Monday, 18 August 2014


The nasal area of a person contains a number of mucus glands, these glands produce mucus which is a slimy liquid which traps the dust particles in the nose and does not let it enter the thoracic region of the human body. Inflammation of these glands causes excess mucus secretion which can be a very irritating problem.

The excess mucus accumulated in the throat and nose causes breathing problems. Such signs are mostly seen when a person has influenza, allergy or sinus problem. Though you can get relief by taking a few medicines, but it is always good to opt for the herbal remedies as they don’t have any side effect. The following are few herbal remedies for post nasal drip.


Eucalyptus Oil

This oil has a number of healing benefits; it cures inflammation and is very good for curing chest infection and nose block. It loosens the mucus allowing it to come out as cough. Few drops of eucalyptus oil must be added to a large bowl of warm water.
Now the person suffering from nasal drip should inhale the steam coming out from the bowl. This not only helps cure nose block and congestion but is a mild antiseptic as well. Other oils such as rosemary oil, peppermint oil and thyme oil can be used as an alternative for eucalyptus oil.



This herb is useful in curing post nasal drip because it contains berberine alkaloids, which has immunity busters and anti-infection properties. It is a natural antihistamine which can cure different types of allergies.
The root of this herb needs to be dried and powdered. It can be consumed in the form of tea and tinctures, 2-4 grams of powdered Barberry roots should be added to boiling water to make a tea like concoction. This tea has to be taken twice or thrice to reduce the nasal drip.



This herb has many medicinal properties and that is why it is used in many natural medicines.Fenugreek seeds and leaves both are equally effective in loosening the mucus. It is a natural expectorant and gives quick relief from chest congestion.
Seeds of fenugreek can be used to make tea. This tea needs to be taken twice daily to loosen and remove the mucus of post nasal drip.



Cinnamon tea is often taken during flu and cough to reduce the post nasal drip problems. They are easily available at the grocery stores and many a times it can be found inside the kitchen.
This herb does not only add flavor and fragrance to food but it also cures many diseases. Thus, you can consume cinnamon either by making tea or by adding in your food as a spice.


Stinging Nettle

It is an excellent herbal remedy for curing this problem because of its capability of lowering and reducing the histamine levels. A freezer dried preparation of this herb can work wonders.

If stinging nettle is taken during the initial stage of the flu then it can curb the problem since its inception. Herbal remedies are easy on the pocket and have very few side effects.


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