Monday 25 August 2014

Effective Natural Treatments For Peptic Ulcers

Ulcer refers to breakage or disintegration of mucous membrane that 

forms the internal lining of our organs. This breakage results in exposure of organs and soft tissue making it inflamed and irritated. Ulcers are commonly found in mouth, stomach and intestines. The gastro intestinal ulcers are known as peptic ulcers.
Consumption of food especially heavy and spicy can result in immense discomfort and pain in cases of peptic ulcers as our stomach has acid for dissolving the food and this acid laden food is passed through the intestines for excretion. Common causes of ulcers are stress, intake of very spicy food over a long period of time, certain kind of medication and bacterial infection. In this feature we will discuss various natural treatments that can be used for managing and curing the  peptic ulcers.

Natural Treatments For Peptic Ulcers


Yoga is a form of exercise which aims not only at physical fitness but mental well being too. The yoga postures concentrate on physical movements along with breathing techniques. The meditating and breathing exercises are strongly recommended for people who suffer from anxiety and stress, both of which are leading causes of peptic ulcers. Yoga postures are commonly referred to as Asanas.
Asanas like Shavasana, Bhujangasana, Vajrasana, Pranayam and Anlon Vilom are some of the meditational kind of postures that help in calming the agitated mind and if done during the mornings, they prepare you for an energetic and stress managed day. The best feature of these breathing techniques is that you canpractice them even while sitting in your work place or travelling. Yoga also aids in effective digestion and discourage excess build up of acid and bile in the stomach relieving you from pain and also protecting you from ulcers ones they have healed.


Licorice is mostly popular as a great agent that flavours the candies. But Licorice is much more than a flavouring agent and its medical benefits have been highlighted in many studies and experiments. Licorice reduces the acidic nature of hydrochloric acid that helps in digestion of our food. This acid increased the inflammation of an already existing ulcer and prolongs the healing time.
Licorice acts by reducing the PH of this acid. If light and plain food is teamed up with this herb, the ulcer will heal in a matter of few days. Take around 25-30 grams of Licorice root and boil it in around 250 millilitres of water. Boil thoroughly and then strain. Consume once it touches the room temperature. You can also get hold of the candies that are genuinely made of Licorice.

Bizarre Combo Of Honey Garlic

We all know that honey and garlic are anti-bacterial in nature. In fact they have been found to be very effective in keeping ulcer causing bacteria, Helicobacter Pylori in control. It helps in managing and controlling the damage caused by this bacteria.
This bacteria is otherwise required for healthy digestion and therefore its complete destruction can lead to other digestive problems in future which makes honey and garlic combination best for keeping this bacteria in control without completely annihilating it. As mentioned earlier, processed and refined sugar can worsen the ulcer and therefore, substituting honey for sugar is the best way to take.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is an anti-bacterial herb that soothes and calms the wounds whether external and internal. In fact in Asian countries many people drink it as a part of routine as it is known to clear the digestive system. If you suffer from peptic ulcer then try some Aloe Vera juice to kick start your day. Aloe Vera is very bitter so it is better to consume it with some water.
Add about 1/4th glass of Aloe Vera gel to a full glass of water. mix them thoroughly and have this solution on empty stomach. You can also drink this solution before going to bed so that it works as you sleep during a good eight hour time when you would not be eating any thing. Aloe Vera has anti-bacterial properties that make it ideal if your ulcer is caused by bacterial infection. Otherwise also it will soothe and suppress the pain caused by peptic ulcer.

Dietary Tips

The best treatment of ulcer is in what you eat. Changing your poor food habits to healthy food habits can make all the difference in incidences of ulcers. High fibre diet shields the stomach lining from the damages of stomach acid, whereas processed food is known to aid inflammation beside being plain unhealthy. Whole wheat can replace refined flour in your food. Honey can be substituted for processed sugar whereas oats and whole grain porridge should be consumed for breakfast. Bananas are high in fibre and soothe the ulcers. Other high fibre food include spinach, broccoli, carrots, cabbage and sprouts. Alcohol and smoking must be eliminated if you suffer from frequent bouts of ulcers.
Alcohol aggravates the acidity and dehydrates the body. Smoking simply irritates internal wounds, if any. Sodas and colas are also best kept at bay until the ulcers heal completely. Calcium rich food like milk and fortifies soy products should also be avoided as many recent studies have shown that calcium worsens the acidity in the stomach. Food stuff rich in Vitamin E can also work wonders in expediting the repair of membrane lining as it a necessary ingredient that boosts the production of new cells and tissues. Peanuts, Almonds, pine nuts are a great source of vitamin. You can also consume a spoon of vitamin E oil every morning and night for better results.


Cabbage is a lactic acid food. Lactic acid food is strongly recommended for better digestion and cleansing of digestive system. Many recent studies have found that cabbage can heal peptic ulcers speedily.
If you happen to suffer from gas because of cabbage consumption then just add a pinch of carom seeds to your cabbage and chew both of them thoroughly. For best results use raw cabbage as it retains all its goodness and brings in tremendous amount of fibre with it. Cabbage juice is effective but loses it high fibre in the process of grinding and straining.


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