Monday, 18 August 2014


A boil refers to a type of skin infection in which the hair follicles or the oil glands may get affected. A boil typically starts with the skin turning red followed by formation of a small and tender bump that gradually grown in size and becomes pus filled.

Many times the boils occur in clusters on a particular spot or may spread out to cover a larger area.
They can occur on any part of the body but having boils on the face, neck and other visible parts can be very distressing. The boils are mainly a result of blockage of the hair follicles or the oil glands due to ingrown hair but can occur even if the pores or the follicles get blocked due to presence of foreign objects. There are herbal remedies that can be done to successfully treat the boils.


Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be used in the treatment of boils because of its antimicrobial actions; the herbal vinegar will eliminate the infection causing bacteria and also help drain the boil without risk of further infection. Dip a warm cotton cloth in pure apple cider vinegar and press it over the boil for 2-3 minutes. Repeat every hour to effectively treat the boils.


Indian Lilac

Indian lilac or neem is known for its anti-microbial properties and is often used for treating infection of the skin. Take a handful of neem leaves and wash them thoroughly; mix the leaves with a little water and grind them to a fine paste-like texture.Apply the paste all over the boils and leave for half an hour. Remove using lukewarm water. Do this 2-3 times a day to get rid of the impurities embedded in the skin pores.



Turmeric is used for its anti-inflammation and antiseptic effects that are particularly useful in eliminating various forms of skin infections including boils. Buy organic turmeric and grind it to powder form.Prepare a thick paste using turmeric powder and water and apply it on the infected areas. Leave for 20 minutes and wash off using cold water. You can even do spot applications of the turmeric paste and leave it overnight for best results.



Garlic has very string antimicrobial action and is popularly used for treating vaginal bacterial infection at home. The remedy works well on boils as well and helps bring down the inflammation by removing the cause of the infection.Crush few peeled pods of garlic and apply the paste only on the boils. Leave for 20-30 minutes; garlic may sting the skin a bit because of the strong compounds in it but the skin will feel better after sometime. Perform the treatment every day until the boils are completely gone.


Basil or tulsi is a popular herbal remedy for treating infections of the skin regardless of their cause. The cooling and anti-inflammatory effects of basil help treat boils as well.Wash and crush handful of fresh basil leaves and apply the paste on the boils. Leave for 15 minutes to allow the paste to dry well. Remove using cold water. You can even use the paste as a face mask to get rid of infectious micro-organisms from the skin.


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