Tuesday, 2 September 2014

7 Natural Cure For Fibroids In Uterus

Uterine fibroids grow inside the uterus as benign lumps. The condition is characterized by symptoms such as cramping, frequent urge to urinate and painful sex. Uterine fibroids are due to abnormal growths of the muscular tissues of the uterus. 

Fibroids are of varying size and may appear singly or in numbers. Uterine fibroids tend to decrease after menopause. They are not associated with an increased risk of uterine cancer.

Tips To Cure Uterus Fibroids

Green Tea

According to study in 2010, regular treatment with green tea extract until eight weeks lead to significant decrease in size and weight of uterine fibroids in mice.
Green Tea

Sea Greens

Uterine fibroid can be reduced by taking vegetables that grow under the water in the ocean as these vegetables are rich in nutrients. Seaweed is rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals that are necessary to promote good health of the uterus.
Iodine found in Sea greens, a prime nutrient required to cure uterine fibroids. Eating sea vegetable in diet increases body’s iodine level and in that way helps to reduce uterine fibroids.
Sea green


Garlic is one of the best remedies for uterine fibroids. Garlic in regular diet helps to shrink fibroids gradually. Garlic cloves compounds have ability to inhibit the growth of tumor and that of uterine fibroids. Garlic is a powerful antioxidant so it is good for body’s immune system.

Vegetables And Fruits

Vegetable and fruits contain an antioxidant, beta carotene that gives them color. Upon digestion in human body beta carotene is converted into vitamin A, which promotes growth of healthy tissues and repair of tissues.
This will in turn encourage shrinking of uterine fibroids and also healing. Foods that contain beta carotene, like orange bell peppers, potatoes, orange and carrots can help to treat uterine fibroids effectively.
VEG & Fru

Citrus Fruit

Vitamin C is very important nutrient required for the treatment of uterine fibroids. Vitamin C is found in fruits such as lemons, oranges, limes and grapefruits. Vitamin C supports immune system and helps to prevent infection.
Being a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C contributes in shrinking of your fibroids. Other foods such as strawberries, kiwis, lemon, tomatoes and bell peppers contain high amount of Vitamin C.
Citrus Food

Avoid Alcohol Intake

Women having uterine fibroids should reduce their alcohol consumption since alcohol is a contributing factor in developing fibroids in uterus.
Avoid Alcohol

Exercise And Fibroids

Make a habit of regular exercise. This will help to reduce the size and shape of fibroids and control the severity of fibroids

Women with fibroids suffer from anemia and fatigue. They suffer from severe weakness so are completely unable to leave the house during the heaviest days. If left untreated, then the condition may become worse.

If the fibroids are continuously growing and hormones are in flux during menopause or the woman is under a great deal of stress, then she can develop hemorrhaging. For better results use of Nettle herb tea has been proved very effective to add more iron levels to the diet. Try out these above tips and see the results within few days.
Regular Exercise

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  1. Hello everyone, just a quick note to let you all know about a herbal doctor who cured my daughter of FIBROID, his name is Dr. Uduehi.I read about him online while searching for a solution, I reach out to him for help and he administered his medication on my daughter.The multiple fibroid shrink down and her pains like: Heavy menstrual bleed, Pelvic pain, Backache and difficulty emptying the bladder gone after the treatment. She went for test and she was tested fibroid free at the hospital. doctor's contacts: (+2347084878384) (uduehiherbalcare@gmail.com)

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