Acne, uneven skin tone, blemishes, blackheads, you name it. We all deal with it one time or another, but some of us have to battle these nuisances on a daily basis. Using expensive cleansers, toners, and moisturizers (all 3-in that order) can be a hassle for our time and wallets. Also, all that chemical nonsense does more harm than good to our skin’s health.
It has now become common knowledge that beauty derives from the inside-out. Keeping yourself properly hydrated, regularly exercising and staying on top of your health food game is the key to radiant, glowing skin.
Naturally, sometimes we indulge and are left with a new friend (foe) on our face the next morning, and we understand that it was the toxic mixture of beer, ribs, fries, cake, some more fries, then beer again. But when you’re trying your hardest to eat clean and be healthy, it can be very confusing and aggravating when you wake up and find yourself ridden with breakouts.
The culprit lies in ANY of these inflammation triggering foods.
Inflammation happens when white bloods cells get to work and fight off a virus or infection, which is great when you have a wound or something that needs healing, but when the body begins to react this way on its own, you could be at threat for chronic inflammation. Pretty much, your body reacts as if you have an allergy to whatever the trigger food is. But you don’t know, so you keep eating it possibly everyday and in small steps you have begun the process of your own deterioration. Things like; acne, fatigue, aches and pains, depression are some of the things you might thank inflammation for.
It leaves your body succesptible to a highly toxic environment and is linked as the root of many serious illnesses. Unfortunately, a small fraction of something you could be eating on a daily basis could be triggering this mechanism.
Here are 7 acne causing foods that you should steer clear from to help keep your complexion in tip-top shape;
1. Refined Sugar

Source: Hyd-News
Sugar, besides the kind found naturally in fruit, are bound to cause flare ups in the skin due to its high glycemic load. The GI load measures the amount sugar that is released into the blood stream when that food in ingested. The higher the GI number, the higher insulin levels which results in inflammation and a blockage for the body’s natural healing process.
2. Gluten Rich Grains
Source: CNN
Bread is amazingly delicious, but majority of us know the heavy feeling that accompanies a wheat rich meal. About 3 million known Americans suffer from celiac disease and around 95% of people that have it don’t know, so the true number is still unsure. If you have a gluten sensitivity (you might not know yet), the body cannot process it properly and the small intestines become damaged over time which results in digestive issues. Problems in the tummy= toxic buildup=acne.
3. Dairy
Source: BlueJacketDairy
The vast amount of hormones found in our milk- organic or not- is ridiculous. Added just to improve the milk quantity by around 10-15%, these foreign hormones ignite our natural oil production hormones resulting in clogged pores and acne ridden skin. This includes cheeses and yogurt.
4. Excess Alcohol
Source: West-info.Eu
Known as a hepatotoxin, alcohol specifically damages the liver. The liver is our primary detoxification organ, so too much alcohol will begin to effect the liver and its functions on healing your cells.
5. Cold-cuts
Source: CookingLight
The additives found in cold cuts are pro-inflammatory. Pumped up with carageenan- a thickener and emulsifier that turns 50% of meat into 75%- this processed food undoubtedly causes inflammation within the body.
Try eliminating these acne-producing items from your diet for 1-2 weeks and see how your body reacts.
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