Toenail fungus is a common issue that affects up to 10 percent of American adults. It can be resistant to treatments, but there are home remedies that can banish this fungus forever and prevent it from occurring again in the future. When you have a toenail fungus, the affected nails appear thick and yellow. As the infection continues, the nails can become weak and brittle, resulting in them chipping off and falling away from the nail bed. It is important to start treating a fungal infection as soon as you notice it because early treatment tends to get rid of the fungus faster and it is easier to treat in the early stages.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has potent anti-fungal properties, as well as living enzymes. These come together to fight fungus at the source. Take apple cider vinegar and put it onto a cotton swab and dab this onto the affected toenail three times a day. This vinegar can also be consumed to attack fungus from the inside out. If you drink it too, you only need to drink it once a day to reap the benefits.
Salt, more specifically Epsom salt, works to kill toenail fungus. It helps to remove toxins and improve the health of the toenail. Grab a foot basin and add enough warm water to cover your feet to the ankle and then add two cups of Epsom salt and stir until it is completely dissolved. Soak your feet once a day for about 30 minutes until the fungus is cleared up. This can be drying so moisturizing your feet afterward is a good idea.
Honey helps to kill fungus and bacteria by drawing out toxins and due to it containing hydrogen peroxide. You need to use an organic honey to get the full benefits. Take a spoonful of it and fully saturate the affected nail. Grab a sterile gauze square and apply this over the toenail to keep the honey in place. This can be done twice each day, but make sure to thoroughly clean and dry the toenail in between treatments. You can also mix organic honey and apple cider vinegar and use it as a drink to treat the fungus from the inside out.
Tea Tree Oil
In addition to healthy gums and great breath, mouthwash can help to rid your toenails of fungus. Mouthwashes have antibacterial and antiseptic properties that can aid in treating fungus. Fill a basin with warm water and add three tablespoons of mouthwash to it. Soak your feet once a day for about 30 minutes until the fungus is gone.
Vick’s Vapor Rub
Vick’s Vapor Rub is most known for its ability to help with chest colds and other respiratory illnesses, but it is also quite good at killing toenail fungus. Just take a bit of of Vick’s Vapor Rub and apply it directly to the affected nails using a clean cotton swab. You can cover this with a band-aid and put on a pair of socks to keep it in place. It is easiest to use this before bed so it has several hours to really work on the fungus without interruption.
Olive Leaf Extract
Olive leaf extract contains potent antibiotic and antioxidant properties. You can apply this oil directly to infected toenails using a clean cotton swab or sterile gauze pad. You can apply a band-aid over it to keep the oil in place so that it works to kill the fungus. To kill toenail fungus from the inside out, you can also take olive leaf extract capsules orally. The capsules are usually taken once a day and the topical oil can be applied up to two times each day. Just make sure to wash and dry your feet in between applications.
Fungus infections are flow by insufficient airflow and moisture. This infections are not contagious and do not spread easily, the main cause for the nail fungus is a weaker immune system.EmoniNail Reviews