Thursday 14 August 2014

10 Effective Home Remedies To Cure Psoriasis

Among the many skin problems we get inflicted with, psoriasis is one of the most common skin disease. A treatable skin disorder, psoriasis has affected thousands of people worldwide. Unlike many other skin diseases, psoriasis is not contagious and you do not have to worry about it spreading to your loved ones. At the same time, we see that some people are genetically more likely to have the disorder. So, if someone in your family has psoriasis, the chances of you being affected by it is high.
Even if you have psoriasis, there is a very little reason to worry since this is an easily curable skin problem. But, before you start treating your skin condition, you should have the complete knowledge about the disease. Here is all that you need to know about psoriasis.

Causes Of Psoriasis:

The exact cause behind this skin disease is yet to be known, but there are a few common factors which attribute to this skin problem. Any kind of immunity abnormality that lead to the production of excess skin cells is one of the most recognized causes behind psoriasis. A psoriasis outbreak can be triggered by strep infection, skin damage or even emotional stress. So, if you have a family history if psoriasis, then it is a good idea to take good care of your skin.

Areas Affected By Psoriasis:

Though Psoriasis can occur on any part of your body, the infection generally thrives in the following areas:
  • Lower back
  • Knees
  • Elbow
  • Finger and toe nails
  • Scalp
  • Genital area
  • Navel
  • Under arms
  • Between buttocks
  • Knuckles
  • Other body folds
If you notice that there are small red bumps in the above mentioned areas, then you might have psoriasis. But, small red bumps on your skin can be caused by a number of things. So, before you start the treatment for psoriasis, make sure to check if you really have the disease!

Symptoms Of Psoriasis:

There are a few ways of knowing that the skin disease you have is psoriasis. Here are the common symptoms of psoriasis:
  • Enlarged red bumps
  • Scaly skin
  • Blood spots caused by removal of the dry, scaly areas
  • Bleeding on removal of scaly skin
  • Dry flaky skin
  • Oil spots near the nail bed
  • Itchiness
  • Sensitive skin
The symptoms of psoriasis can easily be confused with the symptoms of other kinds of skin diseases. But many other skin diseases share the same remedies as psoriasis.

Kinds Of Psoriasis:

Psoriasis is not just one kind of skin disease. There are many kinds of psoriasis, which affect the body in slightly different ways. To successfully treat psoriasis, you need to identify the kind of psoriasis you have. Here are the various types of psoriasis:
  • Psoriasis vulgaris or common psoriasis.
  • Guttate psoriasis, which appears as small drop-like spots on the skin.
  • Inverse psoriasis, which occurs in areas like the underarms, navel, groin and buttocks.
  • Pustular psoriasis, which causes small pus-filled yellowish blisters on the skin.
  • Palmoplantar psoriasis occurs on the soles of the feet and palms of the hands.
  • Scalp psoriasis, which occurs on the scalp and resembles dandruff.
  • Psoriatic arthritis, which affects the joints and causes joint inflammations.
These are the most common types of psoriasis. The area affected and the symptoms shown are the best ways of knowing the kind of psoriasis that you are dealing with.

Treatments For Psoriasis:

Once you have identified the kind of skin disease that you are suffering from, then you can start the treatments. Apart from standard medication, there are tried and tested home remedies for the treatment of various types of psoriasis.

Home Remedies For Psoriasis:

Let us first take a look at the home remedies, which you can opt for if you do have a psoriasis outbreak.

1. Regulate Diet:

If you are suffering with skin problems, then it might be due to an improper diet. There are a few kinds of foods, which you should avoid if you are suffering from psoriasis. Do not consume red meat, fast food or any kind of fatty foods. But, ingesting foods like chocolate, cranberry, nuts and soy can help your body recuperate from psoriasis.

2. Add Supplements:

Adding more fish oil, milk thistle, evening primrose oil and Vitamin D supplements can be the best ways of controlling a psoriasis breakout. The balance provided by these supplements is enough to steer you clear of this skin disorder. This is why it is important to add supplements to your diet to fight psoriasis, no matter how healthy your diet is.

3. Control Humidity:

You might not be able to control the humidity of the outside world, but by controlling the humidity of your home or workspace, you can help your dry scaly skin heal faster. You can install a humidifier and keep the humidity level moderately high. This would allow your skin to remain moisturized and prevent your skin from flaking off.

