Thursday, 14 August 2014

10 Effective Herbal Remedies To Overcome Stress

Stress is no more restricted to situations; it has become an integral part of our lives. Stress keeps us going, and pushes us to our limits. However, living on this nervous edge every single day does take a toll on you. While there are countless medications available to ease stress by calming your nervous system, people are resorting to natural and herbal remedies for stress as they come with lesser or nil negative impacts. Instead of popping a pill, you can have one of these following herbs to soothe your fraught nerves.

Herbal Remedies for Stress

1. Chamomile:

When in doubt, have tea. No, we are not trying to enforce the Queen’s beverage preferences on you. Chamomile tea has some compounds that act on the brain the same way Valium does. While the standard supplements contain the active ingredient present in chamomile, the dried flowers have the same effect too.

2. Hops:

Hops contain a volatile essential oil, which acts as a sedative. It is a bitter herb, and hence it is usually used as tea infusion ingredient. It is, in fact, a major component of beer. Even though the volatile oil does not make it to the final brew, you could resort to a mug of beer for a good night’s sleep. However, make sure you are not drinking an embarrassing quantity of the brew.

3. Valerian:

There are a number of sedatives that could actually leave you tranquilized, but Valerian is strictly a sedative. Approved by the German government, it has been prescribed to those people with sleeping disorders. Since it has an offensive taste, it is best taken as capsules. However, if you want it as an infusion, then try with chamomile tea or mint.
4. Passion Flower:
Despite the exciting name, this herbal remedy for stress will soothe you to your core. In fact, it is a government approved treatment for nervous restlessness. It is a mild sedative and helps insomniacs. It should, however, be administered with precaution. Taking more than a moderate dose or for prolonged periods can have side effects.

5. Lemon Balm:

Lemon balm has been used to combat anxiety attacks and stress for as long as the Middle Age. In a study conducted on healthy individuals, it was found that 600 mg dose of lemon balm extracts had a more calming effect than placebo. Unlike most anti-stress remedies, it keeps you more alert than usual. This can be infused in tea with chamomile and valerian to make a strong sedative concoction.
6. Holy Basil:
This Ayurvedic herb has been cherished in India for ages for its marvelously vast medicinal potentials. It promotes well being of mind, thus reducing stress and even combating depression. It reduces cortisol and normalizes stress-induced glycemia.

7. Lavender:

Researchers are still not sure why, but lavender is a great remedy for anxiety. In a study conducted in Greece, it was seen that dental patients felt less stressed when the waiting room was sprayed with lavender air freshener. A German study showed that a specially created lavender pill had the same anti-anxiety effect as lorazepam.

8. Linden:

This herb comes from a number of species of lime tree. The flowers from two varieties of Linden trees have been proven repeatedly to reduce physical, emotional, and mental stress. It soothes the body and treats health problems that arise from anxiety.
9. Skullcap:
This herb is native to North America, and is now being cultivated across Europe and Asia. For over two hundred years, skullcap has been in use as a therapeutic solution for anxiety as well as convulsions.

10. Kava:

This is yet another soothing herb that relaxes you physically and mentally. It has compounds that elevate your mood and render emotional satisfaction. It is very effective for people suffering from chronic anxiety, insomnia, and other relevant nervous disorders.
These anti stress herbal remedies do work, when taken in the right doses. Along with these remedies, practice yoga to calm your senses. As apprehensive as you may be, it is certainly worth a shot!

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