People fail in their weight loss resolution because they don’t use healthy weight loss options. Instead, most resort to unhealthy weight loss by following fad diets or by going on extreme forms of dieting including starvation. You cannot deprive yourself of your favorite foods and then not over indulge the first opportunity you get.
The key to losing weight is to eat everything but in moderation. And to aid you in your weight loss journey are some wonderful herbs that not only help you effectively shed unwanted weight but are also without any side effects. In this article we will talk about the wonder herbs that are popularly used for weight loss.
However, you should always get a medical opinion and consult an herbalist before consuming any of the below mentioned herbs. Some of the herbs are known to cause fluctuation in blood pressure and should be completely avoided by people who suffer from blood pressure related problems.


Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper was used by the popular singer Beyonce Knowles who reportedly shed 25 pounds in a matter of weeks. According to reports she consumed only cayenne pepper along with water and maple sugar to lose weight. However, we do not recommend such extreme form of diet.Cayenne pepper should be used as part of your regular diet as it contains capsaicin, a chemical that reportedly burns fat by increasing the metabolic rate of the body and also aids in complete digestion of food. Do not resort to eating only cayenne pepper but add a dash of the spicy herb in your vegetables and lentils to make it work.
Remember, adding cayenne pepper to oily and cream-rich foods will not help you lose weight to shed off those pounds it is also important to eat healthy. However, do not overdose on cayenne pepper or you may end up with diarrhea and nausea.


Dandelion is actually herb that is commonly found in gardens and is treated as weed. Regular removal of dandelion from the gardens and fields helps in the healthy growth of other plants. However, not many people know that the herb is extensively used in alternative medicine to treat numerous ailments. Dandelion roots are famously used in slimming capsules as well because they boost the body’s metabolic rate thus helping in faster burning of the food we eat.
Powdered form of dandelion roots is available in many health and organic stores and the powder should be consumed along with warm water. Taking two heaped tablespoons of dandelion powder along with a glass of warm water every day will provide your body with the much needed metabolic boost and help the body digest food better and faster. Some people prefer drinking 3-4 cups of powdered dandelion roots everyday in order to aid weight loss. But as with other herbs,do not consume dandelion if you are taking over-the-counter or prescribed medicines. And always seek advice from an herbalist before consuming any medicinal herb.



Fennel is a common herb that we chew upon after meals especially heavy ones. Fennel seeds help in faster and better digestion of food but not many people are aware that fennel is also a rich source of fiber. In order to control frequent hunger pangs we need to eat fiber-rich foods as consuming them makes us feel full for a longer time thus reducing on mindless snacking.
Fiber is also important for removing the toxic waste from the body as it adds bulk to the excreta thus facilitating its easy movement and subsequent removal. Fennel also has diuretic propertiesthat help with the elimination of extra water from the body thus making us a few pounds lighter.Fennel is an excellent herb for weight loss but should be consumed in only regulated quantity otherwise it may lead to blood in the stools. Chew on not more than 10 teaspoons of fennel every day. One can even consume a cup of fennel tea 20 minutes before each meal as this will help you eat less.



Hoodia Gordonii is an herbal plant that is often mistaken for a cactus plant due to the physical resemblance between the two and especially since Hoodia too is commonly found growing in South African deserts. These days the herb has taken the market of weight loss by storm the market is flooded with Hoodia tea, Hoodia slimming capsules and Hoodia powder everyone seems to be enthralled with the Hoodia weight loss products.
The slimming benefits of the plant were discovered by accident when it was revealed that many tribes in South Africa resort to eating the Hoodia plant during shortage of food; the plant effectively helps suppress appetite. However, in the outside world Hoodia slimming products are meant specifically for people who are unhealthily obese and have a BMI of more than 30. Therefore,Hoodia is not advisable for all people and definitely not for those looking at losing only a few pounds. The herb should be taken only by people who have life threat because of their morbid obesity and then also under strict medical supervision.


This red and bitter herb is known for its laxative properties and is a commonly found ingredient in many laxatives of different brands. The root of the mandrake plant is used in the production of the laxatives. Consumption of the herb relives constipation and helps in regular bowel movement.
The herb is available in powder form and should be consumed as such. Mix a tablespoon of the powder in a glass of warm water and drink it first thing in the morning. Drink a glass again of mandrake concoction in the evening but at least 5 hours before your bed time. Regular removal of toxins from the body also boosts weight loss. However, since mandrake is a laxative drink at least 12-14 glasses of water every day to make up for the loss of water and to avoid dehydration.