Monday, 18 August 2014


Breast cancer can be treated only through conventional medicines and therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation. However, there are certain natural ways to prevent and control the disease. Here are some herbs that prevent recurrence of breast cancer.
It is to be noted that these herbs are to be taken (with prior permission from doctor) along with conventional treatment to ward off the disease.



Turmeric contains circumin that has been found to lower breast cancer risk especially in women on HRT (hormone replacement therapy). Hormones often cause development of tumors and this process is delayed or altogether inhibited by circumin. Circumin prevents spread of cancer cells from the breast to the lungs.

Kappa B is a protein that activates the genes for growth and development of breasts. Circumin blocks this protein and hence prevents unprecedented growth of tumor cells in the breast. It restores normal mechanism for death of cancer cells and ensures that cancer does not spread to lymphs and bloodstream. Recommended dosage is 500 to 1000mg daily.

Burdock Root

This is one herb that has been in use since time immemorial to treat conditions that require detoxification of liver, blood and lymph. Also, in China and Europe burdock root was widely used to treat cancer. It has antimutagenic, antitumor and antineoplastic properties that prove helpful in treating breast cancer.

It is an important ingredient in many anti-cancer formulas such as Essiac and Hoxsey. Burdock root has lignans that have apoptotic as well as antiproliferative effects on leukemic cells. Burdock root is also rich in indigestible oligosaccharide called Inulin which has anti-cancer properties. It helps beneficial bacteria such as lactobacilli to grow in the colon and thereby prevents toxins, carcinogens and pathogens from causing breast cancer.

Red Clover

Red clover contains isoflavones that behave like plant phytoestrogens. These phytoestrogens are anti-oestrogens i.e. they block oestrogens in promoting growth of cancer cells. It prevents oestradiol from attaching to receptor sites and promotes carcinogenic activities in healthy cell.
Oestradiol is the reason behind endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer and around 70% of breast cancers. Isoflavones, like phytoestrogens, block receptor sites attacked by oestrogens .

Black Cohosh

It is traditionally used as an alternative treatment for menopause symptoms in lieu of HRT. However, it has been seen that use of black cohosh root reduces breast cancer risk by almost 60%.

The active compounds in this herb are cinnamic acid esters and triterpene glycosides that prevent growth of breast cancer cells. These compounds also pace up the death of cancer cells. Recommended dosage of black cohosh root is 100 to 250mg daily. Pregnant women should avoid its use.


Ginseng contains ginsenosides that are similar to soy phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens exert antiestrogenic/estrogenic effects by affecting estradiol metabolism or binding to estrogen receptor. Hence, phytoestrogens lower the risk of hormone-regulated breast cancer.

Anti-cancer effects of these ginsenosides include dose-dependent prevention of tumor cell growth and invasion, tumor cell toxicity and reverse transformation in leukemic cells. Because of their steroidal structure, ginsenosides have been found most helpful in treating breast cancer.

Dandelion Root

This herb has strong anti-inflammatory properties and is often used for blood purification. Breast cancer is one such disease that requires detoxification.

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