Monday, 18 August 2014


The inability to maintain or achieve penile erection is termed as impotence. Impotence can be linked to various underlying conditions such as depression, stress, smoking, increased alcohol intake and diseases like diabetes.

Natural remedies such as herbs are the safest way to treat impotence without any harmful side effects. Here are some of the best herbal remedies for impotence.


Ginkgo Biloba

Referred as Chinese maidenhair tree by the native Chinese, this particular herb increases blood circulation to the penis, enhances energy and alleviates fatigue. It also treats depression and hence is helpful against impotence caused by depression and, in a way, anti-depressant drugs.The active agents in ginkgo biloba – flavonoids – relax the blood vessels and reduce sluggishness caused by flaccid blood vessels. In all, ginkgo biloba improves sexual function in men. It has proved to increase desire as well as orgasm. Recommended daily dosage of the herb is 40 to 80mg thrice.


Native Chinese also call it the ‘male remedy’ because of its sheer ability to enhance vitality in men. It works as a stimulating tonic as well as an adaptogen. It also relieves stress and prevents various stress-related disorders. The two most important stress hormones that the adrenal glands secrete are cortisol and adrenaline.Ginseng reduces both these hormones thereby increasing the body’s capacity to fight mental as well as physical stress. At the same time, ginseng promotes sound sleep and mental acuity. Recommended daily dosage of ginseng for curing impotence is 150mg thrice.


This herb, native to Peru, is a well known aphrodisiac and hence in used extensively as a natural remedy for infertility as well as impotence. It improves sex drive and stamina.It boosts strength so that your performance on the bed improves. It corrects erectile dysfunction, increases sperm count, and decreases fatigue. It ensures physical activity in geriatric men.

Chaste Tree Berry

This particular herb is well known for treating infertility, impotence and emissions caused by overindulgence in sexual activity, excessive masturbation and venereal diseases.Besides, chaste tree increases sperm count and enhances testosterone – the male hormone – levels. It also regulates the pituitary gland.


This particular herb treats impotence by increasing the reproductive hormones, improving sexual function, increasing sperm count and relieving exhaustion.


This particular herb cures impotence by increasing sperm count, enhancing energy, endurance, and vitality, and improving sexual function. It also normalizes the functioning of reproductive glands in addition to improving immune system and nervous system.

Muira Puama

This particular herb increases sexual stamina as well as desire and hence treats impotence. It helps in maintaining erection for longer. It also increases production of testosterone hormoneand improves the functioning of nervous system.


This particular herb improves blood circulation to the penis as well as clitoris thereby increasing sensitivity. It improves sexual performance, increases pleasure and relieves anxiety. Besides, regulates the hormonal levels and improves the overall nervous system.


Native to Central America, South America, Caribbean and China, this herb synthesizes male sex hormones. It works as a tonic as well as an aphrodisiac on impotent people. It also increases muscle mass to enable your endurance.


People suffering from low sex drive are recommended this herb as a remedy for impotence. It effectively cures impotence, infertility, and also improves functioning of crucial organs such askidney, lung and heart.It improves fertility in men and women alike and is known for tremendously increasing libido. It increases testosterone levels and estrogen levels by almost 30 percent in less than a week’s time. It is also a well known remedy for treating menopause.


This particular herb is well known as an aphrodisiac and sexual tonic. It stimulates libido and increases sexual secretions thereby curing impotence.It also increases stamina, improves longevity and stress response, enhances mood, and ensures sound sleep. It basically curesimpotence caused by stress, anxiety and depression.


This particular herb helps in achieving and maintaining an erection by improving blood circulation to the penis. It has significant adrenaline-rushing activity.

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