Saturday 9 August 2014

Top 15 Home Remedies for Vaginal Odor

Have you recently experienced a foul smelling discharge from your vagina? If yes, it may mean that there is an overgrowth of yeast or bacteria giving birth to your vaginal odor. Medically known as Bacterial

Vaginosis (BV) and Vaginal Yeast Infections, vaginal odor can be sometimes embarrassing though it should not be. According to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, feminine odor changes throughout the normal monthly menstrual cycle of a woman. Just as your feet or breath has a smell,

vagina too has a smell due to the presence of bacteria here. However, this may get unusual and you may get metallic or musty smell or even a fishy smell from vagina which can be due to foods you eat or certain hormonal causes along with the overgrowth of bacteria as well as sexually transmitted diseases for which

you should get treatment. Accompanied by yellow or white discharge, itching, burning and irritation, vaginal odor may indicate vaginal infection. If your vaginal odor, however, doesn’t indicate anything serious, you may apply some home remedies for vaginal odor to get rid of this foul smell.

Home Remedies for Vaginal Odor

1. Fenugreek Remedies for Vaginal Odor

Fenugreek is a wonderful herb that cures many conditions including vaginal odor. Fenugreek is especially beneficial for women’s health as it promotes hormonal balance as well as regular menstrual cycle if consumed on a regular basis. Some herbalists even claim that the properties of fenugreek are almost similar to those of female sex hormone, estrogen. These are some of the ways you can use fenugreek to reduce your vaginal odor.

Ways to Use Fenugreek for Vaginal Odor

Drink Fenugreek Soaked Water

Get this:
  • Fenugreek seeds- 1-2 tsp
  • Water- 1 glass
Do this:
  • Take fenugreek seeds and soak in water overnight.
  • In the morning, strain the water and drink it on an empty stomach.
  • Do this daily for about 2 weeks.

Make Fenugreek tea

Get this:
  • Fenugreek seeds- 1 tbsp
  • Water- 1 cup
Do this:
  • Crush the fenugreek seeds, preferably with the help of mortar and pestle. Use any other way to crush them if you don’t have mortar and pestle.
  • Boil the water in a pan and put off the flame.
  • Add crushed fenugreek seeds to the hot water and cover.
  • Let it steep for about 10-15 minutes. You may steep fenugreek for upto 3 hours.
  • Drink this hot (or cold, if you’ve steeped for longer) fenugreek tea.

Wash Vagina with Fenugreek Water

Get this:
  • Fenugreek seeds- 2-3 tsp
  • Water- 1 liter
Do this:
  • Add fenugreek seeds to water.
  • Boil this water on medium flame for about half an hour.
  • Let the water cool down.
  • Wash your vagina with this water.
  • Do this 3-4 times a day.
Take Precaution: Fenugreek may induce gastrointestinal discomforts like diarrhea or bloating, allergic reactions, and nausea. Also topical application may lead to skin rashes or irritation. So check your tolerance before applying these fenugreek remedies for vaginal odor. Avoid using this if you are pregnant as it may induce premature labor. If you are Hypogycemic, avoid having fenugreek as it reduces blood sugar level.

2. Yogurt- the Natural Remedy for Vaginal Odor

With all its health benefits, yogurt can also help you get rid of vaginal odor. Yogurt is naturally rich in lactobacillus, the healthy bacteria which not only keeps your stomach free of any infection but also reduce the yeast infection of your vagina. Lactobacillus also helps in restoring normal vaginal pH level which kills your vaginal odor. So eat unsweetened plain yogurt everyday, as much as two cups a day. You may also use yogurt in other ways to get rid of your vaginal odor.

Ways to use Yogurt for Vaginal Odor

Consume Yogurt Daily

This is the best way to use yogurt not only for vaginal odor elimination but also for your overall health. Just take care to have organic, unflavored, unsweetened yogurt. Sweetened yogurt can actually increase your problems by promoting yeast infection. It’s better to have plain yogurt. If you are buying probiotic yogurt, check if it contains lactobacillus or not because this is the healthy bacteria in yogurt which will get you rid of your vaginal odor. Have at least 2 cups of yogurt everyday.

Apply Yogurt to Vagina

Get this:
  • Yogurt- ¼ – ½ cup
  • Cotton pad
Do this:
  • Take the yogurt in a cup or bowl.
  • Dip the cotton pad in the yogurt and let it soak well.
  • Now take the cotton pad out of the yogurt.
  • Apply this yogurt to your vagina by rubbing with gentle hand.
  • Let it be there for sometime, wash off with water and pat dry.
  • Repeat this for three to four times a day.
Alternatively, you may soak a tampon in plain yogurt and insert in your vagina. Leave it there for sometime before removing. Now wash off with plain water.
Take Precaution: If you are allergic to dairy products, avoid having or using yogurt for vaginal odor.

