Sunday 17 August 2014


Abscess is a soft boil filled with pus and debris. The abscessed area pains on touching. Abscess can occur in any body part. Opening and draining the abscess is important for its cure. The abscess can drain by itself but sometimes, this task has to be done by a doctor.The main cause of abscess is blockage of the oil and sweat glands and punctures in the skin. All these reasons cause the germs to enter the skin. There is deposition of liquid in the abscess and it is filled with dead cells and bacteria. Herbal remedies can help in curing skin abscesses. The following herbal remedies for skin abscesses have been found to be very useful in treating the condition.


Burdock Root

Burdock root has medicinal properties and is one of the best herbal remedy for skin abscess.Scrub the Burdock root without peeling it and slice it. You must consume Burdock root after simmering its slices for twenty minutes until it is tender. You can also sauté the root slices, add liquid and let the solution cook for ten minutes. You can fry the mashed Burdock root as a patty.

Herbal Wash

Topical wash of the affected skin with herbal wash helps in curing skin abscess. Take little barberry juice and mix some granules of Oregon grape root to it. Mix some Echinacea root with this. Grind white oak bark to get its powder. Mix this powder with the above mixture. Add this mixture to boiling water and let it steep for three hours. Strain the solution and use it as a wash for the affected skin. If you have abscess on the face, you can wash the face with the above-prepared solution thrice daily. If there is abscess on the gums, use the solution as a gargle but take care not to take the solution inside and remember to spit it out.


Turmeric has the property of healing skin abscess. Make a thick paste by mixing turmeric powder along with little castor oil. If you rub this paste on the affected skin, it will heal the abscess. You can also mix turmeric powder with the gel of Aloe Vera plant. Put this paste above the abscessed area and use a soft cloth for covering the area. Keep the skin like this overnight. If you do this remedy for three to four days, it will cure the abscess. You can mix turmeric powder with margosa leaves, making a paste out of it. Apply the paste on the affected skin and the abscess will be healed.

Garlic and Lemon

Garlic and lemon help in curing skin abscesses. Take garlic extract and mix lemon juice to it. The lemon juice should be fresh. Apply this mixture on the abscessed area. Initially, you can have little burning sensation. However, later on the garlic mixed with lemon juice will help in fighting the infection responsible for the abscess. The abscess will be cured due to the use of garlic and lemon.

Orange Peel

Orange peel can help in curing skin abscess. Take orange peel and dry it. Grind it so that you get its powder. Take this dry powder and mix it with aloe vera gel. The gel should be freshly extracted. Mix both the ingredients to form a paste. Apply the paste of the abscessed skin. When you do this remedy for 2-3 days, the abscess will be cured.


  1. Thanks for sharing this informative information about White Oak Bark Powder with us. It's very helpful. Keep it up!
