Monday 18 August 2014


Varicose veins or simply called swollen veins or hemorrhoids result from wide range of factors.While you can avoid certain causes such as overweight, other factors such as physical activity may gift you varicose veins without you having the slightest clue to it. Here are some herbs that help keep varicose veins at bay.


Horse Chestnut


It is an ornamental shade tree that bears brown fruits which have in use since ancient times as a natural treatment for varicose veins. It strengthens blood vessels and acts as an astringent. It helps in improving blood circulation. It reduces swelling in the veins and minimizes fragility of capillary. It also regulates capillary permeability and repairs as well as strengthens blood vessels.It also helps in reducing bruises that are nothing more than broken blood vessels. Horse chestnut also contains aescin that promotes antithrombic activity and reduces excessive blood clotting. It also contains flavonoids. It is available in the form of massage oil and tinctures. It should be kept out of reach of children as it is toxic to them.

Butcher’s Broom


The active components in Butcher’s Broom are ruscogenins, saponins and neoruscogenin. All these components are vasoconstricting and anti-inflammatory. It improves tone of veins and hence improves circulation. These compounds also constrict the swollen vein and reduce inflammation. Recommended dosage for this herb is 100mg to be taken thrice daily. By tightening and strengthening the veins, this herb helps in smooth circulation of blood to legs.

Prickly Ash


Native to North America, Prickly Ash is a shrub that bears red berries. The berries and the bark of the tree contain volatile oil, alkaloids, tannins and resin while the plant as a whole is a venous stimulant. This herb has tonic actions.As it improves blood circulation, it proves to be a useful remedy for leg ulcers and varicose veins. It can be taken as tea or applied externally. However, people with gastrointestinal disorders should avoid taking it internally.

St. John’s Wort


This herb provide essential nutrients and compounds needed for nourishing stressed and swollen veins. It has amazing anti-inflammatory properties and can be taken internally or applied externally to relieve the symptoms of varicose veins. People using this should be very careful regarding its freshness because if air dried it loses all its medicinal properties.

Witch Hazel

It is widely known as an astringent herb and contains gallic acids, essential oils and tannins. Hence, it alleviates thee swelling and pain associated with varicose veins.  By tightening and soothing the veins, it reduces inflammation. It can be brewed into tea or taken as decoction.



This particular herb contains flavonoid and hence reduces the risk of varicose veins. It strengthens the veins and reduces their fragility. It also tones muscles lining the blood vessel walls.



This herb with anti-inflammatory properties proves to be good remedy for varicose veins. It is available as tea and essential oil.


Ginkgo Biloba

This herb improves blood flow to the legs by stimulating peripheral circulation. Other herbs that perform similar function and treat varicose veins are ginger and cayenne.



It has strong antioxidant properties and hence it improves blood circulation and strengthens blood vessels.



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