3. Garlic Remedies for Vaginal Odor

Garlic is a known natural anti-bacterial herb. Having garlic can get you rid of bad bacteria that cause vaginal odor. The strong antifungal properties of garlic also help eliminate the plethora of fungus causing yeast infection and giving rise to mild vaginal odor.

Ways to Use Garlic for Vaginal Odor

  1. Eat 1-2 raw garlic cloves with one glass of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. Insert one clove of peeled garlic into your vagina and leave for a couple of hours. Wash or take bath after removing the garlic clove. Do this once or twice a week to get rid of vaginal odor.
  3. Include garlic in your dishes like salads and dips.
  4. Crush some garlic cloves to make paste. Apply this garlic paste to your vagina and leave for about 10 minutes. Wash or have bath after this.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat Vaginal Odor

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is one ingredient which has been studied widely for its health benefits. Many studies have found apple cider vinegar useful in treating vaginal infections too. ACV has fine anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties that are responsible for its curative nature. Also apple cider vinegar balances pH levels in an effective way and that’s one reason why you can use apple cider vinegar to get rid of your vaginal odor.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Vaginal Odor

Get this:
  • Apple cider vinegar- 3 cups
  • Warm water- enough for a shallow bath
Do this:
  • Fill your bath tub with warm water.
  • Add apple cider vinegar to this water.
  • Now sit in this water for about 20-30 minutes.
  • If you badly suffer from vaginal odor, you may apply this remedy 4-5 times a week otherwise do it just once or twice a week.

Other Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Vaginal Odor

If you do not want to use ACV this way, you may use it in some other ways mentioned here.
  1. Dilute some apple cider vinegar with water and rinse your vagina with this diluted solution.
  2. Soak a tampon in diluted solution of apple cider vinegar and insert this into your vagina to keep it there for 30-60 minutes.
  3. Mix 1 ounce of ACV with 8 ounces of water and drink this daily to balance pH level of your body. This prevents overgrowth of bacteria in your body including vagina.

5. Tea Tree Oil to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor

Tea tree oil is a known natural antiseptic. It gets you rid of germs and bacteria very fast. However, never use undiluted tea tree oil directly on skin as this may lead to irritation and burning sensation. Just a few drops of this strong antiseptic and antibacterial oil mixed with some water is enough to cure your vaginal odor.

Ways to Use Tea Tree Oil for Vaginal Odor

  1. Mix 4-5 drops of tea tree oil to water in bath tub. Sit in this water for 20-30 minutes. Wash with plain water afterwards and pat dry. Do not use soap to wash your vagina after using this remedy. Do this 2-3 times a day.
  2. Rinse your vagina with water mixed with 2-3 drops of tea tree oil. Do this 2-4 times a day.
  3. Add few drops of tea tree oil to some water and soak a tampon. Insert this tampon into your vagina and leave for about 5 minutes before taking it out. Do this an hour before you take bath. Repeat this daily for a week or so.

6. Baking Soda Remedies for Vaginal Odor

One of the causes of vaginal odor is imbalanced pH level of your body. Baking soda can instantly level your pH level. So, when you are up to go out and realize your vagina is emitting foul smell, drink a glass of water mixed with some baking soda. You may actually like to use baking soda to wash your vaginal area regularly to keep its pH levels balanced.

Ways to Use baking Soda for Vaginal Odor

  1. Take 1-2 tsp of baking soda and mix this with a glass of water. Drink this daily.
  2. Add half a cup of baking soda to water in your bath tub. Sit in this water for about 20 minutes. This treats yeast infection and instantly eliminates vaginal odor.

7. Cranberry Juice to Remove Vaginal Odor

Cranberries have been known for their efficiency in detoxifying body. As cranberry juice is acidic in nature, it helps keep bacteria count low in your body. This is also why drinking cranberry juice is an established natural remedy for urinary tract infections. Just a glass of unsweetened and undiluted cranberry juice may help flush toxins from your body as well as keep vaginal odor at bay!

8. Alum Remedies for Vaginal Odor

Alum is a sulfate of aluminum and apart from being used for food pickling and purifying water, it is also used for controlling body odor. In fact, it is a traditional natural aftershave to control bleeding from cuts that men can get from shaving. As it easily dissolves in water, alum can mix with sweat to neutralize the development of bacteria that cause body odor. As far as vaginal odor is concerned, the antiseptic and astringent properties of alum come into play to restrict the growth of bacteria that give rise to foul smell in your vagina. Alum is especially beneficial when vaginal odor is due to whitish liquid vaginal discharge (Leucorrhoea).

