Sunday 17 August 2014


IBS, short for irritable bowel syndrome, is a common intestinal disorder and it targets especially women. Since IBS does not pose a major threat to the colon unlike Crohn’s disease, most people have started resorting to herbal remedies to cure it.

Herbal remedies for IBS are easily available and do not cause side effects like traditional medications. Here are some of the best herbal remedies for IBS:



Peppermint has been in use since ancient times as a remedy for pain. The two major active components in peppermint are methyl salicylate and menthol that have incredible antispasmodic properties. These components calm the intestinal tract and muscles of stomach. It also has amazing analgesic properties that are activated through kappa-opioid receptors that block the transmission of pain signals.
In addition, it increases production of gastric juices and offers quick relief from gas, vomiting and nausea. It also contains essential oils which enable the gallbladder to secrete bile juices for proper digestion of fats. It improves overall functioning of the stomach and intestinal muscles. It calms the GI tract and relieves diarrhea.  Peppermint can be brewed into tea and its enteric-coated capsules are also easily available.


Fennel has amazing antispasmodic properties that enhance gastric juice production. Fennel is highly regarded as a remedy for gas as well as bloating – both being the most common symptoms of IBS. In addition, fennel controls heartburn, stomach aches, contractions in small intestine and indigestion that afflict the patients of IBS. Fennel contains three major types of volatile oils namely estragole, fenchone and anethole.
Anethole behaves much in the manner of dopamine and hence relaxes the intestine. Anethole has amazing antibacterial, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties that enables it to cure the symptoms of IBS. The easiest way to use fennel is to brew it into tea. You can also chew whole fennel seeds on daily basis for effective results.


This particular herb has amazing antipeptic, antifungal, antibacterial, sedative and anti-inflammatory properties. That is why it makes such an effective herbal remedy for IBS. It calms the smooth muscle tissues and alleviates gastrointestinal spasms caused by IBS. It also relieves GI tension caused due to stress.Its amazing sedative effects makes it a good bedtime beverage. It cures gas as well as indigestion caused by IBS. You can brew chamomile’s dried flowers or fresh flowers into a calming tea.


It has been in use since ancient times as an effective remedy for various gastrointestinal disorders including IBS. It contains highly powerful digestive enzymes that regulate the digestive process and alleviate IBS symptoms like gas and bloating. Its strong antispasmodic properties prevent vomiting which is a common symptom of IBS.
At the same time, ginger enhances tone of the muscles in intestine. Its anti-inflammatory action improves blood circulation and hence cures  pain caused by IBS. The best way to take ginger as a remedy is to chew a fresh ginger root. However, other forms of ginger like ginger tea and crystallized ginger candies are also available.


Native to the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians, Anise is highly regarded as an exceptional digestive aid since ancient times. Anise contains anethol (also found in fennel) that helps in digesting rich foods. It increases production of gastric juice and relieves colic and nausea. It improves the overall digestion process and hence provides relief from both diarrhea and constipation.
In addition, it offers quick relief from various other IBS symptoms such as bloating, gas, belching, gastrointestinal cramps, chronic diarrhea, and poor digestion. Its strong antifungal as well as antispasmodic properties prevent formation of gas and fermentation in the stomach. It is easily found in the form of dried seeds that can be brewed into tea and consumed daily. You can also simply chew the anise seeds for relief from IBS.


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