Thursday, 14 August 2014

Top 10 Home Remedies To Overcome Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a type of severe mental disorder which cannot be totally cured, but can be controlled to some extent if the patient receives co-operation from the family members, doctors and friends. The symptoms commonly observed are hallucinations, delusions and meaningless speech. Such patients get to hear and see things that actually do not exist in real life. Then they try to justify their thinking with the actual life, but fail to do so. Slowly, they isolate themselves from the society. Pregnancy period stress, genetic disorders, environmental factors, imbalance of chemical properties in the brain etc are the various causes of this terrible mental disorder. Now, let us have a brief outlook of how natural remedies for Schizophrenia treatment can help..

Home Remedies For Schizophrenia – Top 10

1. Green Cardamom:

Symptoms exhibited by a patient can be controlled by using the seeds of green cardamom as a home remedy for schizophrenia. These seeds are good in controlling the nervous system and also possess healing properties. These seeds cannot be directly consumed. Herbal tea needs to be prepared from these seeds. This herbal remedy can be prepared by mixing one teaspoon cardamom powder in a glass of hot water. Let the mixture stand for 10 minutes after mixing the ingredients properly. Add some sugar after straining the mixture with a strainer. It should be consumed in lukewarm condition. It should be consumed twice every day for controlling Schizophrenia symptoms.

2. Basil Leaves:

The anti-oxidant and healing properties of basil leaves make it essential for controlling various brain disorders. The functionality of brain enhances if tea prepared from basil leaves is consumed on a regular basis. Now, the question arises – how to prepare this tea? Take boiling water in a cup. Add half teaspoon of sage and quarter teaspoon of basil leaves into it. Let the mixture stand for 5-6 minutes. Strain the mixture. It then becomes ready to be served. Positive improvements can be observed within a short time span if it can be served to the patient twice daily.

3. Indian Gooseberry:

Indian gooseberries being natural anti-oxidants, they give energy. Niacin amide along with Vitamin C helps fight against Schizophrenia. People facing Schizophrenia symptoms must intake 2-3 gooseberries on a regular basis for a whole month. Well another option is also available for consuming the nutrients of Indian gooseberries. A smooth powder is achieved if the leaves of these berries are grinded. This powder must be mixed in a glass of hot water and consumed twice every day.

4. Licorice Powder:

Compounds and minerals present in licorice are helpful in treating brain disorders. This effective herb also reduces stress and anxiety. Add a teaspoon licorice to hot water and let it stay for fifteen minutes. Strain it and serve to the patient. Excellent results can be attained if this solution is consumed every morning in empty stomach. Experts advise to have breakfast after an hour. Digestion of the mixture and its absorption into blood stream is done properly in this one hour.

5. Asian Ginseng:

Neuro-protective and anti-oxidant property of this herb is essential in the controlling of brain. Schizophrenia can be treated by serving tea made from dried and powdered leaves of this herb twice daily. This remedy, if followed for six months, can control few symptoms of Schizophrenia.

6. Cold Water Fish:

Fish has an internal power of promoting good brain health. Therefore, patients of Schizophrenia must intake ample amount of fish regularly. Cold water fish is preferred as it contains Omega- 3 and 6 fatty acids which in turn are beneficial in treating symptoms of Schizophrenia. The diet of the patients must include cold water fish such as salmon, goldfish, trout etc.

7. Carrot:

People who are suffering from this chronic brain disorder must eat carrots every day. Such patients must eat two fresh carrots every day by making a salad with other vegetables. Niacin available in carrots helps a lot in controlling Schizophrenia symptoms.

8. Spinach Leaves and Carrot:

Both the vegetables contain niacin which acts a treatment for Schizophrenia. Blend three carrots and a handful of spinach leaves with little water. After the juice is ready, it should be served to the patient on a daily basis. Vegetables that are rich in niacin are potatoes, fish, corn, potatoes etc.

9. Chamomile:

Chamomile is better known as an enhancer of mood. It is even helpful in promoting sound sleep in Schizophrenia patients. The mineral content, along with calming property of Chamomile, helps in treating Schizophrenia. Take a spoon full of chamomile powder and then mix it with a cup of hot water. Strain the mixture after letting it stay for few minutes. It is recommended that this tea be taken regularly.

10. Ginkgo Biloba:

Memory, brain’s blood circulation and also brain functions can be improved by this amazing herb. This herb can be consumed in its supplement form. Besides controlling Schizophrenia symptoms, this herb is helpful in controlling mood swings, fatigue etc. Tea made of this herb must be taken by people suffering from Schizophrenia, three times every day. This tea increases the level of oxygen that reaches the brain and in turn is effective in calming down the patient.
If the above mentioned home remedies are followed regularly along with the medicines prescribed by doctors, then it can surely help patients come back to normal life. It must be kept in mind that treatments are not quick fixes, so patience is the prime factor for treating Schizophrenia patients.

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  1. I am very happy now, each time I think of those days when my son had Schizophrenia, I give thanks to God. I never thought that Schizophrenia could be cured. My son is now very much ok now, thanks to Herbal Doctor for his advice and the medication sent to me. If you are having Schizophrenia contact me with this email, so I can tell you how you will get in contact with him (
