Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Ultimate 11 Home Remedies For Sore Throat

Sore throat is a kind of disorder which affects almost all the human beings of all ages and from all walks of life. A person is said to suffer from sore throat if he/she feels an itching sensation around the pharynx. 

This itchy sensation most occurs due to the inflammation of the back of the throat. Swollen tonsils or an infection can also lead to a sore throat. Sore throat if left untreated can lead to some serious problems and can also lead to some pain the ears. Thus, if you are suffering from sore throat, don’t ignore it as you can easily get rid of it simply by following some of the simple home remedies mentioned below:

Treating Sore Throat With Holy Basil

Holy basil is a good home remedy for sore throat. All you have to do is take some leaves of holy basil and grind them and make juice out of it by boiling it in water. Drinking this juice can provide faster relief from sore throat. You can also gargle your mouth with this mixture to get instant relief from sore throat.
Basil Leaves

Treating Sore Throat With Salt And Water

This one is an effective home remedy for sore throat. All you have to do is take some warm water and add half tsp of salt and gargle with the mixture. While gargling, see to it that the mixture reaches your throat. Do this for at least twice or thrice a day or until you get relief from the itchy sensation that occurs in sore throat. This is a simple home remedy that you can use for sore throat.
Salt Water

Treating Sore Throat With Garlic And Honey

Another best home remedy that can help you to get rid of sore throat is consuming a mixture of garlic and honey. All you have to do is take some cloves of garlic and add 1 tsp of honey to it and stir it and chew the mixture well before swallowing. For better results, you can also add a tsp of cayenne to the mixture. This is an effective home remedy as it helps you to get rid of your sore throat fast and easy.

Treating Sore Throat With Chamomile

Chamomile is also another effective home remedy for sore throat. All you have to do is take 1-2 tsp of dried chamomile blossoms and add them in boiling water and then consuming at least a cup of this mixture two to three times a day and see you will be able to get rid of sore throat in an easy way.

Treating Sore Throat With Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds are another effective home remedies that you can use to get rid of your sore throat. All you have to do is add some Fenugreek seeds in warm water and gargle with the mixture. This is an easy home remedy for sore throat that you can use to get rid of your sore throat.
Fenugreek Seeds

Treating Sore Throat With Red Sage Tea

Tea made up of dried red sage is also an effective home remedy for sore throat. All you have to do is add some dried red sage in boiling water and add some vinegar into it. Strain the mixture when it is cooled and consume it at regular intervals.
Sage Tea

Treating Sore Throat With The Help Of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a spice that can work as an effective home remedy for sore throat. The only thing you need to do is make some powder of cinnamon and add it in a glass of water. Add some pepper powder in it and honey for taste and consume the mixture at least twice a day to get rid of sore throat. This remedy works because; the oil contained in the cinnamon coupled with honey help to reduce the itching sensation caused due to sore throat.
Cinnamon Powder

Treating Sore Throat With Sage

Tea made up of sage can also work wonders in treating sore throat. Take around 25 grams of sage in a bowl of water and add ¼ tsp of cayenne. Boil the mixture and keep it to rest until it cools. Strain the mixture and consume it at regular intervals or until you find relief from your sore throat.
Sage Leaves

Treating Sore Throat With Ginger And Lemon

A mixture of ginger and lemon can also help you to get rid of your sore throat. Take some few pieces of ginger and grate them. Add the grated pieces of ginger in warm water and keep it to rest for five to eight minutes. Strain the mixture and consume it before going to bed.
For better results, you can also add some lemon juice to it especially if you are also suffering from chesty cough along with sore throat. The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger work wonders in treating the sore throat which is nothing but an inflammation of the throat. You can also drink a tea with some ginger added to it whenever you suffer from sore throat.
Ginger Or Lemon Juice

Treating Sore Throat With Cloves

Eating two to three pieces of cloves can also help you to get rid of your sore throat. Clove is known for its pain killing properties and hence can provide relief from the pain that occurs due to sore throat.

Treating Sore Throat With Parsley

Parsley when mixed with clove and powdered myrrh and goldenseal can also be a good effective remedy for sore throat. Take some chopped parsley and add some pieces of cloves to it and powdered myrrh and goldenseal and boil it in water. You can either gargle it or have a mouth wash with this mixture. It is an effective home remedy that you can use to get rid of your sore throat.
These were some of the best home remedies for sore throat which when followed can provide fast relief not only from the sore throat but also from other disorders such as cough. The main benefit of using these home remedies is you don’t need to spend a lot of money on these home remedies as you do on tonics and medicines to get rid of your sore throat.

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