Ways to Use Alum for Vaginal Odor

  1. Mix ¼ to ½ tsp of alum powder in some water and use this for washing your vagina and surrounding area.
  2. Get an alum stick from any grocery store. Soak it in water and rub it on your vagina’s mouth with gentle hand. Don’t be too harsh. Do it 1-2 times a day.
  3. Mix ¼ tsp of alum powder with a glass of water and have it twice a day. This remedy treats leucorrhoea and eliminates excessive vaginal discharge that give rise to bad smell.

9. Guava Leaves Remedy for Vaginal Odor

Guava leaves have antioxidants, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties along with certain beneficial tannins. These leaves have been used traditionally for medicinal uses in various diseases. While guavas help reduce menstrual cramps in women, guava leaves when boiled with water give an excellent solution to cure vaginal discharge problems.

How to Use Guava Leaves for Vaginal Odor

Get this:
  • Guava leaves- 8-10
  • Water- 1 liter
Do this:
  • Add guava leaves to water.
  • Boil this water till it reduces to half its quantity.
  • Let it cool down.
  • Strain and use the water for washing your vaginal area. Rinse your vagina throughly with this water.
  • Do this twice a day.

10. Indian Gooseberry to Cure Vaginal Odor

Amla or the popular Indian gooseberry has many properties apart from being one of the richest sources of Vitamin C. It is an effective natural blood purifier. Just by eating amla can get you rid of vaginal odor and other infections. It is an established natural remedy to treat Leucorrhoea or vaginal discharge which gives rise to foul smell. You can eat raw amla, amla powder mixed with water or even pickled amla. Here are a couple of ways to use gooseberry to treat leucorrhea which is one of the causes of vaginal odor.

Ways to Use Amla to Cure Leucorrhea induced Vaginal odor

  1. Add 1 tsp of amla powder to 1- ½ tsp of honey. Mix well to make a paste and have this twice a day for at least one month.
  2. Take 4-5 tsp of amla juice and mix ½ tsp of honey with this. Have this twice a day for one month.

11. Make Herbal Capsule for Odor from Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis, as mentioned earlier, is caused by imbalance in bacteria present in your vagina. Normal lactobacilli, the good bacteria, decrease in the vagina which increases the vaginal pH. This increase in pH level results into an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria in the vagina which causes discomforts including itching and foul smell. Here is one herbal remedy which is used to make capsules with the help of a variety of herbs to cure bacterial vaginosis and get you rid of vaginal odor.
Get this:
  • Echinacea root powder- 1 part
  • Yellow Dock root powder- 1 part
  • Slippery Elm bark powder- 1 part
  • Comfrey root powder- 1 part
  • Golden Seal root powder- 2 part
  • Myrrh gum powder- 1 part
  • “00” gelatin capsules
Parts of these herbal powders are to be taken by weight and not by volume.
Do this:
  • Mix all the herbal powders.
  • Now fill the gelatin capsules with this herbal mix. “00” size capsules hold about 735 mg. You will need about 1 teaspoon mixture to fill 5 such capsules.
  • After you prepare your herbal capsules, store them safely.
  • Have 2 capsules three times daily.
  • Do this for 1-2 weeks.

12. Boric Acid Remedy to Treat Vaginal Odor

Now you know that the good bacteria lactobacillus stay in your vagina to keep its acidity in check. However, certain substances like menstrual blood or semen etc. affect the acidity of vagina and make it more alkaline. The pH level of vagina gets affected negatively and the increased alkalinity contribute to the growth of bacteria leading to bacterial vaginosis. Boric acid, which is mildly acidic and antiseptic can help in restoring the correct acidic level in your vagina.

How to Use Boric Acid to Cure BV induced Vaginal Odor

Get this:
  • Boric acid
  • Size “00” gelatin capsules
Do this:
  • Take the gelatin capsules and fill them with boric acid.
  • Store them safely.
  • Insert 1 capsule filled with boric acid into your vagina at bedtime.
  • Do this once or twice a week.
The natural remedy for vaginal odor using boric acid is more of a preventive measure which protects you from getting bacterial vaginosis if you are prone to this. However, if you feel that you are about to develop BV, increase the dose of boric acid capsule by using 1 capsule for 3 consecutive nights. After this, again start using the capsule once or twice a week.
Warning: Ensure you never swallow the gelatin capsules with boric acid. Put a clear label on the bottle in which you store boric acid capsules and keep it out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, never use boric acid capsules in your vagina too.