4. Use Moisturizer:

One of the best ways to manage the scaly dry skin is by using mild moisturizer. There are many kinds of moisturizers, which are meant for the sensitive skin. Always opt for such specialized moisturizers instead of using any moisturizer that you get your hands on. Try to avoid heavily scented moisturizers. Choose the ones that are made from natural ingredients.

5. Fish Oil:

This organic oil is very helpful, when it comes to psoriasis. You can ingest the fish oil or you can even apply it directly to the affected areas. If you apply it directly to the skin, then you can get momentary relief from the discomfort caused by psoriasis.

6. Olive Oil:

Olive oil, just like fish oil, works wonders, when it comes to healing and managing psoriasis. You can either add the oil to your meal or can apply it directly to the affected area. This oil works best when it comes to managing psoriasis on the scalp.

7. Stay Clean:

When you have any kind of skin disease, it is very important to keep your skin clean and if possible sterile. If your skin is dirty, then it might lead to more complex skin conditions. The best way to do this is by taking frequent baths. While bathing, try to avoid harsh chemical products. Try herbal shampoos and soaps instead. Even if you do not want to take or do not have the time to take frequent baths, you can stay clean by washing the affected areas carefully.

8. Use Lukewarm Water:

When you need to clean the psoriasis affected area, you should do so with lukewarm water. Hot water dries out the skin quickly, so does cold water. You can add milk, olive oil, mineral oils and Epsom salt to the lukewarm water.

9. Avoid Chemical Products:

When you have psoriasis, using chemical-based skin care products can only aggravate the problem. Avoid using perfumes, try not to use dyes and above all, steer clear of chemical-based moisturizers. Always opt for products that are specially manufactured for the sensitive skin.

10. Coal Tar:

Many kinds of shampoos, moisturizers and bath solutions contain coal tar. How this thick brown substance exactly affects the skin is still unknown. Theories suggest that it slows down the rate of cell formation, slowing down psoriasis in turn. Whatever the scientific explanation might be, coal tar is effective when it comes to treating psoriasis.

Medical Remedies For Psoriasis:

Apart from these home remedies, one can opt for medical remedies of psoriasis. Different bodies react differently to psoriasis medication. That is why there is no sure medical remedy for psoriasis. Here are a few medical remedies, which can help to treat psoriasis:

1. Ultraviolet Light Therapy:

As we all know, ultraviolet lights stop the growth of cells. Since psoriasis is caused by the production of excess skin cells, ultraviolet rays can slow down the disease. Psoralen and ultraviolet rays are used together for PUVA treatment. This treatment is used for a number of skin diseases, including psoriasis and eczema.

2. Retinoids:

This is a kind of drug, which is closely related to Vitamin A. You can find this drug in gel, pill, and cream form. The drug effectively treats psoriasis, but can cause congenital defects. This is why this drug is never prescribed to expecting mothers as well as to women who are planning to have a child.

3. Immunity Booster:

A glitch in the autoimmune system of our body can lead to the outburst of psoriasis. This is why drugs like Amevive, Humira, Enbrel and Remicade are used to reboot the body’s autoimmunity system. Some of the drugs need to be constantly administered through intravenous drips, while others can be taken in the pill form. These new drugs have done a world of good for psoriasis patients.

4. Cyclosporine:

Cyclosporine is one drug that is used to treat severe cases of psoriasis. But there are a large number of side effects, like high blood pressure and kidney damage, which one might be risking when they take this drug. When this drug is prescribed, regular monitoring is advised as well.

5. Methotrexate:

This drug is also prescribed only as a last ditch effort in treating severe psoriasis. This is an oral drug, yet its side effects make the drug, a dangerous gamble for psoriasis patients. Constant monitoring including liver biopsy might be prescribed by the doctor.
It is easy to see that home remedies are safer than the medical remedies for treating psoriasis. But in case of severe psoriasis, the medical remedies are the only way out. That is why it is best to recognize the symptoms of psoriasis early and start any kind of treatment before it is too late.
Psoriasis is an easily treatable skin disease, but only if it is detected on time! If you are genetically susceptible to it, be cautious with your skin. No matter how many dermatologists you visit, the health of your skin is ultimately your responsibility.
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