Wednesday, 11 February 2015


AIDS or acquired immune deficiency syndrome is an awful fear inspiring disease. This disease is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV. In this disease, the body’s immune system is severely compromised. It fails to protect the body against invading viruses and other infections and leaves it terribly weak and sick and liable to every disease and ailment.
A person suffering from aids gets infected easily and contracts all other viruses which cause respiratory problems, skin infections,pneumonia, tuberculosis, urinary tract problems and cancer. Most people who get infected with HIV do not realize that they have the infection because they do not feel ill immediately.
However, some do experience fever, joint pains, enlarged lymph nodes and rashes on the skin. This disease is common among people who have unprotected anal, oral or vaginal sex, aggressive sex with multiple partners and men who have sex with men. Drug users who share needles and other such injecting equipment are also more prone to this disease.

Natural Cure For AIDS

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has been endowed with innumerable healing and curative powers which are beneficial in treating a wide number of diseases and ailments. Its potent anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties help to fight off diseases such as cancer and aids most effectively.
Its immunity boosting powers are simply miraculous. Studies have shown that the consumption of raw aloe vera juice multiplied the white T cell count and reversed the disease. Squeeze the juice out of a fresh aloe vera leaf and drink half a cup of it daily.



Garlic has stupendous healing and curing powers. It’s powerful antiviral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are the right antidote to aids. The immune system gets perked up and regains its functionality as the toxins exit the body. Eat fifteen cloves of raw garlic everyday.



Take two carrots, one small bunch of parsley, two stalks of celery and two cloves of garlic. Blend them in a mixer grinder with a little water and extract the juice. Drink this juice twice daily.
The powerful nutrients and the antioxidant properties found in carrots and parsley will not only detoxify the entire body but will also give a tremendous boost to the immune system and enhance its function.


Onions are extremely rich in quercetin which are the most powerful antioxidants and which possess the ability to correct the function of the immune system and enhance its capabilities of fighting the virus and other infections.
To gain the optimum benefit of its nutrition, it is best to consume raw onions. You can also extract their juice by grating raw onions and squeezing them. Drink two glasses of onion juice daily or eat raw onions as much as you can.

Green Tea


Green tea has an abundance of flavonoids which have great antioxidant activity. It enhances the metabolism and gives a tremendous boost to the immune system and inhibits the activity of the HIV. Drink at least three cups of green tea daily.

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  1. my name is Sharon am here to share my testimony about what Dr maha did for me, he saved me from dying. I confirmed that i was Hepatitis B positive when i was 7weeks pregnant, i gave birth and later confirmed that my baby was also infected. i was frustrated and hopeless, i contacted Doctors and they all promised to help me but their effort was helpless. Some of my friends began to laugh at me and said that i will die miserably, i loosed hope and thought that my child and i will never be free of hEP B, till we die a shameful death, on a very good day i was browsing through the internet and i saw a testimony of one miss Jane talking about how Dr maha helped her cure her from hep B, i did not believe but i decided to give Dr maha a try and i contacted him with his Email, He told me not to worry that he will help me and my daughter to be free of Hep b and he ask me to send him some of my information, i did, and sent medicine to me, he ask me to take it for 2 months and also give to my daughter, i did as he Ordered, on the 2th month he emailed me and ask me to go with my daughter to the hospital for Hep b test, after the test result came out i confirmed that we are Hep B negative i could not believe it, tears of joy fell from my eyes that moment.. I am so happy to tell the world that my daughter and i are Hep B negative, we are now living a happy life without hep b.Please help me to thank Dr maha for his great help. If you have any problem feel free to contact Dr maha with his Email: contacts[] I guarantee you that he can also help you solve your problem.he even told me he cured some kind of diseases such as , hiv/aids, herpes simplex, diabetes and other. contact him email or call him at +27732047844
