Monday 18 August 2014


Urinary Tract Infection or UTI is a bacterial infection that is commonly seen in both men and women as well as in children. The rate of infection is higher in women and children than in men for reasons unknown.

The infection lasts for 4-5 days but can be very uncomfortable especially since it is accompanies with pain in the back and the pelvis, while in severe cases patients may also spot blood in the urine. It is important to get treatment for UTI or it may lead to infection in the surrounding areas as well.
Doctors generally prescribe antibiotics along with creams for treating urinary tract infection. But there are people in whom the infection is recurring and such people should avoid filling their bodies with antibiotics. Treatment of UTI using natural herbs is recommended since the herbal treatment is as powerful as doctor prescribed antibiotics albeit any side effects.
Herbs have been used since ancient times in the treatment of various infections including UTI. Some of these herbs are even found in our kitchens most of the times. The easy availability of the herbs is another reason they are the preferred form of treatment over any other medication.



Garlic is a popular kitchen ingredient that is known for its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. In fact, garlic has been used since times immemorial to treat most types of infection. To treat UTI with garlic simply eat it in its raw form and get rid of the infectious bacteria. Some women also prefer using suppositories made of garlic to treat the infection. Wrap 4-5 pieces of garlic in medicated gauze and insert the gauze inside the vagina leaving a part of the gauze hanging from the outside.
Leave the garlic suppository in the vagina for 3-4 hours and then remove by pulling the medicated gauze left hanging outside. Throw away the suppository and wash the area with warm water. Dry yourself thoroughly and wait for 20 minutes before re-inserting a fresh garlic suppository inside your body. Repeat the treatment 2-3 times for four days to get rid of the infection completely.
Remember to use only fresh garlic for treating UTI. Commercially available garlic paste has preservatives and may further increase the infection.


Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree is an essential oil with beneficial anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. The oil is used in the treatment of many bacterial infections including acne and urinary tract infection. The oil acts on the bacteria responsible for the infection and eliminate them from the environment thus treating the infection. Many women prefer using tea tree oil for treating UTI because of its high effectiveness. However, tea tree is an essential oil and should be used only in small quantity and with carrier oil like coconut or olive oil.
To treat UTI with tea tree oil mix 3ml of tea tree oil with 5ml of olive oil or warm coconut oil. Apply the combination of oils over the infected area and leave for a couple of hours. This may sting a bit but it is only the oil working on the bacteria. After 2 hours wash yourself with warm water and dry completely. Wait for half an hour before re-applying the mixture. You can even leave the oils overnight for maximum benefit. However, during the day time it is recommended that you remove the oil after two hours. The treatment should be repeated 3-4 times during the day until the infection is cured.


Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent herbal remedy for the treatment of urinary tract infection. The presence of acetic acid in the vinegar is helpful in treating major forms of bacterial infection and the product is commonly used by women with UTI.
Drinking dilute form of apple cider vinegar is recommended during an episode of UTI. Mix vinegar and water in equal parts and drink the concoction 4-5 times during the day. This will not only help increase the urinary output (thereby increasing the elimination of bacteria responsible for the infection) but also reduce the pain and discomfort felt during urination.
Some women also prefer inserting apple cider vinegar treated medicated gauzes inside their bodies. To do this soak medicated gauze in a solution of apple cider vinegar, gently squeeze the gauze and then insert it in the vagina leaving a loose end hanging outside. Leave the gauze inside for a couple of hours and then throw it away. Wash yourself well with warm water and re-insert treated gauze after completely drying yourself.


Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is neither anti-fungal nor anti-bacterial in nature but it is increasingly being used in the treatment of urinary tract infection. The reason is that chamomile is known to have soothing and calming effect on the nerves and also helps combat muscular pain that is associated with UTI.
Drinking 3-4 cups of warm chamomile everyday will treat the spasmodic muscles effectively as well as well as de-stress both your mind and your body. Drink chamomile tea without adding sugar, honey or milk as these three products can aggravate the symptoms of UTI.
Chamomile herb does not help treat the infection directly but by keeping you calm and composed it helps fasten the process of healing.



Goldenseal is another herb that is anti-bacterial in nature and is widely used in the treatment of various bacterial infections that include urinary tract infection as well. Many herbalists also recommend goldenseal to women and children suffering from UTI. However, one should not take this herb if one is already on antibiotics or on any other doctor prescribed medicine.
Intake of goldenseal can negate the effects of the other drugs. In some cases the combination of goldenseal with powerful drugs can lead to severe organ failure. Therefore, always take the opinion of your doctor as well as qualified herbalist before starting UTI treatment with goldenseal.
Any of the above given herbal treatments can be used for treating UTI but if you are pregnant then first consult your doctor. It is always important to consume a healthy diet and avoid intake of sugar-laced foods to fasten healing.



  1. Apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice is the most popular remedies for UTI. But the permanent cure for UTI is herbal dietary supplements for uti. This will help to cure infection fastly as compared to remedies.
