Tuesday, 2 September 2014

5 Natural Cure For Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s palsy occurs when the facial nerve malfunctions and the muscles on one side of the face become weak and paralyzed. The cranial nerve which controls the muscles in the face becomes damaged as a result of which one cannot generate facial expressions or blink the eye. Simple functions such as eating and smiling become difficult.

The speech becomes slurred and there is constant drooling. The ears become sensitive to sound, and the taste buds in the tongue become inactive. The symptoms usually occur suddenly and start with a pain in the neck or back of the head and progress rapidly. Simple home remedies are very helpful in relieving the symptoms and effecting a total recovery.

Tips To Cure Bell’s Palsy Naturally

Massage With Olive Oil

Massage your face regularly with warm olive oil to prevent further damage to the facial skin. Using your fingers massage the lower part of your face first. Grasp the corners of your lips with your thumb and index finger and push the centre of your lips forward to form a pucker. Repeat this motion at least fifteen times.
Next, move your fingers to the upper part of your face and massage the forehead and the area around the eyebrows. Then massage your cheeks with your fingertips in a circular motion and with some pressure so that nerve damage does not last too long. Massage every part of the face for at least twenty minutes. The increased blood circulation will stimulate the damaged nerve and correct the paralysis.
Olive Oil

Hot Compress

Dip a soft and clean cloth in hot water and squeeze out the excess water. Fold the cloth several times to form a compress and place it on the face till it loses heat. Repeat this process several times all over the face. Do this at least three times a day. The heat from the compress relaxes the muscles and prevents them from undergoing atrophy. If you apply this compress after massaging your face it will be more beneficial.
Hot water

Castor Oil

Castor oil is very beneficial in the treatment of Bell’s palsy. It reduces swelling and heals the damaged nerve. It strengthens the facial muscles and increases their elasticity. Heat some castor oil in a pan. Soak a thin cotton cloth into the oil and apply it to the face. Cover the compress with flannel to trap the heat. Apply this compress at least three times daily for maximum benefit.
Castor Oil


Garlic relieves the swelling and pain and stimulates the facial nerves by enhancing the blood circulation. Crush three cloves of garlic and mix them with one teaspoon of olive oil. Swallow this mixture twice a day, regularly until the condition improves and heals thoroughly.


Celery has many therapeutic uses and is widely used for medicinal purposes. It is extremely rich in vitamins and minerals which maintain nerve health and help them to heal when damaged. Celery also enhances immunity and promotes good health. Eat raw celery several times a day. Chew the leaves as well as the sticks. Regular use will reduce the symptoms and make them disappear completely.

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