Monday, 1 December 2014


Garlic oil may help cancer patients, as it reduces the decrease of white blood cells affected by chemotherapy and radiation treatment. A recent study published in the Journal of Food Science, garlic oil improves the side effects that may be experienced during these aggressive treatments.
Both chemotherapy and radiation therapy are effective methods for cancer, but at the same time they bring some strong side effects, such as anemia, fatigue, pallor, difficulty breathing, increased heart rate, blood circulation problems, red dots on skin, unusual skin color, vomiting, bleeding nose or gums, etc.
Every year, the incidence of new cases of cancer increases, thus scientists have decided to analyze various products and substances that may have beneficial effects on health, during the body’s difficult fight against cancer.
Researchers at Shandong University, in China, conducted a study on laboratory mice that were induced cancer cells and later underwent both  chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Some mice were also given garlic oil in various doses. The result showed that mice treated with garlic oil were didn’t experience side effects as badly as those who did not receive the same treatment. Specifically, the mice that were given garlic oil did not show a dramatic decrease in the number of leukocytes, therefore healthy cells were not at all affected.
However, scientists say that it is too early for a definitive conclusion in this regard, especially since tests were not conducted on humans. Further research is needed to show whether such a natural remedy might replace the terrible scourge of cancer patients called chemotherapy.

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