Saturday 23 August 2014

Top 10 Natural Cures for Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriasis arthritis is one of the types of arthritis. It affects those patients who already have some type of arthritis. Red patches along with swelling, inflammation, stiffness, joint pain etc. are some of the symptoms associated with psoriatic arthritis. Parts of the body that are affected with psoriatic arthritis include spine, fingertips etc. In this disease, immune system of the body gets affected and harms the health cells and tissues of body.
The symptoms can vary from mild to severe cases. It is important to treat psoriatic arthritis as it is one of the chronic diseases that can get worse over time if not treated well. It can also lead to foot pain, swollen toes and fingers and lower back pain. Natural cures can be used for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis, which are inexpensive and effective as well.

Top Natural Cures For Psoriatic Arthritis


Acupuncture is helpful for the patients suffering from psoriatic arthritis. It has been found to be beneficial in treating all forms of arthritis. It also provides relief from the pain associated with psoriatic arthritis. This method is considered to be best for knee arthritis.
Fish oil is beneficial for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis. It helps in reducing the proteins that are involved in inflammation. Consumption of two thousand to three thousand milligrams of fish oil on a daily basis is recommended. It has been considered that taking diet containing fish oil in high amount is beneficial for the patients.


Oats are helpful in treating psoriatic arthritis. This natural cure is one of the effective cures for soothing the affected skin. Application of paste prepared from oats is helpful for the patients. Taking bath using oats would help in reducing itchiness and redness associated with psoriatic arthritis.
Oregano oil is useful in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis. It is a medicinal herb that has anti-microbial properties. It plays a beneficial role in immune response as well. Creams that contain 10 percent oregano oil are effective in treating mild to moderate level of psoriasis. It should be used for topical medication only.


Vitamin D is useful for the patients suffering from psoriatic arthritis. Deficiency of vitamin D is one of the common symptoms associated with psoriatic arthritis. It has been found that taking vitamin D would help in providing relief from joint pain. More research needs to be done regarding its effects on reducing the symptoms ofpsoriatic arthritis.
Vitamin K is helpful in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis. It can be obtained from green leafy vegetables like broccoli, kale and spinach. Olive oil and canola oil can also be used. It has beenfound that low level of vitamin K is one of the reasons behind osteoarthritis.


Apple cider vinegar is useful in treating psoriatic arthritis. It helps in reducing itchiness associated with psoriatic arthritis. Bottle containing apple cider vinegar can be purchased from health store. Application of apple cider vinegar over the scalp is beneficial.
Continue using this cure several times in a week for effective use. It can be used by diluting it in water in the ratio of 1:1. This helps in providing relief from burning sensation. If the scalp is bleeding or cracked, this remedy should be avoided.


Turmeric is useful in treating psoriatic arthritis. It is one of the spices that provide relief from the symptoms associated with psoriatic arthritis. It helps in reducing proteins that can cause inflammation.  Consumption of 1.5 to 3 grams of turmeric on a daily basis is considered to be safe for use. It can be taken in the form of supplement or pill.
Willow bark is beneficial in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis. It is also known as herbal aspirin as it contains salicin which has similar effects like aspirin. Extract of willow bark herb has been found to be equal to two hundred forty milligrams of salicin per day.


Dead sea salts are helpful for the patients suffering from psoriatic arthritis. The salts can be added in the hot bath water. Soaking the affected area in the tub for around fifteen minutes would help in removing itchiness and scaling associated with psoriatic arthritis. As soon as getting the affected area out of the tub, apply moisturizer. It would surely provide some relief in treating psoriatic arthritis.


L-Carnitine is beneficial in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis. It is derived from amino acid and is helpful in fat metabolism. It is present in almost all the body cells.
Vitamin B12 is helpful for the patients suffering from psoriatic arthritis. Patients suffering from psoriatic arthritis have vitamin B12 deficiency as the common problem. It can be obtained from foods like cereals, clams, fortified breakfast cereals and trout.


Aloe vera is useful for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis. It can be taken in the form of gel. Application of aloe vera gel over the affected skin up to three times on a daily basis is recommended.
Scaling and redness are some of the symptoms associated with psoriatic arthritis. Creams that contain 0.5 percent aloe are also beneficial. Avoid taking aloe vera in tablet form as it can be dangerous.


Capsaicin is beneficial in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis. It is an active ingredient in chilli peppers. It is also added in creams and ointments that provide relief from the pain associated with psoriatic arthritis.
This natural cure also provides relief from other symptoms like scaling, inflammation and redness associated with psoriatic arthritis. Research on the long-term effects of capsaicin is still going on. Patients may feel mild burning sensation while application of ointment containing capsaicin.


Tea tree oil is helpful in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis. It has antiseptic properties that are helpful for the patients suffering frompsoriatic arthritis. Application of this oil over the affected area would be beneficial.
Using shampoo that contains tea tree oil also helps in treating scalp psoriasis. Allergic people should carefully use this remedy.


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