Wednesday, 3 September 2014

The 13 Best Home Remedies For Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic and reoccurring inflammatory autoimmune disorder. It is characterized by red, scaled and silvery patches on the skin, which is due to the proliferation (increase) of the outer layer of skin cells that fail to mature and drop.This causes reddish patches, especially on the trunk, elbows, scalp and knees and sometimes it is noticed in the genital areas and underarms too. 

The illness affects both the sexes and is common during the age of 15-30 years, but it can emerge at any age. The lesions usually differ in size ranging from tiny papules to sheets that covers large areas on the body.There are various kinds of treatments available for those suffering from this ailment. Home remedies are the natural way of keeping the disease under control. Moreover, they do not cause any side-effects and they are not costly as well. Even if they do not cure psoriasis completely, they will definitely help in curbing the signs and keep the ailment at bay.

Home Remedies to Treat Psoriasis


Cabbage is the best home remedy for treating psoriasis. This green leafy vegetable is used to cover the infected area. Firstly, the outer layer of the cabbage is cleaned using warm water.
Now, remove excess water from the leaf and once it is dry flatten and soften it by applying pressure with your hand or with the help of a rolling pin. This will remove the thick veins. Now, slightly warm these leaves and place them on the affected skin. A soft cloth must be put over the leaves before securing with a bandage.


The main role of the liver in the body is to detoxify and filter the blood. The level of toxins in the body rises, whenever detrimental byproducts overwhelm the organ and this could cause or aggravate psoriasis.
The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric help in correcting the function of the liver. This is the best treatment for various inflammatory skin conditions including psoriasis. Mix turmeric (1 heaped tsp) in water (half glass). Drink this water after breakfast and again after evening meal. You can add some honey to enhance its taste.


Besides being used as a sweetener, honey is also known as a healing agent. As per the information portal ‘Dermnet’, the antibacterial properties of honey contribute to the speedy healing of wounds.
When honey is applied to wounds like pustules or skin lesions associated with psoriasis, it combines along with the fluids of the wound known as exudates and produces hydrogen peroxide and this chemical reaction avoids the growth of bacteria and accelerates the healing process.

Bitter gourd

This is a useful remedy in treating psoriasis. Combine lime juice (1 tsp) and fresh juice of bitter gourd (1 cup). Consume this slowly every day (before eating any food) for about four to six months.
Bitter Gourd Juice

Baking Soda

This is the best way to cure the itchiness that is usually associated with psoriasis. Dissolve baking soda (1/3rd cup) into water (1 gallon).
Soak a washcloth in this solution and squeeze the cloth. Apply this directly to the skin that is affected with psoriasis. Repeat this process several times in a day.
Baking Soda

Coconut Oil

This is an excellent treatment to relieve psoriasis. One of the suggested ways is to take virgin coconut oil (2 tbsp) every day. You can either consume the oil directly or you can combine with vegetables or smoothies. Also, you can replace butter in pancakes with coconut oil. Alternatively, apply the oil topically on the affected part three times in a day.
Coconut Oil

Petroleum Jelly

The best way to prevent the build-up of excess skin due to the ailment is to ensure that the skin is moisturized.
One of the effective moisturizer’s is the petroleum jelly. Just apply a small quantity to the affected skin every day. Also, it is important to use the moisturizer after a shower or bath.
Petroleum Jelly

Aloe Vera

For hundreds of years, people have been using the sap of the plant to cure a number of ailments. A 16 week study conducted by the International Health and Tropical Medicine found that the extract of Aloe Vera helped significantly to solve the psoriasis breakout in about 25 patients out of 30. You need to just incise a leaf of the plant and spread the gel/sap over the skin.
Aloe Vera Juice

Apple Cider Vinegar

When diluted and used with water, apple cider vinegar can help in relieving scaling and itching. White vinegar could also be used instead of apple cider vinegar.
To treat the psoriasis on scalp, vinegar is added to lukewarm water, which is poured over the head and left for about a minute and rinsed thoroughly. You can also add the vinegar (1/2 cup) to the bathwater, which will help in restoring the acidity of the skin.
Apple Cider Vinegar

Banana Peel

Banana peels are used to treat an array of skin ailments including psoriasis. The essential fatty acids present in the peel help in boosting the immune system as well.
Banana Peel

Epsom Salt

This is a common home remedy, which is quite beneficial in treating psoriasis. Fill the bathtub with hot water and add Epsom salt to it. Soak yourself in this water for some time, which will help in relieving itching and pain.
Epsom Salt

Olive Oil

Apply olive oil on the dry patches, especially after a shower in the night. Make sure to use soft clothing. Although you may get a greasy feeling, you will wake up with a moisturized skin. The emollient properties of olive oil will prevent dryness and keeps your skin supple. The anti-oxidants promote normal skin growth and prevent damage.
Another way of using olive oil is to mix the oil (2 tsp) with milk (1 glass) and add this mixture to the bath water. In case, you are suffering from psoriasis on the scalp then massage lukewarm olive oil on the scaly patches. This will help in softening the dead skin cells, which will be easier to remove.
Olive Oil

Other Remedies

Buttermilk is proved to be useful in treating the ailment and the patient must consume it in liberal amounts. Alternatively, you can apply the compresses of buttermilk on the affected parts, which will also help in curing this condition. The avocado oil is also beneficial in treating the ailment. The oil must be applied gently on the affected skin.

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