Monday, 1 September 2014


The formation for extra tissues that develop in the inner layer of uterus fall is known as the uterine cancer. This tumor formation may sometimes be benign and is categorized a fibroids, which is less dangerous.
But, if the tumor is malignant then it should definitely be treated at the starting stage itself. In case of malignant tumors, there may be recurrence at times even after treatment. So, it is essential that you must be extremely cautious. The tumors may be formed not just on the inner layer of uterus, but also on the outer wall and on the muscles of uterus.



Increased in the body heat may also be one of the reasons leading to uterine cancer. To overcome this problem you can get the help of gooseberry. It is one of the powerful natural ingredients that cools off the body and helps in fighting against tumor too.

The gooseberry that is available in big size is especially found to be effective. A regular intake of gooseberry mixed with honey is an effective remedy to control the tumors.

Castor Oil

The extreme pain that may be caused due to the development of malignant cells can be reduced by using castor oil. For this purpose, you can heat some amount of castor oil and leave to cool off.

This can then be applied externally on stomach area where pain can be felt. This is a traditional method used to reduce pain and it is very effective too.


Garlic, the all rounder in treating a number of diseases can also be used to treat uterine cancer. Consumption of raw garlic everyday can slowly dissolve the malignant cells. It also prevents the further spreading of the tumor cells.

Hydration Can Help In Prevention

Keeping yourself hydrated is the basic step that you have to take to tackle a number of health problems. Especially the problems related to kidney, uterine and uterus.

Water is found to remove all toxic waste from the body. Once your body is free of toxicity, it naturally prevents the occurrence of uterine cancer.

Milk Thistle

Changes in hormonal levels are also one of the reasons for the occurrence of uterine cancer. To reduce the change in hormonal level, milk thistle is an effective cure.

You can prepare a juice out of the milk thistle plant and consume it regularly for balanced hormone levels. Women are especially prone to these hormonal changes at the age of 50 or more. So, once you reach this age group, take some preventive steps, including consumption of milk thistle to maintain hormones.
Though cancer is one of the most feared diseases, it is not something that can resist the nature. Also, if the disease is brought under control by proper diet, you can lead a very healthy and long life. So, know the usage of easily available products at home, and safeguard yourselves from all diseases.

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