Monday, 1 September 2014

5 Effective Herbal Remedies For Epilepsy

The word epilepsy comes from the ‘Greek’ and means to attack. Epilepsy is a very common neurological condition having a tendency to seizure that start in the brain causing repeated convulsions also called “fits”. There are more than 40 types of epilepsy and can develop at any age affecting more than 500000 people in the United Kingdom and many other people worldwide. Epilepsy is caused due to brain infections, brain Tumor, brain stroke, head injury or genetic factor.
It is a life-long tendency initiating any time in life and occurring frequently. Symptoms of epilepsy include confused memory, unresponsive to instructions, sudden bouts of chewing, person starts fearing for no apparent reason, jerking movements, peculiar changes in sense and smell. Epilepsy is often helpful to diagnose by scanning, MRI and CT scans, which are useful in detecting the brain damage. Here we have mentioned a few herbs, which will help to deal with epilepsy.

Herbal Remedies For Epilepsy

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is an excellent remedy used from centuries for treating numerous health conditions including epilepsy. Aloe vera is not just a flavoring food or used for sunscreen and lotions, but also helpful in treating the most common diseases such as diabetes, psoriasis osteoarthritis and epilepsy.
Aloe Vera
The extracts of aloe vera have complex set of chemicals such as Polysaccharide gum, helping to cure diseases such as epilepsy. Aloe vera juice consumed two times a day morning and evening on empty stomach shows effective results.


Valerian is a flowering herb native to Asia and grown in almost all parts of the world having a long record of use for epilepsy. Monoterpenes and Sesquiterpenes are the two essential constituents present in valerian helping to treat epilepsy.
Valerian has sedative properties, which potentiates the effects of antiepileptic medications helping to intensify side effects such as cognitive impairments. The best is that it has anticonvulsant action, which has been very useful in treating epilepsy and is not advisable for pregnant woman.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is fermented from crushed apples containing vitamins, minerals, acetic acid, citric acid, biotin and niacin though epilepsy cannot be completely cured, but for some people it may eventually go away and 80% people who had taken apple cider vinegar diagnosis with epilepsy. Apple cider vinegar taken on an empty stomach before every meal obtains best results.
Apple Cider Vinegar

Passion Flower

Passion flower is a wonderful herb possessing tranqullizing and sedative actions, which is a well known remedy for stress as well sleeplessness the main symptom of epilepsy.
Passion Flower
Flavonoid, is an active constituent in passion flower, which acts as partial agonist at receptors with Micromola affinity. Passionflower consumed in form of capsules, tablets, tinctures also in form of teas gives good results. Pregnant woman should avoid using this herb.

Epsom Salt

Epsom salt has been proven to treat epilepsy. Magnesium is an important component of epilepsy recovery and many people choose supplement magnesium using Epsom salt.
Epsom Salt
Though Epsom salt not known for oral consumption, you can go for ‘food grade’ Epsom salt and the standard dosage is ½ teaspoon every morning. It is also recommendable to eat small meals, include more of green vegetables in your diet and cut down on tea, coffee and consumption of alcohol.

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