Tuesday 15 July 2014

4 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Nervous Weakness

Today, the world seems to be moving at a dizzying pace. Work, home even holidays are whirlwind affairs. As we spend much time on computers, TVs and mobiles phones, it leads us to sit in one posture for a longer period of time. These sedentary activities also lead to nerve and muscle weakness. In this changing lifestyle, we are also deprived of proper sleep and food. The reasons for stress are multitude, which altogether can cause severe anxiety. Our nervous system is the cockpit that drives our body. Starting from controlling our muscles, it also regulates our breathing system. As healthy nerves are essential for a fit body, nervous weakness or damage can affect the way we lead our lives.
Bad lifestyle choices combined with stress make us feel tired and exhausted, which leads to the problem called nervous weakness. Many of us suffer from nervous weakness and we do not even know about it. All we know is that we are not feeling good at this moment. This feeling of uneasiness, nervousness, and depression can lead to nervous weakness. The common symptoms of nervous weakness are anxiety, dizziness, lack of interest, weak immunity power etc. If you suspect nervous weakness but are not sure, do seek professional advice.

Home Remedies To Treat Nervous Weakness:

If you are suffering from nervous weakness, some simple tips can do wonders for your health and well being. These home remedies are easy, cheap, and effective.

1. Eat Vitamin-Enriched Food:

Brain, spinal cord and nerves are coated with a layer of fat, called myelin. It is suggested that you eat adequate amount of healthy fat, Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 to stop the erosion of myelin.

2. Do Workout For Nervous System:

We spend hours toning our body but the fact is that our nervous system needs a workout too! Yoga, meditation, aerobics—all of these exercises can be helpful in keeping the nervous system healthy. Pranayam, which is a breathing exercise, is the best way to prevent nervous weakness. But remember not to practice it immediately after a meal.
Kundalini yoga, Dwi Pada Vishrutha yoga and Dhanurasana yoga can also be practiced at home to keep nervous weakness miles away.

3. Use Of Herbs:

Ginseng and ashwagandha, which are helpful in relieving stress, can be used to treat nervous weakness.

4. Eat Well:

A good diet can go a long way in keeping nervous weakness at bay. Ensure that your diet includes milk and milk products; fish and meat; and dry fruits like cashew nuts, almond, and pumpkin seeds. Also include green leafy vegetables and sprouts in your diet. Eat ample amount of berries as they contain iron, sodium, phosphorus and helps in strengthening our nerves. And do not forget to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.

Ayurveda To Treat Nervous Weakness:

Ayurveda is the oldest healthcare system in the world. Ayurvedic oil massages are helpful and the best thing is that you can get them done right at home! Take almond oil as per your requirement. Heat it a little without burning. Massage it on your body or hire a masseur. Almond oil relaxes the muscles and improves blood circulation, giving your body the much needed relaxation.
Another Ayurvedic treatment that you can try at home is the use of churana (powder). For this, you need a teaspoon of bala root powder, a teaspoon of ashwagandha root powder, a teaspoon of kapikachu powder and a teaspoon of black gram powder. Mix these powders well and add some boiled water. Drink this concoction twice daily. You can make the dry mix and store it in a bottle for convenience.
These are some of the easy home remedies that can help you lead a healthier and happier life. But one of most effective treatment for nervous weakness is having a positive attitude. Look at the bright side of everything. Remember that beautiful song ‘I believe in angels, something good in everything I see’. However clichéd it may sound, every situation has a positive side, we just need to look for it!
Stay Happy, Stay Healthy!


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