Tuesday, 15 July 2014

8 Effective Home Remedies For Sciatica

Having extreme pain in the lower back? Suffering from severe pain from the lower back to the hip, radiating all the way down to the feet? Finding it difficult to sit, walk or even lie in bed? You may be suffering from a chronic medical condition known as sciatica, a kind of pain that runs along the sciatic nerve which in turn radiates throughout the body. Sciatic pain can be caused due to inflammation in the tissues around the nerves, damaged discs and compressed nerves.
What Is Sciatica?
Sciatica is a kind of pain that originates due to damage in the sciatic nerve. It occurs when the sciatic nerve is compressed either by physical damage or inflammation surrounding the tissues. It can occur on one side or both sides, causing numbness and weakness in addition to pain.
Causes Of Sciatica:
The causes of Sciatica nerve pain are:
  • Bulging disc.
  • Inflammation of the tissue surrounding the nerve.
  • Narrowing of the spinal column.
  • Spasming piriformis muscle, also called the piriformis syndrome.
  • Poor lifestyle causing extreme stress and strain to the lower back region.

8 Effective Home Remedies For Sciatica Pain:

We often run to doctors and hospitals for treatment out of worry. The pain may eventually go with the doctor’s help. Yet we fail to realize that the remedy begins at home. Sciatica at the beginning stages can be easily prevented and treated at home.

1. Balanced Diet:

A healthy balanced diet improves the body’s capability to heal. Citrus fruits like lemon and its juices boost the immune system and gradually reduce the swelling around the sciatic nerve.

2. Proper Posture:

Proper posture plays a very important role in treating sciatica and preventing its recurrence. Maintaining a proper posture while sitting, stretching and sleeping helps to cure and prevent sciatica.

3. Relaxation Techniques:

More than the actual pain, we are psychologically affected, which in turn increases the pain. To reduce the pain, follow some relaxation techniques to keep you calm and happy. Relaxation helps to reduce and manage the impact of chronic sciatic pain. Some relaxation techniques include lying straight on your stomach with a pillow or rolled towel underneath your hips. Lying on your back with a pillow under your head and your legs on a chair also helps. Such relaxation techniques are very useful in treating sciatica.

4. Hot And Cold Compress:

This is the most common and effective technique to treat sciatica. Initially treat yourself with a cold pack on the affected area for about 15-20 min every day for about a week. After a week, try hot compress on the same region for the same stipulated amount of time. Alternating cold and hot packs reduce the inflammation around the surrounding tissues and gradually reduce the nerve pain. This also provides instant relief.

5. Stretching:

Stretching exercises for the lower back help relieve nerve root compression. It reduces pain and swelling. In the long run, stretching exercises prevent sciatica from recurring.

6. Massage Therapies:

Apart from hot and cold compress treatments, massage therapy is also known to be very helpful in relieving the nerve pain. Massage therapy with hand experts or a vibrating machine can be useful in treating sciatic nerve pain. You should have massages at least twice a week to experience long lasting effects.

7. Avoid Constipation:

Include a lot of healthy fiber in your diet to avoid constipation. Constipation is one of the leading causes of sciatica.

8. Drink Water:

Always drink around 1-2 liters of water every day to keep the body hydrated and balanced. Drinking lots of water will help reduce constipation and other medical problems that can cause sciatica.
If the symptoms still persist without any improvement, you can resort to over-the-counter medications or consult your physician.
With these simple sciatica home remedies, you can now say goodbye to your pain!
Do not forget to share your ideas on home remedies for sciatica in the comment section.

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