Monday, 18 August 2014


Bed bugs are a major concern in a house with kids and pets because these infectious micro-organisms multiply rapidly and infest themselves in every nook and corner of the house. What’s more, getting rid of the bed bugs will consume both your money and time and even after expensive treatments you can never be sure whether you are finally got rid of them or not.

There are some cost effective herbal treatments as well that can be tried for eliminating the bugs but you have to be very regular with them and devote plenty of time in carrying them out.


Black Walnut Tea

Black walnut tree, used to make tea has wonderful with antifungal and antibacterial effects that can be used for treating the problem of bed bugs. Place used bags of black walnut tree in all nooks and corners of the house to kill the bugs and their eggs. Keep the tea bags away from reach of your pets.

Tea Tree Spray

The essential oil of tea tree is known for its antimicrobial effects and is beneficial in getting rid of all kinds of micro-organisms including fungi, viruses and bacteria. It has been successfully used in the elimination of bed bugs as well because of this property.Buy a big bottle of tea tree essential oil and dilute it with little water. Pour the herbal solution in a spray bottle and spray it on the walls, beds, cupboards, drapes, furniture, mattresses, clothes and every other household article. Do this every day for a week to be completely rid of bed bugs.

Sweet Flag

The herb sweet flag is also known as calamus and is popularly used as an ingredient in chemical based insecticide. The herb has anti-microbial properties that make it effective against microbes including bed bugs, worms and nits.The herbal insecticide is readily available in many shops that sell products for your kitchen garden. Buy a large packet of calamus powder and prepare a solution as per the directions on the packet. Spray the insecticide on all the articles in your home to ensure that the bed bugs are eliminated completely. Do not ingest.

Neem Oil

Neem oil is prepared from the leaves of the neem tree or the Indian Lilac tree found growing in northern parts of India. The tree is known for its anti-microbial actions and has been used since centuries to get rid of the infectious micro-organisms including bed bugs.Neem oil can be brought from any drug store; the oil should be used in its pure form and not diluted. Spray the oil on all articles in the house and wash your clothes in detergent mixed with herbal oil. Do this every day for a week.


Thyme is a popular Italian herb that is used mainly for flavoring dishes and has a pleasant aroma. The herb does not directly act on the bed bugs but they find the smell of thyme repulsive and leave the infested area on their own.Make bags of fresh thyme leaves by placing them in net bags. Place the bags in all corners of the house; under the mattress, inside the cupboards, beneath sofa cushions and near the drapes so that the bed bugs leave their place of hiding. Replace the net bags with fresh leaves every third day.

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