13. Neem-Margosa Leaves Remedy for Vaginal Odor

The herb Neem, also known as Margosa, has excellent antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties. Neem bark extract as well as leaves are especially effective in protecting you against various fungi including candida which leads to yeast infections that in turn give rise to vaginal odor. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medicine, prescribes neem remedy to treat bacterial vaginosis. Here is how you can use margosa leaves to get rid of BV as well as vaginal odor.
Get this:
  • Neem leaves- a handful
  • Water- enough to make paste
Do this:
  • Heat a pan.
  • Add neem leaves to the pan and dry roast for about three minutes.
  • Put off the flame and let the leaves cool down.
  • Once cold, crush the roasted neem leaves to get a fine powder.
  • Take 2 tsp of this neem leaves powder.
  • Add a little water to this and make a paste.
  • Apply this neem leaves paste to your vagina and surrounding area.
  • Do this twice a day.

14. Turmeric-Milk Remedy for Vaginal Odor

Turmeric is one of the best herbs for many ailments. It is a natural anti-bacterial that kills bacteria and keeps your vagina protected against viral infections. One of the Ayurvedic remedies for vaginal odor induced by bacterial vaginosis as well as dryness in vagina suggests using milk and turmeric.
Get this:
  • Milk (warm)- 1 glass
  • Turmeric powder- 1 tsp
Do this:
  • Add turmeric poweder to warm milk.
  • Mix well and drink this.
  • Drink this turmeric mixed milk daily till your vaginal odor and infection is cured.

15. Hygiene and Diet Remedies for Vaginal Odor

Apart from the natural and herbal ingredients that prevent and cure foul smell, there are many other factors that decide whether you will suffer from vaginal odor and other vagina related issues or not. These include foods that you eat and hygiene that you maintain. Here are some cleanliness, hygiene and diet remedies for vaginal odor that will go a long way to make you feel relieved and refreshed.
  1. Drink lots of water during the day. Water gets your body rid of bad toxins and harmful bacteria.
  2. Avoid caffeine drinks like coffee and tea as well as sugary drinks like colas etc. Excessive sugar in your body give way to bacteria and in turn vaginal odor.
  3. Avoid too spicy and starchy foods.
  4. Have lots of citrus foods that are rich in vitamin C such as guava, grapes, oranges, sweet lime, lemons, grapefruits, pineapples etc. Vitamin C boosts your immune system and prepares your body to fight against harmful bacteria.
  5. Avoid unprotected sex which may cause infections and sexually transmitted diseases, one of the leading causes of vaginal odor.
  6. Wear underwear made of breathable fabric like cotton. Change them everyday and wash them properly with soap.
  7. During monthly menstrual cycle, change sanitary pads frequently. If using tampons, don’t forget to take them out.
  8. Wash your vagina properly after intercourse and urination.
  9. Always wear lose fitting clothes. Tight jeans or pants don’t allow air to flow and result in sweating which gives rise to vaginal odor.


  1. Great article thanks to share vaginal odor home remdies are best Tea tree oil is the best its remove bacteria naturally and main use Intimate wash Products.

  2. All thanks to dr lawcy, i am wendy Linus from uk, England, i am here to share a good testimony of my self on how a good, great and real spell caster helped me. i appreciate everyone for taken their precious time to read my testimony, 3 months ago i was diagnosed of hiv, this means that 3months ago i was hiv positive when i told one of my good friend about this, she sympathized with me and then she said that she was going to help me out, she introduced me to one great spell caster and she said that this spell caster has remedy to all illness, i was really surprised on this and confused as well, then i told the spell caster to help me and he prepared some herbs for me and send it across to me and he told me the way i was going to be taken the medicine which i did, and in the next 2 weeks i went to the hospital and they said that i am now hiv negative, i am very happy about this, when i contacted dr lawcy again to tell him the good result , i asked him how he was able to help me, and he said that he was gifted with it that he can cure illness like
    1 cancer
    2 hiv
    3 low sperm count
    4 barrenness
    5 herpes
    6 hpv
    7 gonorrheal
    8 sti (sexually transmitted infection)
    9 std (sexually transmitted disease)
    10 stroke
    this are few that i can mention right now, this man is a very great, good and powerful dr, all thanks to him for given me a second chance, if you are out there passing through any problem, you can contact him today on his email on, and i know that he will help you also. once again help me to thank dr lawcy for given me a second chance.

