Tuesday, 19 August 2014
VYAKULA VYA KUJIEPUSHA WAKATI UNA MIMBA Foods You Must Avoid During Pregnancy.......
Foods You Must Avoid During Pregnancy.......
During pregnancy it is advisable to eat natural foods, but there are certain food groups you should avoid.
Avoid Seafood In Pregnancy
Seafood is a great source for Omega 3 which is beneficial for the baby. But you must avoid seafood with high mercury that can damage the baby's brain. Avoid shark, king mackerel, crabs, prawns and salmon - seafood contains mercury.
Avoid Undercooked Food In Pregnancy
It is important to avoid the consumption of raw and undercooked food. These foods may contain bacteria and viruses which can affect the mother and baby. Consume well cooked food and properly refrigerate food to avoid cross contamination.
Avoid Unpasteurised Food In Pregnancy
Unpasteurised food can contain food borne diseases. Hence avoid dairy products that are not properly pasteurised. You can consume mozzarella, cottage cheese and skim milk. But avoid cheese like feta and brie.
Avoid Unwashed Vegetables and FruitsIn Pregnancy
It is important to cook food for consumption during pregnancy. Do not consume food that is not cooked, raw or under cooked. These foods may contain bacteria and germs that can impact you during pregnancy. Wash all food products thoroughly before you cook it.
Avoid Caffeine, Tea, AlcoholIn Pregnancy
Completely avoid caffeine, tea and alcohol during pregnancy to prevent birth defects and complications. These three drinks can increase the risk of miscarriage.
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VYAKULA VYA KUJIEPUSHA WAKATI UNA MIMBA Foods You Must Avoid During Pregnancy....... Foods You Must Avoid During Pregnancy.......During pregnancy it is advisable to eat natural foods, but there are certain food groups you should avoid.Avoid Seafood In PregnancySeafood is a great source for Omega 3 whi… Read More
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