Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Turmeric and Multiple Myeloma

When bone marrow plasma cells turn cancerous, a person is said to suffer from multiple myeloma. The plasma cells form tumors in the bone marrow in areas where solid bone is supposed to exist. Plasma cells are very important for they produce antibodies essential for fighting infections. When bone tumors are formed, the bone marrow is unable to produce healthy platelets and blood cells. Those with prior history of radiation therapy and older adults are more at risk of contracting multiple myeloma. 
Symptoms include anemia, pain in the bones or back, fatigue, numbness of legs and arms, bleeding problems, fever or shortness of breath. Blood tests or bone density tests may be used to diagnose multiple myeloma. Treatment could include medications, radiation, chemotherapy or bone marrow transplant. Complications include paralysis, kidney failure, pneumonia or bone fractures.  

Turmeric & Multiple Myeloma

Curcumin, the chemical in turmeric, is known to inhibit growth of various cancer cells, cause cell death or apoptosis and metastases or spread of cancer to other organs. Laboratory studies have been conducted on breast, skin, prostate, colon and other types of cancer cells. NF-kappaB is a regulatory

molecule that signals our genes to go into overdrive and produce damaging, inflammatory molecules like COX-2, TNF and IL-6. These molecules promote growth and metastases of cancer cells. Curcumin

is able to inhibit NF-kappaB activation and therefore suppress proliferation of inflammatory molecules, cause cell suicide and cell cycle arrest. While there are no established studies on the whether turmeric will benefit treatment of multiple myeloma, early studies suggest that its therapeutic and chemopreventive properties could be used in treating this and other cancers like oral and pancreatic cancer. 
Early clinical studies are promising on the benefits of curcumin for multiple myeloma. When curcumin was added to human multiple myeloma cells, it was found that the cells stop replicating and die.  Recent studies indicate that turmeric not only kills multiple myeloma cells but also improves efficacy of

conventional cancer therapy. In China, scientists studying multiple myeloma found that turmeric reduced proliferation of cancer cells. It also helped increase concentration of prescription medication Alkeran in

tumor cells. Another study found that curcumin could reduce resistance of multiple myeloma cells to cancer drugs like dexamethasone and others. These laboratory studies indicate that curcumin used along with conventional medication could improve their efficacy in treatment of multiple myeloma.
There have also been small clinical studies on benefits of turmeric for humans with multiple myeloma. In Sydney, 26 patients were alternately given either 4g curcumin daily for three months or a placebo. Results showed that with the placebo, abnormal protein levels increased or remained static. With curcumin, the same proteins remained steady or reduced. 
In another clinical study, 29 patients with multiple myeloma were split into 2 groups. One was given curcumin in increasing doses and the other Bioperine (black pepper compound) and curcumin combined in increasing doses. Turmeric was found to reduce both growth and metastases of multiple myeloma cells. Scientific evidence is as yet insufficient and further trials are required on the doses of turmeric that could be effective and whether it is the ideal therapeutic treatment for multiple myeloma. 
Higher doses of turmeric seem to be more effective in killing cancer cells according to a study on 3 types of melanoma cell line. These were neck and head squamous cell carcinoma, pancreatic cancer cells and multiple myeloma cells. In multiple myeloma, turmeric was found to trigger apoptosis and spread of cancer cells by preventing activation of certain cancer pathways.  
Multiple myeloma grows due to various factors like interaction between bone marrow stromal cells and multiple myeloma cells. This factor causes cell survival, growth and its resistance to cancer drugs. Hence, novel anti-cancer therapies are being studied to reduce this resistance. Curcumin was found to reduce growth of both these types of cells, reduce manufacture of pro-inflammatory cytokines both of which offer hope in therapeutic treatment for multiple myeloma. 


The adult dose of standardized curcumin powder is 400-600mg thrice daily. There is no pediatric dosage. Bromelain helps to increase turmeric’s absorption levels and anti-inflammatory benefits. Hence, many turmeric supplements contain bromelain.  


Using turmeric spice in food does not produce any side effects. Always be cautious when combining turmeric with anticoagulant or anti-platelet drugs or other herbs or supplements. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised to avoid turmeric supplements. Gallbladder problems could worsen 

with turmeric. Since turmeric could slow blood clotting, patients are advised to avoid it 2 weeks before a surgery is scheduled. When high dosage of turmeric is taken over long periods, it could cause indigestion, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting.   Always consult your doctor when you decide to use any new herbal supplement.


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