  3. hello friends I am from U S A.
    God is be really Good to me in my life, before people said there is no cure on H.P.V TYPE 4 but today many people have now believe that there is a cure FOR H.P.V/ IT can be cured through Africans root and harms,and days our great doctors have finally found the cure of H.P.V, many have get cured with the help of a great spell caster known as Dr.aromotenba he's the one of the great spell herbal doctor in Africa and he has the cure on this disease H.P.V/TYPE 1 TYPE 2 TYPE 3 AND TYPE 4. TYPE 5, human papilomavirus, herpes, syphilis, cancer, hepatitis a b and c. hire blood pressures, body disease, diabetics, enpilencing , hiv aids, pregnancy, and many difference kinds of diseases, last month he share is Herbal medicine in some medical hospital and now he is well recognize as one of the best spell caster in Africa, you don't have to be sad any more or share your tears any more on this disease when the cure have already be found. in 2015 the total number of people living with H.P.V was 5.8 million but today the total number is now 2.6 million, if you want to get in touch with him in private contact him on this e-mail below: cell phone contact +2348101571054 his whatsapp contact is +2348137162683. so now contact him and get rid of your disease immediately because this disease are not melt for us, with GOD all things are possible, so GOD has use this great dr.odudud of dr.oduduherbalhome to let people no that this disease are not actually melt for us. and also here is my cell phone contact you can get in contact with me if you wish to no more about this great wonderful herbal doctor that has so much made me believe in him ok, so here is my cell phone contact +15493473727 thanks everybody and most especially you dr.odudu.



  4. How I Got My Ex Husband Back........... I am marria by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address , have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 2 days that i will have my husband back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband. Thanks for Dr. okundonor.
    His email:( )or call him Call +2348137828640

  5. I want to say a very big thanks to Dr.Osilele for helping me when am in need of a child. With his Roots and Herbs, i also known of him curing a woman with hpv. i was cured after 10years of marriage with no child but thank God today with the help of Dr.Osilele roots and herbs i got pregnant within 3 weeks and i was so very happy, i pray that god should strengthen Dr.Osilele for the kind job he did in my life they are people out there finding it difficult to conceive why can't you contact Dr.Osilele via email address or his cellphone number +2349038242625.


  6. Bacterial Vaginitis is the most common vaginal infection in women of reproductive age. The percentage of women affected at any given time varies between 5% and 70%. Bacterial Vaginitis is most common in parts of Africa and least common in Asia and Europe. so We give to you best Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginitis which is best natural cure for this disease.

  7. My Husband divorce me for no reason, Thanks to Dr happy for bringing back my husband,and brought me great joy to my family once again, My name is crystal . i live in USA New Jersey, I`m happily married to a lovely and caring husband,with three kids A very big problem occurred in my family 2 weeks ago,between me and my husband so terrible that he took the case to court for a divorce he said that he never wanted to stay with me again,and that he did not love me anymore So he packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through several pain. I tried all my possible means to get him back,after much begging,but all to no avail and he confirmed it that he has made his decision,and he never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my husband So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my husband back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.(}, So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my husband back the next day what an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my husband who did not call me for the past seven {2}weeks,gave me a call to inform me that he was coming back So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster . So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit Dr happy ,if you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to "bringing your ex back. So thanks to Dr happy for bringing back my husband,and brought great joy to my family once again. { }, Thanks you Dr happy, i will always be testifying about your good work. also call him on +2348133873774.your spell is really a 100% Guarantee sure and safe

  8. All thanks to dr lusanda for him bringing smile to my face again, 8years ago i was diagnosed of this painful ailment called varicella-zoster Virus, i have done all i could to get rid of this herpes disease,but all my effort was in vain, i have visited several health clinics but they couldn't help me, but i was so lucky when i saw on the internet, on how Dr Lusanda has cured several individual from herpes disease, i had to contact his email address i found on the internet, after i contacted him, i explained everything to him of how this terrible disease has made me to suffer so much, he assured me of a herbal medcation that would completely eradicate this virus and told me not to worry that everything will be fine,i believed him on everything he told me and within days he sent me the herb and to my greatest surprise after receiving the herb with 18days of usage i was fully cured, thanks to Dr Lusanda for his marvelous herbs, he is truly a life saver,so if you are passing through same situation all you have to do is to contact his email or

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  10. I am Susan Malila from Dallas Texas, United States.i have been living in pains for the past 2 years now not until i meet Dr prince who was able to restore my life back with his herbal medicine, i have been HIV positive for the past two years now everyday of my life i cry to God as I was a mother of 2 cute kids who were looking up to me i was still taking my medication from the hospital which cost me a lot, I also did some prayers to God that he should do some miracle in my life,Few Months ago i was browsing on net when I found some good testimonials about Dr prince Herbs, and someone recommended that he has cured Hiv,diabetes,cancer,ulcer,and so many other disease I always had faith that God could use someone to heal me, then I contacted Dr prince and I told him my problems, he told me not to worry that with God all things are possible and also that he was going to prepare for me some herbal herbs which i am to take and he is going to send the medicine to me, well after all the guidance and medication from Dr prince he advice that i go for check up again to see my status result and he assured me of good result, i was afraid at this point cause i never wanted someone to tell me again that i am positive, after 2 days I went to the Hospital for check up and they said the result was to come out by Friday, at 11:00 AM on Friday the Doctor called me and told me that the result was out and I am Negative, I was shocked and could not believe it, I immediately called Dr prince and told him about the good news he told me to rejoice and make sure I share my testimony with my friends and that is why I am doing this right now, friends you can contact Dr prince today on ( )or call him on +2348163241499.

