Tuesday, 2 September 2014

5 Best High Calories Food For Cancer Patients

Individuals who undergo cancer treatment often suffer from weakness and fatigue; therefore, it is important for them to include foods that contain high amounts of calories. However, it is important to include foods that contain good calories, from nutrient-dense foods. Given below is a list of high calorie foods for cancer patients. 

Diet Tips For Cancer Patient


Meat is excellent for those who suffer from cancer, due to the fact that it contains high amounts of protein and good fats. Red meat, such as beef and mutton, contain all the amino acids required by the body for maintaining muscle mass. In addition to that, fish is also beneficial for cancer patients, as it contains high amounts of calories, from protein and unsaturated fats.

The presence of omega-3 fatty acids in fish helps in decreasing inflammation associated with cancer. Fish that contain high amounts of calories include tuna, mackerel, trout, salmon and herring. Chicken is also beneficial for cancer patients due to its high caloric value from proteins. You should aim at including meat in your diet everyday due to it’s high caloric value.


Beans are also beneficial for cancer patients, as it contains lot of calories. Beans are known to possess high amounts of protein and complex carbohydrates. At an average, a single cup of beans provides you with around 300 calories, 40 grams from carbohydrates and 10 grams from protein.
In addition to that, beans also possess high amounts of fibre, which aids in proper digestion. Beans that contain high number of calories include pinto beans, kidney beans, garbanzo beans and red beans. You should aim at including beans in your diet each day to meet your daily calorie requirements.

Dairy Products

Dairy products are also helpful for cancer patients as they contain high number of calories. The caloric value of dairy products is mostly due to high amounts of protein and fats. Eggs are extremely beneficial for cancer patients due to the fact that they contain good amounts of protein and fat.
A single egg provides you with around 6 grams of high quality protein, which means that the protein present in eggs is fully assimilated by the body. Dairy products that are recommended for cancer patients include milk, yogurt, eggs and cheese.
dairy products


Nuts are calorie-dense foods that must be consumed by individuals suffering from cancer. This is due to the fact that nuts are an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids, protein and carbohydrates.
Peanut butter is an excellent food that can be consumed by cancer patients; however, seek medical approval prior to consuming peanut butter due to the presence of certain additives. Nuts that are best for cancer patients include peanuts, walnuts, almonds and pistachios.

Whole grains

Whole grains are nutrient-dense foods that should be consumed by cancer patients. Whole grains possess high amounts of calories, due to the fact that they are rich in protein and complex carbohydrates. Whole grains are an ideal breakfast food for cancer patients as they provide energy throughout the day. Whole grains that contain very high amounts of calories include oats, bran, barley, rye, wheat and millet.

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