Tuesday 15 July 2014

Top 10 Beta Carotene Rich Foods You Should Try

Beta Carotene is a vibrant red-orange pigment found in many plants and fruits. Oranges, mangoes, carrots and pumpkins are just a few examples from many fruits and vegetables which are abundant source of Beta Carotenes. Beta Carotene is also a powerful antioxidant and researches shows that it helps protect against cancer and aging. So if you haven’t put much thought to the color of foods you have been eating, reading through this comprehensive list of top ten Beta Carotene rich foods like fruits and vegetables could perhaps change that. Read on!

Top Ten Beta Carotene Foods

1. Sweet Potatoes:

The most orange of all fruits and vegetables, the sweet potato is most rich in beta carotenes. Each serving of 100g of sweet potatoes have 9444µg of Beta Carotenes.  A rich source of antioxidants, sweet potatoes are also known to be a good source of vitamins C, D, B6 and minerals like iron and magnesium. Sweet potatoes are effective in combating signs of skin aging, fighting cold and flu viruses and helps to build energy levels. It also enhances the mood and promotes the healthy growth of skin, teeth and bones.

2. Kale:

kale recipes

Considered to be an early form of cabbage, Kale is most tasty when cooked steamed with wine. A serving of 100g of uncooked kale would provide a 9226µg of Beta Carotenes. High on powerful antioxidants, kale is also a great source of vitamins A, C, and K and minerals such as calcium, iron and magnesium. Zero fat and rich with fibers, kale has considerable cardiac benefits and is great for the bones, skin and the immune system which are just a few of many benefits.

3. Carrots:

carrots benefits

The less said the better, everyone knows carrots are not just for bunnies but in fact you have lots to benefit from this bright orange, Beta Carotene rich vegetable. A serving of 100g of carrots is able to supplement you with 8285µg of Beta Carotenes. Rich in vitamin A, carrots are beneficial to cardiac and dental health. Carrots are also consumed to improve vision, fight early signs of aging and nourish the skin.

4. Turnip Greens:

turnip greens calories

Used as spicy addition to soups and salads, the vegetable in itself is not green in color as the name suggests. Turnip greens have a Beta Carotene content of 6952μg per 100g serving. High on calcium and glocosinolates, turnip greens are known to be effective for cancer prevention and go a long way towards building healthy bones and teeth.

5. Mustard Greens:

mustard greens

This beloved green leafy vegetable provides Beta Carotenes of 6300μg per 100g servings and is well known for its vast health benefits. An excellent source of vitamins K, C and E, mustards greens are rich in antioxidants that help combat free radicals that cause cellular damage. Vitamin K present in mustard greens prevents blood clotting.

6. Spinach:

spinach benefits

If you have often wondered why eating all your spinach was an important childhood lesson? The answer is this green vegetable is integral to growth, rich in antioxidants, builds stronger bones and teeth and is a rich source of Beta Carotenes with a 5626μg content of Beta Carotenes in a 100g serving.

7. Dried Herbs:

dried herbs

A tasty addition to soups and broths, any kind of dry herbs are rich in Beta Carotenes and packed with vitamins. To receive the benefits of dried herbs abundantly, it is best to use them regularly as a tasty additive to your food.

8. Butternut Squash:

butternut squash

This vibrant orange, sweet vegetable is a well loved favorite. Butternut squash has a rich content of Beta Carotenes of 4570μg per 100g serving. High in fibers and low in fat, butternut squash is a healthy choice for its cardiac health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, butternut squash is technically a fruit as it contains seeds.

9. Lettuce:


Dark red lettuce leaves have the most Beta Carotenes. Red-Leaf lettuce contains 4495μg of Beta Carotenes per 100g serving.  Lettuce is considered as a perfect weight loss food. Moreover, it’s rich in nutrients and Omega3 fatty acids and is great for cardiac health. The antioxidants present in lettuce does wonders for the skin. Low on fat, rich in protein and energy, lettuce is a good snack for before and after your gym routine.

10. Collards:

collards benefits

Closely related to cabbage, collards provide 3842μg of Beta Carotenes. Rich in calcium, collards go a long way in building bone mass and is integral for strong teeth.This is our list of foods rich in beta carotene! Time to enjoy a healthy meal!


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