  11. What Your Vaginal Discharge Alerts About

    vaginal secretion changes all through your month to month cycle. You may see conovulation-1trast in the consistency, surface, shading, sum and even the odor, says Nicole Scott, MD, an ob-gyn at Indiana University Health.

    Click Here to Read More

  12. Hello Friends i am so glad to write this article today to tell the world how Dr Oboite cured my HPV virus that have been in body since five years ago, ever since then my life has been in complete,i have used so many drugs that was prescribed to me by several doctors,but it didn't cure my HPV VIRUS neither did it reduce the pain, i was checking for solution on the internet then miraculously came across Dr Oboite the powerful herbalist that cure HPV INFECTION,then i contacted his email, i explained everything to him and he prepared a herbal cure and send it to me that was how i got cured from HPV disease totally after receiving his herbal medicine, so my friends viewers why waiting and be suffering with this HPV virus when there is someone like Dr Oboite that can cure any disease HIV/ CANCER/ HEPATITIS C VIRUS,HERPES VIRUS,ALS VIRUS. you can contact his via: or whatapps, call +2348054265852.

  13. Best blog, i am completely agree with you.Ayurveda provides various herbal remedies and home remedies for lucorrhoea

  14. Bacterial vaginitis is one of the mildest vaginal infection that are caused due to the imbalance between the good and bad bacteria present in vagina. This is not a serious problem but the symptoms are very annoying. The good news is that the condition is treatable and there are various Natural Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginitis which can help to get rid of it quickly. Medicines can cause some side effects too, so it is better to try Ayurvedic Remedies for Bacterial Vaginitis as they are completely safe and effective too.

  15. I was diagnosed of herpes in 2015 and I tried all possible means to get cure but all to no avail until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal doctor from Africa who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including herpes virus, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contact this herbal doctor via his email i bought the herpes herbal medicine and received it through DHL within 3 days and used it as prescribed,
    i tested negative to HPV virus within 2 weeks of usage. Thanks to I got lot of or or talk to him via What's Number +2349054910629 thanks once again to Dr GOD bless you abundantly….

    I was diagnosed of herpes in 2015 and I tried all possible means to get cure but all to no avail until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal doctor from Africa who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including herpes virus, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contact this herbal doctor via his email i bought the herpes herbal medicine and received it through DHL within 3 days and used it as prescribed,
    i tested negative to HPV virus within 2 weeks of usage. Thanks to I got lot of or or talk to him via What's Number +2349054910629 thanks once again to Dr GOD bless you abundantly….

  16. I was once a victim of Human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV infection is deadly, and should be get rid as soon as possible, it usually begins as a small area of tenderness, swelling and redness. Herbal Medicine is the best for this infection, I have finally been cure of HPV. If you have HPV, don't be discourage, stop using Western medicine and embrace herbal product or contact directly Nelson for help.

  17. I was diagnose with human papillomavirus 4 years ago and i met a doctor he told me there is no cure and i have be taking some medication the warts multiplied when trying to removed them and it got me embarrass and pains, luckily few weeks ago i was recommend to Dr Abu for natural treatment after one week i got 100% cure and all the wart and pains got disappeared, i sheared this post because its part of my life experience, encase anyone need speedy help about this cure email Dr Abu via,

  18. Am here to tell about dr ewoig cure to vaginal discharge and fibroid. I suffered from vaginal discharge for four years and this was eating us up.i told a friend about my problem and she told me about how dr ewoig cure her of fibroid, she gave me the contact of Dr ewoig. I made purchase of the product which I use for two weeks, and the problem of vaginal discharge was over and am so happy with our life now. His herbal is the only permanent cure to vaginal discharge and fibroid, You can always contact the Doctor through his email for more information.

