Thursday, 14 August 2014

Top 10 Effective Home Remedies For Hair Lice Treatment

Hair lice and nits are a common and troublesome problem, especially among kids and teenagers. These crawly and wingless insects are mostly transmitted through head-to-head contact. But, they can also spread through shared hair brushes, linens, hats and hair accessories. Although, hair lice infection in kids can occur any time, it is more prevalent in the winter and fall seasons. Given below are the top 10 effective and safe home remedies for lice in hair. They help you get rid of the lice and nits completely.

Home Remedies for Lice in Hair

1. Wet Combing: 

Wet combing is the most effective and easy way to treat head lice. Coat your hair well with almond or olive oil. Then, separate the hair into sections. As you continue, keep rinsing your lice comb under running water regularly.

2. Tea Tree Oil Treatment: 

Being a natural louse repellent, tea tree oil is a good way to prevent hair lice infections. Whenever there is a head lice outbreak at your child’s school, use a tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner as a preventive cure.

3. Use of Vinegar: 

Another trick to remove head lice is rinsing the hair with vinegar. Shampoo the hair well and rinse it later using a solution of 50% white kitchen vinegar and 50% water. Rub vigorously and rinse well with water to remove any odor. This is also one of the best hair lice home remedies.

4. Mayonnaise Treatment: 

Applying mayonnaise on the hair is another way to kill head lice. Coat your scalp and hair with mayonnaise generously and cover the hair with a shower cap. Leave this overnight. Mayonnaise application kills the lice. Wash off your hair next morning using a shampoo.

5. Vinegar and Oil Treatment: 

Take half cup each of vinegar and olive oil. Apply this mixture on the hair and scalp and leave it covered with a shower cap for an hour. Later, wash off the hair with a good shampoo. The vinegar and olive oil treatment works effectively in reducing head lice.

6. Essential Oils: 

Use of essential oil kills head lice and also relives itching. Make a preparation in the following way:
  • Take tea tree oil, about 20 drops of lemon or thyme, 15 drops of rosemary oil, 10 drops of lavender oil and 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • Mix this mixture.
Rub this mixture on dry hair, cover your head with a shower cap or towel and leave it for an hour. Later, rinse and wash using a shampoo.

7. Use of Petroleum Jelly: 

Using petroleum jelly on your hair removes all traces of head lice. Coat your hair with thick layers of petroleum jelly and cover it using a shower cap. Leave this overnight. Next morning, use a mineral oil or baby oil to remove dead lice and petroleum jelly from your hair. Shampoo well to remove any traces of petroleum jelly.

8. Using Electric Lice Combs:

This battery operated electric comb uses electric discharge to kill lice instantly as soon as they come in contact. Comb your hair using electric lice comb to safely remove all traces of lice from your hair.

9. Medicated Shampoo: 

Using medicated and lice shampoo is another effectual way to treat head lice and nits. Wash your hair with a good delousing shampoo. It is important to leave the shampoo on your hair for 10 minutes. Wash off later and comb your hair to remove the dead lice.

10. Make Your House Lice Free: 

Properly sterilize all the linen and clothes that have been used in any of the head lice treatment methods. Make sure all the brushes and combs are kept separately.
These are some of the very effective home remedies for lice in hair to render your hair and scalp lice free. So next time, when you spot these bugs on your child’s head, try any of these top 10 tricks for treating hair lice and knock them out completely. Please don’t forget to share your feedback in the comments section below.

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