Thursday, 14 August 2014

10 Effective Home Remedies To Cure Warts

Before we start with the home remedies, it is time to bust some myths. You do not get warts by handling toads. Warts are viral in nature, caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). They usually develop on hands and feet, but can occur on any part of the body. Remember, warts are contagious, so removing them can prevent the virus from striking your loved ones.
While surgical removal or cryogenic removal is preferred by doctors, you can get rid of your warts by using everyday ingredients from your kitchen. Here are the top 10 home remedies for wart removal that you can start today.

Home Remedies for Warts

1. Banana Peel:

Rub the wart with a banana peel every day. You can also place the peel directly on the wart and keep it in place using an adhesive bandage. This home remedy can take weeks, so have patience. However, it is the best remedy to get rid of warts without having to go to a doctor.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar:
The acidic content of the apple cider vinegar is what kills the warts. Soak a ball of cotton in the vinegar and keep it in place with an adhesive bandage. Keep this overnight and discard the cotton the following morning. Do this every night and you will see results in about a week.

3. Baking Soda:

Dissolve some baking soda in water and then soak your affected hand or foot in the solution for about 30 minutes. Do not wipe your hand or foot. Instead, air-dry it. Keep repeating this home remedy until the wart disappears.

4. Castor Oil:

Rub the affected part of your body with castor oil on a daily basis. This will take a few weeks to a month to yield results, but you will be able to get rid of the warts for sure.

5. Aloe Vera Juice:

Consume aloe vera juice to strengthen your immune system, so that it can fight the virus causing the warts. You can also apply the juice directly on the warts if you like. However, if using aloe vera topically, try to get the actual gel from the leaves. It is more effective home remedies to remove warts..
6. Duct Tape:
Yes, you read that right! Even doctors recommend this home therapy for getting rid of warts. Place a piece of duct tape on the wart and let it stay there until it falls off on its own. Then scrub the affected area with a pumice stone to remove the last remnants of the warts.

7. Raw Potatoes:

Take peeled slice of raw potato and rub it vigorously on the warts. Do this a few times every day. You will see your warts getting smaller in a couple of weeks.

8. Garlic:

Peel and crush a few cloves of garlic and rub it on the affected part of the body. You can also consume it orally. Of course, be prepared to smell like an Italian kitchen, but it will be worth it. In a couple of weeks, you will see results. If you do not want to smell of garlic, eat a few parsley leaves, it will help freshen your breath and remove the taste of garlic from your mouth.

9. Baking Powder:

Make a paste of baking powder with some castor oil. Apply this paste on the warts and stick an adhesive bandage on them. Keep it overnight. Remove the bandage the following morning. Repeat the process until the warts disappears.

10. Vitamin C Tablets:

Make a paste of the tablets with some water. It is necessary that you crush the tablets first. Apply the paste on the wart and then use an adhesive bandage or duct tape to cover it. The acidic content of the Vitamin C, which is nothing but ascorbic acid, will help to kill the virus and make the wart smaller, until it falls off or disappears. Use this home remedy until you see the results.
Try these wart removal home remedies and let us know which ones worked for you. We are sure all of them are effective, but it is best to try two or three remedies to ensure you become wart-free quickly and effortlessly.

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