  19. As a sign of gratitude of how i was cured from vaginal discharge, i decided to reach out to those still suffering from this.
    i suffered vaginal discharge in the year January 2017 and it was really tough and heartbreaking for me because the symptoms were terrible,i always have abnormal vaginal smelling, and i always have pain during sexual intercourse. . we tried various therapies prescribed by our neurologist but none could cure me. I searched for a cure and i saw a testimony by someone who was cured and so many other with similar body problem, and he left the contact of the doctor who had the cure to vaginal discharge . I never imagined vaginal discharge has a natural cure not until i contacted him and he assured me that i will be fine. I got the herbal medication he recommended and i used it and in 2 weeks time i was fully okay even up till this moment am so full of life.vaginal discharge. has a cure and it is a herbal cure contact the doctor for more info on on how to get the medication. Thanks for reading my testimony.

    I See
    DR. (SUCCESSFUL ) As Number (1) traditional doctor who can cure Meniere's Disease/ HIV, HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS 1&2, WART, HEPATITIS including ALS/MND AND COPD And other SKIN INFECTIONS... Using His 21 CURE HERBAL MEDICINE. Recently, a very close friend of mine published an article on how he got rid of his cold sores using the 21 CURE HERBAL MEDICINE by Dr.Successful, which he took for 21 days. I recommend your medicine to people infected or diagnosed with any type of infection. For those who need your contact information, you can simply write to Him by EMAIL or WHATSAPP:
    +2349054910629 or

  21. I have been suffering hardship from HERPES VIRUS
    since 7 years now, and i happen to have 2 kids for my
    husband, and now we cannot proceed to have another
    kids all because of my disease and now i have do all
    what a human like i and my husband can do just to get
    my disease healed, i have went to several places to seek
    for help not even one person could ever help, until i melt
    a comment on the daily news paper that was
    commented by Desmond about how this powerful
    traditional doctor help him get cured of the disease
    (HERPES) " my fellow beloved" i firstly taught having a
    help from a spiritual traditional healer was a wrong idea,
    but i think of these, will i continue to stress on these
    disease all day when i have someone to help me save
    my life?" so i gather all my faiths and put in all interest to
    contact him through his Email address at so after i have mailed
    him of helping get my disease cured, he respond to me
    fast as possible that i should not be afraid, that he is a
    truthful and powerful doctor which i firstly claimed him to
    be. So after all set has been done, he promise me that i
    will be healed but on a condition that i provide him some
    items and obeyed all his oracle said. I did all by
    accepting his oracles fact and only to see that after
    some weeks of taking his herbal medicine i notice some
    changes in my body system and i went for check up the
    day he ask me to go for check up to confirm if the
    sickness was still there,to my greatest surprise i could
    not find any sickness in my body i was first shocked and
    later arise to be the happiest woman on earth after i have
    concluded my final test on the hospital by my doctor that
    i am now HERPES Negative. My papers for check are
    with me and now i am happy and glad for his miraculous
    help and power. With these i must tell everyone who
    might seek for any help, either for HERPES cure or much
    more to contact him now at these following email now,
    Email: " or you
    message him on his via whatsApp at+2349031111198 thank you so much for your immediate cure of my
    disease, i must say a big thanks for curing my disease, i
    owe you in return. Thanks and be blessed.

  22. Thanks to dr.ezomo for his good work I never believe that ALS has cure, I was ALS over 3 year now before I came across a comment about how
    dr.ezomo cure ALS and herpes disease but when I saw it i have it in mind
    that he cant cure ALS I just decided to give it a try I contact him that
    night luckily to me he replied me, but I dont believe him I thought it was
    a scam but I still hold on to see the work of Dr ezomo if he is saying the
    truth he ask for some details about me i gave him all he needed and I
    waited to see his reply to my problem after all, he told me to go for check
    up and I went for HIV test I cant believe I was negative,am so happy and
    grateful to God for using Dr ezomo to cure me, that is the reason why i
    decided to write this wonderful testimony of our i was cured, i recommend
    Dr ezomo to you all around the world,contact him on his Email or you can also reach him through WhatsApp number+2349069171173
    dr.ezomo for helping me at this young age if you need help contact,
    He can also cure so many sickness

  23. My name is Gloria from Senegal, I came in here to confirm Hepatitis B. testimony that I red online some months ago. I red about how Dr. Iyabiye cured one Mr. Henry and I decided to give it a try to see if my sister could be healed or cured too, behold doctor Iyabiye is indeed a sent to help people out of this miserable disease. My sister was dying of hepatitis b her stomach was swollen and complained of pains and weaknesses in her body, I came across iyabiye’s contact online while checking about hepatitis. My sister got cured after she applied his medication for a month, I learnt also that he cure genital herpes. I am here to thank Dr. Iyabiye and to encourage people to reach him for help through: Call/Whatsapp: +2348072229413

