Thursday, 14 August 2014

Top 10 Home Remedies For Colon Cleansing

After a hearty meal, little do we think about how our body will deal with the overload of spice, oil and other unwanted stuff. The colon being a vital part of our human digestive system, plays a critical role in extracting both water and salt from solid wastes before it is excreted. This also helps maintaining the stool consistency. However, at times due to unhealthy eating habits, the colon gets lethargic at its job which leads to toxin build-up on the inner walls. As a result, you suffer from unexplained and sudden bouts of headache, vomiting, low energy levels and even bloating.
If left unattended, these simple symptoms of an ailing colon can complicate and progress into more serious ailments such as heart diseases, asthma and liver failure. So what do you do? Simple; cleanse your colon periodically and it will keep ticking like that old grandfather’s clock in your study.
While the market is flooded with both expensive and inexpensive over-the-counter colon cleansing products, the world is turning towards natural remedies. Here are a few handpicked home remedies for colon cleansing naturally.

Top 10 Home Remedies For Colon Cleansing:

1. Apple Juice:

Who can refuse a glass of chilled apple juice, especially if given as a medication? This sweet juice encourages bowel movements and improves the health of both the liver and digestive system. It also breaks down the toxins in the digestive tract. Wake up in the morning and do not turn on your coffee maker. Instead, drink a large glass of unfiltered apple juice and follow it up with a glass of water half an hour after the juice. Regular intake of freshly filtered apple juice throughout the day is the best way to cleanse your colon. Do this once a week and abstain from eating any solids that day. If drinking apple juice all day long seems a tad bit boring, alternate it with prune juice.

2. Yoghurt:

A cup of yoghurt a day is a great way to keep your colon and digestive system in good health. Yoghurt rich in live culture will nourish your body with probiotics and good bacteria and, help in ridding the body of bad bacteria. Yoghurt is also is rich in calcium and discourages the growth of cells in the lining of the colon. Spruce up your cup of yoghurt by adding apples, cherries and bananas to it. It will be yummy to taste and cleanse your colon. Moreover, it will make you less susceptible to stomach disorders like flatulence and indigestion.

3. Fibre Food:

Bring on the fiber! The more you eat fiber, the better your digestion will be. Consuming plenty of fiber means you are helping your body in eliminating toxins and cleansing the colon. If oats is not something you enjoy, include fruits such as raspberry and pears. They are no less than a treat and rich in fiber as well. Peas, broccoli and artichokes are also rich in fiber and ward away indigestion. Cereals, yes your daily morning breakfast is rich in fiber too. Add nuts to it to make it more interesting.

4. Raw Vegetable Juice:

Yes, it’s uninteresting but surely beneficial to your general health. Gulping down glassfuls of raw vegetable juice is the way to go for a clean colon. The juice will give the body enough lubrication needed to flush out the harmful toxins from the body naturally. The more you drink these juices, the cleaner your colon will be.

5. Lemon Juice:

Aaah, an appetizing remedy, certainly welcomed by many, lemon juice can stimulate the natural peristaltic action and get your colon in shape in a jiffy. Lemon is a natural antioxidant replete with vitamin C that is like an elixir to your digestive system. Mix the juice of a medium sized lemon, a pinch of sea salt and some honey in lukewarm water. Drink the mixture on an empty stomach, the first thing after you wake up. Through the course of the day, stick to apple juice with a streak of lemon and drink this as frequently as you can. This diet followed for one day a month will thin out the mucus in your bowels and cleanse your colon.

6. Sea Salt:
While you may not enjoy drinking salt water, this remedy is one of the most effective colon cleansing home remedies. Add a whole teaspoon of sea salt to warm water and drink it up on an empty stomach. Then, lie down and massage your colon gently. This will stimulate your bowel movement and cleanse your colon. It will also eliminate harmful toxins, parasites and bacteria from your digestive tract. Make sure you consume plenty of water through the day, as the salt solution can trigger diarrhea.

7. Ginger:

Ginger is yet another natural ingredient to cleanse your colon. It may sting a little but a few pieces of ginger can cleanse and stimulate your colon. Consume ginger in slices, mashed or a paste for cleansing your colon and removing toxins from the body. Mix some honey and water with mashed ginger and consume it thrice a day. Alternatively, make a few cups of herbal tea with freshly grated ginger for effective colon cleansing.

8. Water:

Just chilled plain water or water at room temperature can do the trick. Drinking about 10-12 liters of water will stimulate the peristaltic action and get your colon functioning normally again. They also lubricate your body and aid digestion.

9. Flax Seeds:

A rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseeds are today used the world over to cleanse the colon in the most natural and effective way. Rich in fiber, flax seeds will absorb water and help in expanding your colon while flushing out the toxins and mucus from the inner walls of the colon. Add a tablespoon of ground flax seeds to warm water and drink the concoction before breakfast and an hour before you hit the bed, this will help to cleanse the colon. You can also add a tablespoon of flaxseeds to your cup of yoghurt or to your salad.

10. Aloe-vera:

Aloe has detoxifying properties and works as an effective cleanser with no side effects. The juice of aloe improves colon health and also treats ailments such as diarrhea or even constipation. You will also get instant relief from a bloated feeling. Extract the juice of aloe from the leaves of the plant. Add to this some lemon juice, blend well and refrigerate. Drink this juice with a dash of honey several times in a day.

A popular saying goes, “Beauty is not skin deep!” It is when you are healthy that you will glow with vitality. These are simple inexpensive home remedies that will cleanse your colon, flush out the toxins and bring a natural glow on your skin.
Hope, you will reap benefits from these simple home remedies to cleanse your colon. Please share how you liked the article by posting your feedback in the comments section below.

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