the effective home remedies to cure kidney infection is garlic. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and consuming it raw can benefit hugely in pyelonephritis. Garlic in cooked form may lose lots of Allicin present in it. So, to obtain maximum results eat five to six raw garlic cloves a day. In order to ensure complete cure from the infection continue this regime for a week and you will see your kidneys functioning absolutely well.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera, the magical plant is the solution for many diseases and disorders, so is for kidney infection. For effective results extract fresh aloe vera juice, mix with water and have every morning. The antibacterial and detoxifying property present in aloe vera fights and flushes out the bacteria and other toxins from the kidneys.

Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice is considered to be very useful in the treatment of kidney infection. It contains powerful antioxidants which help in strengthening the immune system and fight infection. Drinking one or two glasses of fresh cranberry juice a day flushes out all the toxins and cleanses your kidneys thus bringing a lot of relief from discomforting symptoms. Make sure the juice you drink is unsweetened.

Baking Soda

Baking soda has the ability to maintain pH levels in the body. That means consumption of baking soda can bring back the acid-base balance in the acidic urine. Mix one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it three to four times a day. The cleansing property in baking soda cleans the bacterial infection effectively.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is rich in mallic acid, several enzymes and minerals which can prevent the growth of infection causing bacteria in the kidneys. Add two tea spoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink through the day. If, for any reason, you cannot sip apple cider vinegar with water, just add honey or lemon juice to it and drink up.


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