Tuesday, 2 September 2014

5 Effective Home Remedies For Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a very common problem that develops in many individuals due to a number of factors. In most cases, low back pain is not severe or recurrent, and can be easily treated by making use of pain medications and rest. If you experience severe back pain that persists for more than 2 months, it is imperative that you seek immediate medical help.
For treating mild forms of lower back pain, you can use home remedies, which are highly effective and cheap. Given below is a list of highly effective home remedies for treating lower back pain. It is important to note that if the pain does not subside or worsens after using these home remedies, it is advisable that you seek medical help from your doctor.

Home Remedies For Lower Back Pain


Ginger is one of the most widely used home remedies for treating lower back pain. Ginger displays potent anti-inflammatory properties, which make it an effective home remedy for this problem. For treating lower back pain, you should crush ginger and extract its juice.
Following that, add this juice to some olive oil and massage it into the skin, leaving it on overnight. In the morning, you should wash it off with warm water.

Warm Compresses

Warm Compresses are an excellent home remedy for relieving lower back pain. For treating lower back pain, medical professionals recommend applying warm compresses to the affected area for 20 minutes, two-three times a day. However, it is advisable that you do not use very hot compresses, as it can scald the skin.
Warm Compresses

Cold Compresses

Cold Compresses are also effective in treating lower back pain. Some health experts also recommended alternating hot and cold compresses for treating lower back pain.
Cold Compresses
You can prepare cold compresses by tying up some ice in a cloth piece. Cold compresses help in soothing the muscles of the back, which relieves pain. You can apply cold compresses two-three times a day for around 5-10 minutes.


Garlic is also considered an effective home remedy for treating lower back pain. Garlic contains strong anti-inflammatory properties that diminish pain as well as swelling.
For treating lower back pain, health experts recommend applying garlic paste to the lower back and allow it to remain there for 30-45 minutes. You can apply garlic paste to your lower back several times a day. Wash it off using warm water.


Turmeric is another effective home remedy for treating lower back pain. Turmeric contains potent anti-inflammatory properties, which help in reducing lower back pain. However, it is recommended that you consume turmeric orally, by adding it to food, instead of applying it topically to the skin. This is because turmeric makes the skin yellow in colour, which is difficult to wash off completely.
Turmeric powder is utilized extensively in Asian cuisine, due to its flavour as well as potent healing properties for treating inflammatory and bacterial conditions. You can add quarter teaspoon of turmeric to each meal, three times a day for treating lower back pain. Turmeric can also be added to hot milk, which should be consumed twice daily.
Lower Back Pain.

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