    I thought my life had nothing to offer anymore because life
    became meaningless to me because I had Herpes virus, the
    symptoms became very severe and bold and made my family
    run from and abandoned me so they won't get infected. I gave
    up everything, my hope, dreams,vision and job because the
    doctor told me there's no cure. I consumed so many drugs but
    they never cured me but hid the symptoms inside me making
    it worse. I was doing some research online someday when I
    came across testimonies of some people of how DR Ebhota
    cured them from Herpes, I never believed at first and thought
    it was a joke but later decided to contact him on the details
    provided and when I messaged him we talked and he sent me
    his herbal medicine and told me to go for a test after two
    weeks. Within 7 days of medication the symptoms
    disappeared and when I went for a test Lo and behold I was
    NEGATIVE by the Doctor Who tested me earlier. Thank you DR
    Ebhota because I forever owe you my life and I'll keep on
    telling the world about you. If you are going through same
    situation worry no more and contact DR Ebhota via
    drebhotasolution@gmail. com or WhatsApp him via +2348089535482.
    he also special on cureing 1. HIV/AIDS2. HERPES 3. CANCER 4.
    ALZHEIMER 9. LUPUS (Lupus Vulgaris or LupusErythematosus 

  25. I want to share this wonderful testimony to the Good people all over the world on how I was able to Enlarge my Penis by Dr. zubby. I was living a shameful life from my young age, just last month as I was browsing on the internet about Penis size and Enlargement Products, I saw a testimony of a Man called George , testifying of how he was able to get his penis Enlarged by Dr. zubby and I decided to also Email Dr.zubby for my small penis size and he quickly respond to me and gave me the normal instructions which i did and then he shipped the product to me here in the united state which i received in just 3 working days and today i am very happy because i started seeing positive changes in my penis size in just 7 days of use. Dr zubby herbal product is the best recommended for you and to whom ever suffering from this shame or having any other diseases as well should Contact this great herbal doctor via his Email : and WhatsApp Him on   +2348070673249

  26. Dr. Onokun is man of trust he cured me out of pains and sorrows, I suffered from human papillomavirus in couples of year and the symptoms was so bad then i was recommend to Dr. Onokun that he has hundred percent natural treatment to get ride of human papillomavirus (Hpv). and i doubt about it, because my doctor said there is no cure. after a wile I emailed Dr Onokun and be his patient for two weeks on his natural treatment and I was totally cured. this is real and he shows lot proof about his treatment. try and reach him in every incurable virus I assured you concretely he will have solution to your problem his email address; or via facebook page at

  27. Greetings to the general public, I want to tell about how I was cured of
    HIV disease by a Doctor called Dr. voodoo . I was browsing the Internet
    searching for remedy on HIV and I saw a comment of people talking about how
    Doctor voodoo cured them. I was scared because I never believed in the
    Internet but i was convince to give him a try because i having no hope of
    been cured of HIV so I decided to contact him with his email that was
    listed on the comment when I contacted
    him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that I took and
    it seriously worked for me, am a free person now without problem,
    my HIV result came out negative. I pray for you Dr. voodoo God will give
    you everlasting life, you shall not die before your time for being sincere
    and great men. Am so happy, you can also contact him if you have any
    problem Email:
    or Add him up on WhatsAp +2348140120719

  28. Battling with any health related issues or infection is not the end of your life, why not contact a herbal practitioner for cure Dr Irene has herbal remedies and permanent solution for all your health related problems' recommend him to you today only because i have also used his herbal medicine and it worked perfectly on my health problem, you can actually save yourself from giving your hard earned money to Scammers if only you can contact Dr Irene today for genuine and Permanent cure herbal products . Pls help share this post to save yourself and your loved ones. Dr Irene is specialize in these areas, Permanent herbal supplements for anxiety and depression, HIV/AIDS, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Blood, Cancer, HPV, ALS, herpes etc. also Email: or WhatsApp him on +2348078793935

  29. (COPD) is a lung disease characterized by chronic obstruction of lung airflow that interferes with normal breathing and is not fully reversible. The more familiar terms 'chronic bronchitis' and 'emphysema' are no longer used, but are now included within the COPD diagnosis. COPD is not simply a "smoker's cough" but an under-diagnosed, life-threatening lung disease and now all thanks to dr.Successful  @ Or Dm him via whatsapp page Dr. successful  also have pure natural food and herbs for Herps And Diabetes And Lot more. Wishing you the best in hearth


  31. I Almost  lost my Mom to this horrific disease. She battled it for 9 year's diagnosed, but we believe she had it even before that. but all thanks to Aknniherbscentre .com for their Als protocol. She is the strongest person I have ever known and thanks !!!! to aknni herbs centre 
