Thursday 14 August 2014

How To Use Aloe Vera For Hair?

Does television advertisements make you feel your hair is not glossy, healthy and strong enough? When you see the models showing off their long and shiny tresses, do you silently wish you have glossy hair? Of course, you can have beautiful hair like them, even without applying hair products readily available in the market. If you want smooth frizz free hair you got to go natural.
Aloe vera the miracle plant is the one stop solution for all your hair woes. Aloe vera cleans, nourishes and protects your hair from damage, and makes it shine with a healthy glow. So, apart from providing a host of health and skincare benefits, a few leaves of aloe vera can even save the beauty of your hair when used regularly.
Most of the hair products found today claim to cure hair loss within a week and when you see the main ingredient in the list, it would be mentioned as ‘aloe vera’. It is better to use hair products that contain aloe vera but since they are very expensive not everyone can purchase such products. On the other hand, the local cheaper variants with aloe vera content would not improve your hair in any way due to the chemicals and preservatives present in it.
When it is good to use cosmetics that contain aloe vera, it is much better to extract and use the natural aloe vera gel from your terrace plant! So why should we search for products that contain aloe vera? Let us collect some aloe leaves from our very own garden to treat hair naturally. After all the aloe vera uses for hair are many!
So the best solution is to make aloe vera conditioner at home. You can do this by extracting the clear aloe vera gel or sap from the plant.

Recipe for Aloe Based Leave in Conditioner:

Here is a simple recipe for a leave in conditioner made from aloe vera, this will help to control frizz if you have wavy or curly hair. Aloe vera with a pH of 4.5 helps to close the hair cuticles which aids in controlling the frizz.
  • 4 oz. water
  • 4 oz. aloe vera gel
  • Essential oil (choose your own)
  • Blend aloe vera and water in a small bowl with a spoon.
  • Pour this in a spray bottle and shake it gently, then add essential oil and shake it again.
  • You can spray it in your hair when you find it unmanageable.
Aloe vera gel is very light on the hair; you will not feel your head weighed down like it happens when you apply other conditioners. Aloe vera is humectant, and it draws moisture from the air and keeps the hair hydrated. No wonder, this aloe hair serum controls frizz effectively, you can spray this leave in conditioner after styling your hair instead of using a hairspray.
You might ask why I should use aloe vera hair conditioner instead of the one that I normally use. This is because aloe vera is natural and free of chemicals that damage your hair shafts leaving it dry and unmanageable. The other benefits of the aloe leave in conditioner are:
  • Aloe vera helps to maintain the pH balance of the hair
  • Aloe vera keeps the hair hydrated by locking moisture in your hair. It acts like physical barrier between your hair and the environment.
  • Aloe vera gel effectively detangles your hair so you can use it as a hair serum and run a comb through the smooth hair easily.
  • Aloe vera accentuates the natural curls you have and makes you look glamorous.
  • This aloe vera leave in conditioner is also great for oily hair.
  • If you have an itchy scalp problem, aloe vera is the easiest solution to get rid of it.
  • Aloe vera can be used anytime and anywhere. Just carry that spray bottle in your bag.

Aloe Vera Gel for Curly Hair:

Many girls who have curly hair are very particular about the products that they use on their hair. If you are one amongst them, then you can apply aloe vera without even a tinge of worry. This is because aloe vera contains 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids and 200 phytonutrients.
So here are some tips to use aloe vera gel for your bangs.

1. As A Pre-Shampoo Treatment:

Using aloe vera gel before applying shampoo helps to destroy the dandruff buildup in the hair. The natural enzymes present in aloe vera helps to remove all the dead cells, fungus are dandruff effectively. At the same time, it keeps the hair hydrated. Aloe vera also maintains the pH balance of the scalp and prevents dandruff from recurring.
  • Massage the aloe vera gel in your scalp and leave it for ten minutes.
  • Then rinse it with shampoo.
  • You can also blend aloe vera gel with coconut milk and wheat germ oil if you want a relatively lighter pre-shampoo treatment.

2. Aloe Vera as a Shampoo:

Aloe vera gel or juice can be used a shampoo for its hydrating properties.Shampoos that are available in the market are not very kind to the hair but if you still want to use your favorite shampoo add some aloe gel to it.

3. Aloe Vera as a Conditioner:

Aloe vera has great moisturizing properties and using it as a conditioner will leave your hair velvety soft and smooth.
  • To make the homemade conditioner you have to cut an aloe vera stem to extract the gel with a scooper or spoon.
  • Use your fingers to apply the conditioner on damp hair, start from the scalp and work it up till the tips.
  • Wrap the hair in a warm towel and leave it for 15 minutes for the gel to sink in.
  • Rinse your hair with a mild herbal shampoo.

