Monday, 25 August 2014

11 Best Herbs For Liver

Liver is one of the essential organs in your body, which works in conjunction with the pancreas, intestines and gallbladder. It purifies blood by filtering harmful compounds from it. There are many herbs that are used to keep your liver healthy and to improve its performance.
However, before you try any herbal method, you must consult your doctor first. It is all the more important considering the very fact that any damage to the liver can be life threatening. Following are some of the most popular herbs that are used as liver tonics.

Top Herbs For Liver


As per the various reports published by the University of Maryland Medical Center, dandelion can be very effective in promoting liver detoxification. This herb is widely available in health drug stores in the forms of tinctures, tea and dietary supplements. Herbal practitioners use dandelion plants totreat liver problems.
There have also been evidences that the powerful antioxidant properties of this herb can be very beneficial in treating an array of other health conditions and diseases that include kidney diseases, diabetes, diarrhea and stomach discomfort.

Milk Thistle

Silymarin is the most active ingredient in Milk Thistle, which can be very beneficial in treating diseases related to liver, including chronic Hepatitis and Cirrhosis. As per the various reports published by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Milk Thistle fights oxidation, hinders inflammation and promotes and protects the growth of healthy liver cells. The herb is sold in the form of tinctures, extracts, powder and capsules.


In traditional Chinese herbal medicines, SCHISANDRA has been used since ancient times to treat liver diseases. There are several medical evidences that indicate the effectiveness of this herb in treating liver damage from Hepatitis. In addition to that, SCHISANDRA berries can also be very beneficial in promoting liver cell regeneration, increasing liver function and in protecting liver from damaging toxins.
The ‘Nutrition Science News’ magazine published a report in January 2001, as per which, a medical research was conducted involving 189 patients suffering from Hepatitis B and it was concluded that those who took SCHISANDRA berries regularly showed significantly faster improvements as compared to those who relied more on vitamins and other medications.


When taken in proper dosage under the guidance of an experienced herbal practitioner, PAU DA’RCO can bring a tonifying effect on liver. In a recent test tube study, some medical evidences have been found indicating that the extracts of PAU DA’RCO tree bark can kill liver cancer cells and can stimulate the action of macrophages. The natural antiviral properties of this herb do not just improve the functions of the liver but also help in purifying the blood.


Licorice is one of those herbs that are used in the treatment of a wide array of health conditions and diseases. The antioxidants and glycyrrhizin provided by this herb can be very beneficial in protecting the liver and in improving its functions.
If the liver is already damaged, the herb can accelerate the healing process quite significantly. It prevents harmful viruses (that are affecting the liver) from spreading. In Japan, the medicinal use of licorice is very common in treating chronic hepatitis.


Medically termed as Arctium Majus, the burdock plant is a member of the aster family and its root is considered as a good herbal liver tonic. As per the medical reports published by the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, the root of the burdock plant can be very helpful in inducing the elimination of metabolic waste products accumulated in the liver. The diuretic, anti-inflammatory and alterative properties of this herb help in the treatment of inflammatory conditions of the liver. When taken in proper dosage, it also improves the natural functionalities of the liver.

Red Clover

Medically termed as Trifolium Pratense, the red clover plant belongs to the legume family and the red flowers of this plant can bring significant healthy changes in your liver. It can even repair damaged liver tissues. In addition to that, this perennial herbal plant also works as a good blood purifier. It enhances the quality and functions of both your liver and blood.

Green Tea

Green tea contains polyphenols and antioxidant properties. It is one of those herbs that are known to provide protective benefits to the liver. The magazine “Pathophysiology” published a study report in September 2010stating that the green tea polyphenols acts quite effectively against liver injuries and prevents further damage.

Yellow Dock

Yellow dock is considered as a relatively very safe herb for liver. It helps in detoxification of the liver. The herb has been used since ancient times not just to treat liver diseases but also to cure skin problems caused by such diseases. The recommended general dosage is ¼ to ½ teaspoon of yellow dock tincture 2-3 times everyday. But, as applicable with any herb for liver, you are advised to take it as per the dosage guidelines prescribed by your doctor.

Artichoke Leaf

Artichoke leaf is eaten as a vegetable, but it has various medicinal uses also, especially when it comes to preventing and treating liver diseases. Gallstones patients however are advised not to use this herbal remedy. The natural substances available in artichoke leaf stimulate bile flow, which in general, is verybeneficial for the health of the liver. The herb cleanses the liver and also eases indigestion. In addition to that, it also reduces bad cholesterol level. Considering the very fact that it is liver that processes blood cholesterol, artichoke leaves thus also help in reducing the work load on liver. The recommended general dosage is 6 gram of the dried artichoke leaves once everyday. The herb can be taken in the form of tinctures or capsules.


Siberian ginseng does not contain any medicinal benefits but both Asian and American ginsengs can be very useful for liver health. The herb can be taken in various ways. For example, you can mix the tinctures or extracts of ginseng in cold or hot drinks (follow the dosage guidelines prescribed by your doctor). You can also eat up to two grams of dried or fresh ginseng root once daily. Alternatively, you can take 200 mg of ginseng supplement (generally in the form of capsules) 2-3 times a day. The herb minimizes the risks of liver diseases, including liver cancer. It also boosts the immune system which provides further protective benefits to the liver.
Overall, there are lots of herbs that can be used to prevent and treat liver problems, but since liver is one of the most sensitive and essential organs in the body, any herbal remedy must be used under the guidance of your health care provider.


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