Thursday, 8 January 2015

8 Natural Solutions For Sinus Infection

Sinus infections are very common and while they do not sound like much they can cause a number of very uncomfortable symptoms. This infection is characterized by the sinuses swelling and being inflamed. Millions of Americans experience this infection each year and while it can be very uncomfortable there are a number of natural solutions that you can try at home.
These can usually be combined so that you can tackle the different aspects of the infection without the need for antibiotics. It is recommended, however, that if your sinus infection is severe or if you have them frequently that you talk to your doctor before only using natural remedies just to be on the safe side.

Use a Humidifier

humidifierOne of the things that can really increase your discomfort is dry air to adding a little humidity can rectify this. It is important to balance the humidity, however, because too much can also cause problems. Aim for below 50 percent because any higher causes dust mites to get very active and if you are allergic to them this can compound your symptoms. It is best to take the humidifier into your bedroom and shut the door so that the space maintains an optimal level of humidity.
If you use one in a more open area it may not be nearly effective. If you do not have a humidifier and are in a pinch, go into the bathroom, shut the door and turn the shower on hot. Just sit in the room for about 10 to 15 minutes to help moisten your sinuses. Do not stay too long because the heat could dehydrate you.

Stay Hydrated

This probably goes without saying because it is important to stay hydrated at all times, but this is even more important when you are sick. Also, if you are dehydrated this can dry up your mucous membranes making your sinus infection even more uncomfortable.
So, drink plenty of water and carry a bottle around all day so that you can sip and ensure adequate hydration. You can also use some saltwater to flush your nasal passages to help remove gunk by irrigating them and to help moisten them a bit. A bulb syringe works well for this or you can also use a Neti pot.

Extracts and Oils

neti-potMany people are turning to extracts and oils to alleviate their sinus infection because in addition to calming the symptoms they may also help to combat the associated inflammation.

Make a mixture of the following to create a rinse that has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties: one teaspoon of sea salt, five drops of oregano oil, three drops of eucalyptus oil, six drops of betadine, one teaspoon of baking soda, five drops of olive leaf extract and three drops of tea tree oil. Mix these together well and use a Neti pot or a bulb syringe to irrigate.

Betadine Rinses

In addition to rinsing with water you can also create a betadine solution to increase the power of rinsing. You have to be very careful with the amount of betadine you use or else you could experience a rather unpleasant burning sensation. Take one teaspoon of sea salt, six drops of betadine, a half teaspoon of baking soda and add this to two cups of distilled water that is lukewarm. Make sure to stir the mixture well so that everything mixes and dissolves. You can use a Neti pot or a bulb syringe for the flush.

Apple Cider Vinegar Tea

apple-cider-vinegarApple cider vinegar is not the best when it comes to taste, but it is effective for helping with a wide array of health issues and this includes sinus infections. Make a hot tea with six ounces of water, two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and you can use either Splenda or honey to improve the taste.
Honey is best because it can mask the taste of the vinegar a little bit and it is also soothing. You can drink this up to three times every day to alleviate your symptoms.


Grapefruit Seed Extract

This extract helps to inhibit bacteria and microbes thanks to its antibiotic powers. It also has anti-parasitic, antiviral and antifungal properties. They have nasal sprays where the primary ingredient is grapefruit seed extract and you just have to follow the instructions to ensure proper use. This can be used along with any other treatments, including those prescribed by a doctor.



It is well-known that vitamin C, echinacea and zinc are all effective for reducing recovery time and helping your body to fight off illness. It is best to have your doctor prescribed the right dosages, but you can use over-the-counter supplements and increase foods that are high in zinc and vitamin C.
It is best to start this supplementation regimen at the first sign of a sinus infection to alleviate symptoms and reduce the infection’s duration.

Improved Diet

When you are battling a sinus infection you want to strengthen your body and immune system as much as possible. Aim for a diet with plenty of protein, adequate carbohydrates and plenty of vitamins and minerals. Sticking to fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats should give your body everything it needs to fight off this infection.


  1. I would like thank very much for providing the valuable information. Get betadine solution to get rid of bacterial infections