4. Instant Styler:

Yes, you can use aloe vera gel to style your hair instead of using readymade serums.
  • Take a pea-sized amount of aloe vera gel in your hands.
  • Now run your hands through your wavy or curly hair, so that the conditioner makes each hair strand smooth.
  • Scrunch the ends of your hair and you are all good to go!

5. Aloe Vera for Hair Growth:

Long and strong hair is always desirable. Aloe vera makes this desire a reality. How? Aloe vera has enzymes that help to remove the dead skin cells that clog the pores on the scalp. By opening the hair follicles, nutrients can easily reach the hair and make the hair long and strong. Those with strong hair don’t have split ends or hair breakage.

Overnight Hair Treatment:

Is your hair extremely dry and damaged? Are you suffering everyday with your unmanageable hair? Here’s an aloe treatment mask for you. It is not that tough to prepare this mask. You will just need a couple of minutes and it will be ready.
  • Extract half a cup of aloe vera gel from the plant and add two teaspoons of castor oil, two teaspoons of powdered fenugreek and one teaspoon of basil powder to it.
  • Blend this mixture well to form a thick mask and apply covering your scalp and hair.
  • Wear a shower cap and go to sleep.
  • Let this nourishing and repairing hair mask work on your scalp and hair overnight.
  • Wash off in the morning thoroughly with plenty of clean water and a mild shampoo.
This mask is highly effective in conditioning hair, clearing out dandruff and promoting hair growth. Use it at least once in a week to see the magical results within few months. In the end, you get beautiful, thick and long healthy hair! It’s all the magic of aloe vera!

Aloe Vera for Hair:

Aloe vera is rich in amino acids or protein, which is good for a healthy hair. Since hair comprises of protein called keratin, you need more protein to help in hair growth. It is important that new hair takes place of old hair after it falls off naturally.Here are someways you can use aloe vera for your daily hair care.

1. Hair Conditioner:

Bored with your regular conditioner? Want to use something special and natural on your hair? Go for a homemade aloe vera conditioner. Making your own aloe vera conditioner is an easy job and the results are incredible. So, stop treating your hair with paraben and fragrance filled chemical hair conditioners.
Paraben is used in almost all the cosmetic products mostly as a preservative. Parabens prevent bacterial and fungal contamination of the beauty products like creams. Recently, you will find most beauty products are paraben free. This is because parabens are really harmful for health. Recent research has revealed that parabens can mimic estrogen and is a cause of breast cancers. Parabens can also cause testicular cancer and low sperm count. Parabens are potentially harmful for the endocrine system as well.
Since parabens are cheap and effective it is widely used and it is tough to find an alternative to paraben. Sometimes formaldehyde is used instead of parabens. So steer clear of parabens and artificial beauty products and stick to natural alternatives for the safety of skin, health and hair. Nowadays, many cosmetologists are experimenting with aloe vera, they are using in aloe vera for its nourishing properties in commercial hair colours which are ammonia free. Read the labels of beauty products carefully and then purchase
This is an ever popular of use of aloe vera for hair.
  • Collect half a cup of aloe vera gel and add 2 teaspoons of thick hibiscus flower paste to it. Hibiscus is very good for hair and hibiscus oil is used by many who want long and thick hair. Since, hibiscus stimulates hair growth by allowing blood circulation to the scalp. It prevents split ends. It also stops the premature greying of hair. You can use it along with henna to get a natural hair colour and thick hair. You can also use hibiscus as a toner for face cleansing as it removes all toxic buildup leaving your skin fresh and healthy.
  • Blend this mixture well and your conditioner is ready for use!
  • This homemade conditioner can beat all your store bought conditioners by providing your hair a lustrous shine.
  • If your hair is extremely dry, then don’t forget to add a teaspoon of olive oil to this aloe conditioner.
Regular use promotes hair growth and thickness.

2. Dandruff Cure Serum :

hair oil massage

To make those dandruff flakes vanish from your scalp, mix few drops of tea tree oil with the aloe vera gel.
  • You can add two teaspoons of rose water to this mixture for a serum consistency.
  • With your hair brush or cleansed finger tips, cover your scalp with this serum and allow it to penetrate for 1 hour before hair wash.
This works at curing dandruff and preventing it from coming back. Once or twice a week is recommended. Definitely among the best benefits of aloe vera gel for hair.

