Thursday, 16 June 2016

Ayurveda First Aid Management For Snake Bites

Generally, we heard about snake bites through newspaper or other sources. But, there are a large number of cases which are unnoticed and don’t get proper first aid and treatment that entrap them in troubles and sometimes lead to death. Getting quick medical facilities are not possible for everyone, especially in the countryside area. Here, the role of herbs, home remedies, ayurveda and unani medicines become relevant and significant. There are two types of snakes-poisonous and non-poisonous. The biting of poisonous snakes need urgent action and consults the nearby doctor immediately. Whereas biting of non-poisonous snakes is not a big issue where first aid management and home remedies are enough to treat it.

Snake bites symptoms

The biting of poisonous snake starts showing its symptoms quickly. After bites, toxins or poison spread throughout the body causing acute pain at the site of bites.  The patients experience dizziness, headache, vertigo and blurred vision. Twisting and limping of legs are also common signs in such cases. The person starts losing consciousness and gradually become totally unconscious. If first aid and medical helps don’t provide at the right time, the risk of death increased.

First aids for snake bites

At once, one should tied a piece of cloth or string at a distance of 8 cm above the bite and one more bandage should be tied further above 8 cm apart. Afterwards, a one cm deep incision should be made in the form of a cross at the place of the bite by means of sterilized sharp knife or razor and then hot water must be poured on the wound.  The place should be squeezed hard so that the blood flows out of the cut. Then apply a clean dressing. The patient should immediately refer to nearby hospital after providing first aid.

6 Ayurvedic herbs for snake bites

There are some ayurvedic and unani herbs which can be used as first aid management before consulting the doctor. But one shouldn’t delay in rushing hospital.
  1. Asafetida (Hing): Take Heeng (125mg) along with wine and rush  to the hospital at the earliest for medical help.
  2. Onion or Garlic: Take onion or garlic in sufficient quantity with wine or pure ghee (butter) as first aid treatment.
  3. Neem leaves: Patient should chew neem leaves until he feels the bitterness of the leaves. He should also drink the juice of margosa.
  4. Tobacco: Boil or grind chewing tobacco (2g) with 120 ml. of water followed by drink the same.
  5. Madar leaves: Madar leaves (3 drops), on the affected part. Tender shoot of Madar ( 3 in no.)  take with jaggery and pure ghee.
  6. Lemon Seed: Lemon seeds (1gm). Method: Grind with water and take as such. Make paste with water and apply on the affected part.

Prevention and precautions

  • One shouldn’t try to suck out the poison by mouth.
  • Avoid eating anything, especially caffeine and alcohol as it will help to spread the venom rapidly.
  • Don’t raise the affected part above your heart.
  • Applying of ice cube should be avoided.
  • Take rest and don’t make yourself tired.
  • One should use sport shoes while moving out or walking, especially in the summer and rainy season when snakes are rampant.
  • Avoid the places of busy, dirty and dingy.
  • If snake is following you, never ever jump into water as the speed of snake gets faster.
  • Don’t irritate venomous snakes.
  • source.

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