Thursday, 14 August 2014

Top 10 Effective Home Remedies To Cure Insomnia

Sleepless No More!

Sleep deprivation takes a toll on your mind, body, and overall health in ways that you can’t even imagine. A sound sleep is important to maintain good physical as well as mental health. Not being able to sleep once in a while due to anxiety, excitement or jet-lag cannot be classified as insomnia. Insomnia is termed as a long term (chronic) inability to fall asleep and/or stay asleep. Irritability, fatigue, poor concentration and headache are some of the debilitating effects of insomnia. But, before you go crazy over OTC pills (sleeping pills), here are some home remedies that might help. Here below, I am enlisting my favorite remedies that are sure to work in curing insomnia.

Top 10 Home Remedies For Insomnia:

1. Gimme Some Sugar Baby!:

Don’t make this an excuse for having that last piece of pie but having a little sugar or honey half an hour before bedtime can help you get a better night’s sleep. Believe me, a hit of sugar or even a pinch of salt can be your best getting-back-to-sleep aid!

2. A Toast of Milk:

Yes, this home remedy for insomnia definitely works. A glass of milk with, again, some carbs like toast or a cookie can make you relax and induce better sleep. Milk, cheese, tuna and soybeans contain tryptophan which is a calming agent and can help in inducing sleep.

3. Don’t Skip The Pill!:

Silly, I mean your regular multi-vitamins and calcium pills! Calcium and magnesium are good sleep enhancers. Your doctor isn’t crazy prescribing you these expensive pills. They just might solve your sleep issues.

4. Inhale Aroma:

Lavender is a pleasant aroma that most of us love. Go ahead, spray your pillow and night clothes with this no-side-effect perfume and let your nose lull you into a deep sleep. If it doesn’t work for you – well, at least you’ll smell nice.

5. Do The ‘OM’ Thing:

Gentle yoga, meditation and chanting are age-old techniques for getting better sleep as they align the chakras and soothe the mind, easing away the superficial worries. If yoga and meditation is not your cup of tea, simply chant a resounding ‘OM’ until you drift into a deep slumber. Try it and you will be thanking me for this one.

6. Green Tea:

Its health benefits seem ever expanding. Green tea is an excellent remedy for sleeplessness. It contains the amino acid L-theanine which is a good sleep inducer. Brew yourself a hot cup of green tea and pick up that book you stopped midway. Sip as you read and get ready for a good night’s sleep. Trust me it works.

7. Caffeine De-Addiction:

Need a good night’s sleep? Make sure not to touch any sources of caffeine at least 4 hours before bedtime. Caffeine is a sleep wrecker that is found in coffee, colas and some medicines also.

8. Have A Busy Day:

Okay, I don’t mean you are a lazy lump but just add a bout of aerobics, dancing, running or a vigorous sport to your weekly regime. These are sure to make you feel highly energetic during the day and fairly sleepy at night.

9. Zero Down To Power-Naps:

If you are an insomniac, chances are that you’ll feel sleepy in the day. Don’t let it get to you and doze off for 3-4 hours. Instead, get into the habit of taking a 20-minute power nap each day. Trust me you’ll sleep much better at night.

10. Take A Warm Dip:

A nice, warm bath just before bedtime (possibly with a lavender scented body wash) helps you get straight to the bed. The calming effects of warm water, the much needed solitude, a door closed to outside worries and getting into your comfy night clothes in a warm bed – doesn’t that sound like the perfect way to end your day? It surely does. This is why I find it the best way to ensure a good night’s sleep.
Go ahead, knock yourselves out on these home remedies for insomnia and say goodbye to insomnia forever. Do let us know how it helped you by sharing your feedback in the comments section below.

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