Wednesday, 3 September 2014

11 Home Remedies For Acid Reflux Disease

Acid reflux disease is a distressing condition that occurs when the stomach juices are thrown into the esophagus and this will cause severe burning sensation, chest pain and pain in the patient.
Several causes can be attributed to it, though the main one is intake of hot and spicy food. There are some home remedies that can be used for treating acid reflux disease. Here are a few.

Tips To Cure Acid Reflux Disease

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar restores the pH balance in the stomach, which helps in neutralizing the acidity in the stomach, and calms your stomach immediately. Take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with the ‘mother’ and add half a cup of water to this. As having a meal, and especially spicy and hot one can cause acid reflux disease in people who are prone to it, the mixture has to be taken before every meal to keep the stomach relaxed and calm and to prevent the over activity of the digestive juices. Take this mixture at least half an hour before every meal to prevent as well as treat acid reflux disease.
Apple Cider Vinegar

Baking Soda

Another natural pH restoring agent, baking soda helps by neutralizing the acid-base balance and restoring the troubled stomach to normalcy. Take a teaspoon of baking soda and add this to a glass of water. Soon the solution will start fizzing. Drink it immediately for immediate relief.
Baking Soda
However, baking soda must be taken with great caution. It can cause problems for people who have hypertension and those who are on a restricted or non sodium diet. Speak to your doctor about the safety of this home remedy before you take it when you have diseases and conditions.


Licorice root works by acting as a protective sheath around the stomach walls and this will prevent acid reflux disease from troubling you. Licorice root gel or supplements can be taken in tincture form or extracts, or as a tea for making use of its medicinal properties. Take the herbal remedy before meals or as directed by the herbalist. The protective gel that forms around the stomach walls will also prevent the walls from getting damaged due to severe and frequent acid reflux.

Aloe Vera

Aloe is a cooling gel and when you have a burning stomach as is the case when you have acid reflux disease, aloe can act as a soothing agent and cools the interior walls of the stomach. Fresh aloe can be collected from the aloe plant and a quarter cup can be taken every day morning or before meals to protect your stomach walls from acid reflux disease. Aloe Vera juices too are available for consumption. Make sure that the juice is organic and not a synthetic one.
Aloe Vera Gel


Ginger is a natural pain reliever. It is also good for optimum digestion of food and prevents the food and the gastric juices from throwing back into the esophagus and causing acid reflux disease. Ginger juice can be taken after meals for digestion of the food. Ginger will also prevent bacterial action in the stomach and aid in good digestion. This will prevent putrefaction of food inside the stomach and intestinal walls as well.
Ginger Juice

Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds when taken will help in taking care for stomach spasms, which too is a characteristic feature of acid reflux disease. Fennel seeds contain a compound known as anethole, which is known to be anti spasmodic in nature and helps in relaxing the stomach walls and preventing acid reflux disease. As acid reflux disease is more prone to crop up after a heavy and spicy meal, it is best to chew on a few fennel seeds after every meal to prevent its occurrence and also to aid in better digestive health.
Fennel Seeds

Lavender And Anise Tea

A combination of lavender which is a soothing and relaxing herb and anise seeds can help deal with acid reflux disease in people who suffer frequently. Take lavender and anise seeds in equal quantities and add one teaspoon of this mixture into twenty ounces of boiling water. Allow the mixture to be steeped for ten minutes. Cool and take one cup in the morning and one in the night. Doing this continuously will help in treating acid reflux disease and also in preventing the symptoms from occurring on a frequent basis.
Lavender Tea

Cumin Seeds

Another wonderful natural remedy, cumin seeds have many antibacterial, anti inflammatory and other medicinal properties. For treating acid reflux disease, cumin seeds can be used. Gas or flatulence is another reason that can cause acid reflux disease. Gas  trapped inside the abdominal wall can cause the digestive juices to be thrown back up and this will lead to severe acidity.
Cumin Seeds
Taking cumin seeds will help in the release of gas and this will prevent the digestive juices from coming back up. One tablespoon of cumin seeds can be boiled with one litre of water and this can be taken throughout the day, especially after meals to release gas and also to prevent bacterial buildup, which can lead to acid reflux disease later.


Almonds are known to be very relaxing to the stomach. Taking almonds every day will help in keeping the stomach walls relaxed and calm as well. For treating acid reflux disease, take 4-5 almonds and chew well before swallowing them. Almonds are rich in vitamin E, which moisturizes the stomach walls and is also antioxidant in nature. This will keep the stomach and digestive system and also skin very healthy.

Skimmed Milk

Milk is known to be very soothing to the stomach and many are recommended to have a glass of milk after the meals to calm the stomach, especially for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, acidity and related problems. However, you must not attempt fatty milk. A skimmed variety must be used every day to prevent aggravation. After your meals, make sure that you cool the milk and take a glass of it. The cooling and soothing properties of milk will be double fold when you cool it.
Skimmed Milk

Coconut Water

Coconut water is a natural cooling agent and this will take care of the burning sensation experienced my many when they have acid reflux disease. After every meal or when you are troubled by acid reflux disease, you can sip on a tender coconut and attain relief instantly. Coconut water is also rich in nutrients and help in keeping the stomach and body hydrated and cool, especially during the summer months.
Coconut Water

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  1. Home remedies for acidity is helpful post all people which are suffering from problem. If we follow this post and use Acidity Syrup we get fast result.

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  3. A cup of chamomile gives me much relief. This is effective for me..Thanks. Another good remedy is Herbal Medicine For Acidity..must try