Some Tips to Use Aloe Vera for Hair:

  1. Aloe Vera is widely used by the girls in the Caribbean to treat their natural or chemically-treated hair.
  2. Aloe Vera has sharp spikes so you need to be careful while using it.
  3. Aloe vera can be grown at home and it is easily available.
  4. Aloe Vera is rich in vitamin E which is good for both skin and hair.
  5. The aloe vera gel is very thick and it takes time to strain. So prepare the aloe vera paste beforehand and leave it to strain, once it is ready use.
  6. Don’t use any oil after you used the conditioner.
  7. If you are extracting aloe vera sap from the plant it is better to use a bowl. Extract the sap and place it is the bowl, don’t bring the plant inside the house since the aloe jelly starts dripping. Also aloe vera gives out the repulsive odour when cut. Discard the green leaves surrounding the sap and the smell will diffuse.

A Word Of Caution While Using Aloe Vera for Hair Care:

1. Make sure the aloe jelly is properly strained before you are applying it to your hair. Also ensure that all white sediments and the green exterior are removed during straining. Otherwise, the residue will stay on the hair and attract grime and dandruff.
2. If you are using a readymade beauty product along with aloe vera, please read and follow the instructions given on the product label. For instance, if you need to use heat on your hair and the label of the product shows no heat should be used, then use aloe vera and this product separately.

What Makes Aloe Vera so Special?

Aloe Vera is a great tonic for skin and health. This wonder plant also works its magic on the hair as well, giving you long and healthy hair that you always wanted. So let us see what makes aloe vera so special and important ingredient of all hair care products.

1. Aloe Vera Promotes Hair Growth:

According to a University of Hawaii research aloe vera has been used since time immemorial. Egyptians have used aloe vera profusely in the past. There must be some reason! The reason is aloe vera contains proteolytic enzymes which help to remove all the dead skin cells that block the hair follicles and allow the hair to grow properly.
Sometimes, excess sebum in hair can cause partial baldness. This condition is also called seborrhea.  The keratolic action of aloe vera helps to break down the sebum and dead skin cells. The alkalizing properties also maintain the pH balance of the hair and scalp.

2. Anti-Pruritic:

This anti-pruritic property of aloe vera helps to prevent scalp itchiness and dryness. It also prevents eczema and psoriasis that cause this itching and irritation. Aloe vera can effectively reduce the redness, itching, inflammation and scaling that is caused due to psoriasis and other scalp diseases. According to archives of Dermatology, nearly 80% of patients with psoriasis showed improvement when treated with aloe vera.

3. Anti-Inflammatory:

Aloe vera helps to reduce redness and inflammation. Aloe vera can heal wounds and burns and helps to prevent bacterial infection. Aloe vera is used in hair colours to soothe the hair and prevent it from chemical damage. This soothing property is due to the calming effect of bradykinase, present in aloe vera, which is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic enzyme. Aloe vera also has salicylic acid, which is an aspirin compound that has anti-bacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

4. Anti-Dandruff:

As said before, aloe vera has enzymes that help to break down dead skin cells. It allows nutrients to penetrate inside the hair making the hair health. Removal of sebum and dead skin cells helps to eliminate dandruff automatically.

5. Anti-Fungal:

Fungus thrives in acidic environment. Aloe vera helps to restore the pH or alkaline balance in the scalp and prevents all scalp disease.

6. Conditioning:

The chemical composition of aloe vera is similar to keratin that is already present in the hair. This helps in easier absorption of the gel to the hair shafts and allows the deep conditioning to occur. So it is clear why aloe vera is used as a base for commercial hair colours that are free of ammonia. This penetration property of aloe vera is due to the lignins found in aloe vera, which is major structural material of the cellulose content.
As the scalp has more absorbing powers than skin, the aloe vera seeps into seven into the scalp and nourishes it thoroughly. In addition, the 20 amino acids make the hair lustrous, thick and strong.
Whatever your hair problem may be, hair loss, dry hair or dandruff, start growing an aloe vera plant in your terrace to eliminate them all together! Aloe vera for hair growth is an effervescent treatment that never fails.

Now, you know why all skin and hair care products have aloe vera as the main ingredient. This beneficial plant can give you beautiful and healthy hair that will have volume and natural shine. Aloe vera is versatile so use this multipurpose plant for having a good health, great skin and lustrous hair. Stay organic with aloe!
So did we answer all your questions on how to use aloe vera on hair? Do leave us a comment below. Till then, keep it stylish!


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