Saturday, 23 August 2014

5 Cures To Hand Numbness

When you experience numbness in the hand, it can be very uncomfortable and cause a lot of inconvenience. This condition is noticed commonly in old age. It is important to understand the actual cause of this condition. It could occur due to poor blood circulation or damage in the nerve. Hence, it is very important to consume healthy fruits and vegetables, avoid spicy food, and drink adequate amount of water.
Allot time for physical activities like walking or jogging. This will help the pumping of blood to all parts of the body effectively. A few natural remedies for numbness in the hand are discussed below.

Natural Remedies For Hand Numbness


Heat therapy can be done as hot compress by applying it on the numb area to relax the nerves and the muscles. You could also use a hot water pad or a piece of cloth dipped in hot water or a bottle with hot water. Check the temperature of water, so that you do not end up burning your skin.


The nerves and muscles in the numb hands can be stimulated by massaging the area gently.Massage also helps in improving the overall nerve function. However, it is recommended that the massage should be done by professional because they understand the problem better.
Primrose oil is known to be very effective in treating numbness and tingling sensation in the hand.Take some oil and apply it on the affected region and massage well, repeat this massage at least two to three times in a day. This gives great and speedy relief.


Exercise is the best way to improve blood circulation and oxygen in the body. Hence, it is the most effective remedy for numbness. The best form of work outs are swimming, stretching and walking. It is also recommended to do both hand and finger exercises. Stretch out your arms and do wrist rotation both in the clock wise and anti clockwise direction for about ten minutes.
Also, do flex bends for ten minutes. Bend your hand down and up ten times, bend the fingers of both hands one after the other for about ten times. Squeezing a rubber ball is also very effective. Repeatedly performing these exercises is a great way to get rid of hand numbness.


St. John’s Wort is an effective herb in treating various ailments including hand numbness. It greatly supports the restoration of the nervous system performance and reduces the inflammation of the nervous system, which causes hand numbness.
St. John’s wort can be blended with skullcap or lavender for better results. Drinking about two cups of this wonder herb helps in alleviating the symptoms and gives relief.


Flax Seed oil is known to be very beneficial in the treatment of numbness in the hand. Flax seeds are known to be enriched with omega-3 fatty acids, which help in decreasing inflammation. Flax seed oil could be had every day.
The recommended dosage is about one tablespoon. You can also use it with food to have better absorption. You can also mix flax seed oil with orange juice or include it in the salad dressing.

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