Wednesday 16 July 2014

Top 10 Effective Home Remedies For Skin Discoloration

Very few are blessed with flawless skin. The sad part is even those who are born with the right genes, tend to fall prey to the elements and end up with skin discoloration.
Skin discoloration can occur due to lack of care, improper diet, and even stress. However, it can be managed very effectively with some easily available ingredients at home. These ingredients can provide the skin natural nourishment and heal it from within. These tips are

recommended by herbal experts and can help correct skin discoloration to a large extent. Our skin endures a lot, day in and day out. The least we can do is pamper it with some home remedies! Some of the best home remedies for skin discoloration are discussed here.

Home Remedies for Skin Discoloration

1. Turmeric Powder:

Ancient Indian medicine has proved to be an amazing source of fair and smooth skin. Turmeric is an important part of ancient Indian medicine. It has wonderful properties that provide nutrients to the skin and protects it from discoloration. If skin discoloration plagues you, apply turmeric regularly to get back your normal skin. Mix it with milk or lemon juice, the choice is yours. Once dry, wash it off with warm water.

2. Sandal Powder:

Sandal has cooling qualities and works as a scrub to give you a smooth skin texture. This is really important, keeping in mind the fact that it is the heat in the body that causes acne, dryness, and itching. These skin problems can further lead to discoloration. With regular use of sandalwood powder, you can soothe the skin and heal skin discoloration.

3. Rose Water:

Keep a bottle of rose water at home. It is the best home remedy for all skin ailments. Apply it after taking a bath or washing your face. It keeps the skin soft and shiny. It even prevents discoloration and also removes dark spots. Rose water works at a slow pace but leaves a lasting impact on the skin, by strengthening the texture and keeping it firm.

4. Coconut Milk:

Fresh coconut milk extracts works wonderfully, thus one of the best home remedies for discoloration of skin. Coconut milk is very rich in proteins that is required by the skin and offers smooth skin in no time.

5. Lemon Juice:

Skin discoloration may appear as black, grey, yellow, pink or brown patches. Skin requires regular nourishment and this is available through external application. Lemon juice has a lot of vitamins that can keep away discoloration. Lemon juice, mixed with rose water, can be applied gently and allowed to stay on the skin for some time. The skin will become smooth and even toned with regular application.

6. Cucumber:

Cucumber offers soothing and cooling effects to the skin. This becomes doubly important keeping in mind the fact that skin discoloration occurs due to lack of protein and lack of care. This is the one simple home remedies for skin discoloration where in you can apply cucumber juice and wash it after a few minutes. This process works very effectively over a longer period of time and brings very effective results.

7. Potato:

Wash a potato thoroughly. Grind it to a smooth paste and apply it gently over the discolored portion of the skin. It provides a glowing skin while removing discoloration effectively. The best thing about this remedy is that it is long lasting.

8. Regular Warm Water Bath:

Cleanliness and personal hygiene can never be replaced. No matter how many remedies or products you use, without proper hygiene, your skin will never glow with health. Take shower twice a day and choose casual clothing, preferably cotton. Avoid silks and other hard fabrics. Avoid hot water while taking a shower, use warm water instead. Do pour a mug of cold water at the end of your bath.

9. Green Leafy Vegetables in Diet:

Spinach, mint, coriander, asparagus, curry leaves, and all other green leafy vegetables carry plenty of vitamin A, which is very essential for skin. Make sure to include at least one green leafy vegetable in your diet and keep skin discoloration away.

10. Pomegranate Fruit in Diet:

Include pomegranate in your diet. This ruby red fruit is full of nutrients that can work very effectively for your skin. Your skin will be naturally healthy and will surely find relief from discoloration.
Don’t let skin discoloration make you feel unattractive. You are beautiful and with these home remedies for skin discoloration on face or whatever skin, your skin will soon reflect the inner beauty you possess.
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