Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Best 5 Foods To Treat Shingles

Herpes zoster more commonly known as Shingles is a very painful infection that is caused through a virus that causes chicken pox. This disease does not provide any symptoms but it has been found that people living in the tropical climate are exposed to this disease by the age of fifteen.

It might be possible for the virus to remain dormant in the sensory nerves of the trunk, neck and the face until some kind of a disturbance takes place that can reactivate the virus resulting in shingles. Shingle flare-ups can be very painful and the best way to avoid them is by having a great immune system.
There is shingles diet that needs to be followed in order to avoid the occurrence of such a disease in a human being. Proper food to treat shingles is very important so that this infection can be avoided and limited to appear once more in a human being. The main contents of a shingles diet are as follows:

Foods To Treat Shingles

Dairy Products

Dairy products like milk, yogurt, cheese and cream are said to contain lysine into them which helps a person in fighting shingles. These products have high dosages of lysine that can work wonders for people suffering from shingles. Arginine content products like chocolate and bread should be avoided to the maximum in order to limit the shingle flare-up.
Dairy Products

Vitamin C and Zinc Rich Food

The immune system has to be kept healthy in order to treat shingles in the best way possible. Vitamin C and Zinc content foods are said to give the best results in treating shingles and it is only because of this reason that people suffering from shingles are said to intake maximum amounts of green and leafy vegetables, oranges, peppers, strawberries and potatoes. For the zinc content grains, legumes, red meats and oysters can be taken.
Zinc Rich Food

Lemon Balm Tea

Lemon balm tea is basically known for the antiviral property that it contains which is very helpful in treating shingles and this is the reason why it is also recommended as the best food to treat shingles.
People affected by shingles should make it a habit to take several cups of lemon balm tea every day as it is a very helpful shingle cure known for ages. The lemon balm tea has sedative effects that can play a great role in treating shingles.
Lemon Balm Tea

Arginine And Lysine Content Food

High lysine and low arginine are said to be very good for the health of a human being as they help in fighting against the growth of herpes simplex and the effect of herpes simplex. It is only because of the intake of arginine and lysine that amino acids compete for absorption that relates the herpes simplex and the herpes zoster resulting in treating shingles in people.
Meat and fish can serve as the best foods that can be taken to treat shingles as they have a high content of lysine in them. In this context there is one thing that should be kept in mind and that is the use of farm raised poultry instead of the wild.
Arginine And Lysine Content Food


Garlic has always been known to provide a relief from various kinds of diseases and infections and it has got popular as a very common natural treatment for shingles also. Garlic has specific antiseptic qualities that help in getting instant relief from shingles in the best way possible.

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