Wednesday 3 September 2014

Effective Natural Cures For Leucorrhoea

Leucorrhoea is one of the most common female health problems that most of the women experience at a time in their life. Leucorrhoea is a condition in which whitish discharge is released from female genitals that also causes foul smelling, itching, irritation, inflammation and redness too.  Usually, whitish discharge is normal during puberty that stops after sometime. If this discharge is dirty white, greenish or yellowish in color, sticky with odor and persists for a long time, then it is sign of some sort of infection that should be treated in its initial stage or it may become severe.
There are many responsible factors for leucorrhoea such as hormonal imbalance, bacterial or fungal infection, any injury to vagina or cervix, menstrual changes, stress, sexual transmitted diseases, anemia and diabetes and so on. One may face physical weakness, pain in abdominal area, fatigue, itching and inflammation in the vagina, frequent headaches, lower back pain and digestive disorders due to leucorrhoea. Apart from medical treatments, natural cures are also effective in treating leucorrhoea. Here are listed some effective natural cures for leucorrhoea. Read on to explore them and follow to get rid of leucorrhoea.

Natural Cures For Leucorrhoea

Rice Water

Rice water provides extreme relief in leucorrhoea, as it is full of starch and possesses demulcent properties that help in treating itching and inflammation as well as protect internal mucous.
Rice Water
Cook some rice in an open pan and when it is ready, strain the residue water from it. Add little sugar to this rice water and drink it. Repeat this remedy on daily basis. Within one week, you will notice the improvement in leucorrhoea. Besides, you can use rice water as a douche on genital area to treat leucorrhoea.

Lady’s Finger

Lady’s finger is also effective natural cure for leucorrhoea. It provides significant relief in this problem as it is rich in anti-oxidants, vitamin C, calcium, folate, potassium, unsaturated fats and fiber. It contains beneficial diuretic and laxative properties.
Lady’s Finger
It is helpful in treating leucorrhoea and reducing excessive menstrual bleeding. Just take some lady’s finger, wash them properly and boil them in water for 20 minutes. Strain the water, add sugar to sweeten it and drink this decoction. Follow this regimen regularly until you get proper relief.

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds work best when it comes to treat leucorrhoea as it contains protein, niacin, vitamin C, potassium, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It also possesses estrogen properties due to presence of diosgenin compound that works similar to the estrogen. It is effective in treating reproductive and hormonal disorders, decreases mood fluctuation and menstrual pain, heals skin related problems and reduces inflammation as well.
Fenugreek Seeds
Just make tea boiling some fenugreek seeds in water and drink it daily to get rid of leucorrhoea quickly. You can also use fenugreek seeds as a douche. Boil some fenugreek seeds in water on low flame for 30 minutes and then strain the water. Let it cool and then use it as douche on your genital area. Repeat it twice a day to get significant relief.

Amarnth Root

Amarnth root is effective in treating leucorrhoea as it contains anti-bacterial properties that help in curing infections and healing reproductive organs naturally. Due to presence of these properties, it is mostly used in treatment of leucorrhoea.
Take some amarnth roots, wash them and grind them and add water to it. Drink it in the morning and evening, twice a day regularly till significant relief. Apart from that you can also use amarnth leaves or branches for this purpose. Boil them in water and drink that water twice a day to get rid of leucorrhoea naturally.

Walnut Leaves

Walnut leaves are also effective in curing leucorrhoea as they contain amazing astringent properties that help in treating genital infections. It heals leucorrhoea effectively that is why it has been used as natural cure for leucorrhoea from ages.
Walnut Leaves
Just take some walnut leaves and wash them well. Steep these leaves in water and boil for at least 20 minutes on low flame.  Then strain the water and let it cool. Then use it as douche on your genital area. Use this remedy thrice a day until you get proper relief.

Maintain Proper Hygiene

It is must to maintain proper hygiene, if you are suffering from leucorrhoea. Unhygienic conditions are mostly responsible for infections in genital areas. Thus, it is necessary to take care of your genitals just like any other part of your body.
Wash your undergarments thoroughly and dry them in sunlight to prevent bacterial attack. Choose cotton fabric for your undergarments. Avoid scented soap as they increase problem of leucorrhoea. Do not over wash the genital area or it will aggravate the problem of itching and inflammation.


  1. Hi! Great post I like it. Hashmi herbal is also a best natural leucorrhoea treatment for female. Best solution for white discharge problem available for this condition which cures it without causing any kind of side effects. visit
