Monday 18 August 2014


Do you often suffer from bouts of forgetfulness? Do you have trouble recollecting faces, dates and daily tasks? Well, you are not alone. Forgetfulness has become a daily phenomenon in the fast paced life of today. Contrary to popular belief, memory and cognitive problems are not related to old age.

In fact, several people across different age groups face such problems. This is simply because we carry a lot more on our plates that we can handle. Apart from this, memory and cognitive problems can also crop up due to reasons like high blood pressure, poor thyroid function and drug interactions, among others. However, we have some herbal remedies that can help you deal with memory problems effectively.


Gingko Biloba

The leaves of the Gingko Biloba tree have been used since centuries as a memory booster.These leaves have a high level of antioxidants that fight free radicals causing cell degeneration of the brain and nerve cells.These antioxidants also stabilize the structure of the brain cells besides improving blood circulation to the brain, thereby improving your memory power manifold. It is also believed that Gingko Biloba may slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Adults wanting to sharpen their memory must consume 120mg of Gingko Biloba supplements daily for at least 5 weeks to notice an improvement.



This marshy herb is well known for its memory enhancing properties. It has anti-inflammatory and antiepileptic properties. It has antioxidant properties that protect the brain cells from damage.It is highly effective in the treatment of memory loss since it restores brain cell damage by destroying the free radicals. It has the power to improve memory and concentration. Herbal supplements of bacopin are available as 100mg capsules. You can buy them online or at local health stores.



Several herbalists and naturopaths prescribe rosemary to deal with memory and cognitive problems. It is rich in antioxidants that prevent damage to neurotransmitters of the brain.In addition to this, it improves blood circulation to the brain cells, improving memory. Take advantage of rosemary by liberally using it to spice your food. You can also prepare a tea by steeping 1 teaspoon dried rosemary leaves in 1 cup of boiling water. Consume this tea daily for improved cognitive skills and memory power.


Gotu Kola

This herb reduces anxiety and stimulates the brain by increasing blood flow to the brain. It is available in many forms including capsules, teas and tablets. For an instant memory freshener, drink a cup of tea made by steeping 1 teaspoon of dried gotu kola leaves in one cup of water, sweetened with ½ teaspoon honey.


Lemon Balm

This herb improves brain function in the areas of problem solving, judgment and memory. Within 16 weeks of taking lemon balm supplements, you can feel the difference.Lemon balm leaves are being researched for their brain boosting and healing properties in the study of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. For increased alertness and improved memory, drink a cup of hot lemon balm tea daily.Take up any of these herbal remedies on a regular basis for dealing with memory and cognition problems effectively.



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