Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Natural Cure For Ear Ringing

Ringing in the ears is actually a hearing disorder and sometime also termed as tinnitus. It may happen for few moments for someone and then go away itself, but in some people it happens most of the time. It is actually caused by the damage of the nerve endings in the ears or in both ears.

Natural Way To Cure Ear Ringing

Ringing in the Ears

If the sufferer is facing both like ringing and plugged ears, then you should go for the treatment of ear wax. But this yellow substance, which is attached to the surfaces of ear internally do protect the ear canal by fungi and bacteria, but extreme quantity may block the eardrum and cause inflammation on ear inside and reduce the hearing capacity.

Do regular Exercises

The sufferer should do exercise for atleast half an hour daily for three times in a week. You could prefer for yoga, walking and bicycling on regular basis.

do regular exercise
The weight of the sufferer should be worked to maintain normal. This will help in improving the circulation and reduce the noise of ringing in the ear.

Change Diet

The sufferer should his/her diet when the infection is creating more trouble. You should stop smoking because of the presence of nicotine in it which could cause a negative effect on the ringing of ears.
The consuming of alcohol might also worse the condition much better to avoid these things completely. The intake of the fatty food like butter and fried food, cholesterol and beef should also be decreased in order to get cure of the disease as soon as possible.

Reduce Stress Level

You should spend the time in those things, which you actually do enjoy and just forget about the stress so that you could get cure soon. One should prefer for yoga, meditation, deep breathing and even some more form of relaxation regularly.

Avoid Noisy Places

Since loud noise will increase the level of noise in the ear and worse the condition of the ear so try to avoid those noisy places as more as possible. The sufferer should also avoid clubs, loud television, concerts and other possible noisy and loud activities.

Ginger Root

Ginger has been so effective in reducing pain and inflammation in the ear. It also helps in decreasing dizziness and nausea by chewing the pieces of ginger root or if possible consume ginger gum.
Ginger Root
The motion produced by the act of chewing also helps in relieving the ear pressure, which is the actual cause of ringing.

Warm Compress

This process of treatment could be done using millet seeds, cotton bag and salt. Do roast around 4 tablespoon of the seeds of millet for approx 15 minutes in the oven. Now subject equal amount of salt into the bag and apply it softly over the ears.
Rice could also be preferred for this treatment and heat the cotton bag of salt and rice for about a minute in microwave, but it should be cared that the bag should not overheated because it may cause some negative effect instead of helping it to cure from the disease.

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  1. Any ear ringing treatment should also include that you avoid alcohol and caffeine, and any type of bottled or packaged beverages. These items will only constrict blood vessels and worsen your tinnitus. On the tinnitus the daily diet effect the much if your diet is healthy and natural then tinnitus chance become very low. If you are eating junks food then the chance of the tinnitus increased much more and treatment will not remain so effective. For the best daily diet about the tinnitus visit the blog Tinnitus diet. Thank you for this blog
